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The importance of association

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Fourth Canto, Part 1, Chapter 9, Text 11, Purport by His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanti Swami Prabhupada "...Transcendental devotional service cannot be complete and cannot be relishable without the association of devotees.....anyone who is trying to be aloof from this Krsna Consciousness Society and yet engage in Krsna Conciousness is living in a great hallucination, for this is not possible...."


Do you feel that involving oneself in web-sites such as Audarya Fellowship fulfills the given requirement for association?

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I live in riyadh , saudi arabia ...economic conditions for me back home arent good so i decided to work in riyadh.But i am also krishna concious...chant 16 rounds a day.


But then i need association which is not possible for me so i find audarya very much like association with devotees.Sometimes there is a little gossip regarding current issues but most topics are trancedental.


So this forum has definitly helped me to keep in touch with other devotees,spiritually not physically !! /images/graemlins/smile.gif

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In this country there are no temples or even churches as saudi arabia believes that this is the land where islam was founded.So no other religion has greater importance .But however they are not totally intolerant to other religion.We can practise our religion at home without creating a public announcements or conversion.


I have been here in saudi for 2 yrs and it is my first experience living in a society like this.Having brought up in India where all religions can be practised i felt the importance of India only after coming here.


However there are good aspects to saudi like alcohol is prohibited completly and severe punishment if caught.The same for illicet sex or gambling or watching pornography.


5 times prayer a day for a muslim is compulsory.There are no theatres but TV with satellite is available and can rent video.


Most of the food here is non vegetarian and sometimes cannot help but eat non-veg food.I try my best to being vegetarian.Sometimes i am invited for dinner at a muslims home for ramzan or eid as a guest and i cannot do much but eat.I avoid beef completly but eat fish and chicken.This is against the principles of krishna conciousness, but being a bachealor it is VERY difficult to control our diet in all circumstances in saudi .Hope krishna will forgive me.


Being in saudi means there are no iskcon temples to visit so i guess the best thing to do is read krishna concious books and chant 16 rounds a day.


Living here in saudi has increased my love for krishna conciousness in seperation. /images/graemlins/smile.gif

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