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Going Home, Back to Godhead

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Krsna consciousness is the essence of returning home, back to Godhead.It`s like, without Radha, there`s no meaning to Krsna. In other words, without Krsna consciousness there`s no meaning to the slogan: Going Home Back to Godhead.And if there`s no returning, home back to Godhead, there`s no meaning to His Divine Grace. Without His Divine Grace, there`s is similarly no meaning to the initials, A.C. or Abhay Charan de. Further, there`s no Abhay Charan de, there`s no meaning to the title, Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupad. Without Swami Prabhupad, there`s no meaning to the MISSION of Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu. Without the Chaitanya`s Mission, there`s no meaning to the movement Krsna consciousness. And without Krsna consciousness, there`s no way of going home, Back to Godhead.

In other words, the above premise makes us all guilty of HYPOCRISY!

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But I see Krsna conscious seeds sprouting, growing into young plants, taking root, growing stout and strong, and in some cases coming into bloom. Along with this I see many new seeds being continuously sown. Its a bright picture really.


The soil, in many of our cases, was rocky and not very fetile to begin with. So that ground takes some preparation and that is happening.


Your pointing out the essence is certainly part of that process. We must keep the goal in view and not get sidetracked and start thinking we are trying to establish some sectarian religious faith. But just see, Krsna sent you to post and remind us.


It can be helpful for us beginners to remember that we only become hypocrites when we pretend to be more than we are. That we should avoid, and we can do that by taking the low position.


From the dictionary:



13th century

1 : a feigning to be what one is not or to believe what one does not; especially : the false assumption of an appearance of virtue or religion

2 : an act or instance of hypocrisy



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"Krsna consciousness is the essence of returning home, back to Godhead"


Interesting interpretation of this phrase. To return to Godhead implies that we were once 'there’. However once you have existed with Godhead then there is no fall, so where does the question of going back home arise from?

Krsna consciousness is aspiring to reach a super conscious state, above our material and subconscious states; it is a state that we have never experienced before. We are in our purest form Brahm or Atma, but without Krsna consciousness we can never rise above that.


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we should be grateful to sri chaintanya mahaprabhu for his divine mercy towards us, fallen souls, for this so-called age of quarrel and hypocrisy. sanatana goswami used to work for the government under hussein shah, one of muslim sultans who ruled over india.

sanatana goswami, you see, after his birth was ahindu but renounced the religion after he was hired by hussein shah, a muslim king, because sanatana goswami was good in arabic/koran. in fact, he and his brother, rupa goswami embraced islam to please the shah.

but they were not happy. why?

when rupa and sanatana therefore attempted to become hindus once again, the hindu-sect which they originally belonged refused to accept them back. why?

but nevertheless when rupa and sanatana heard about sri chaitanya mahaprabhu, they immediately dispatched their desire to see in person sri chaitanya himself to ask the lord his divine mercy so that the lord would annoint them back to being devotees to the supreme personality of godhead, sri krsna.

sri chaitanya mahaprabhu, who is krsna himself, without second thoughts right away summoned rupa and sanatana goswami to meet him in vrndavan, india, so he could bless the two brothers and rekindle back their once-hindu lives as the eternal servants of sri krsna.

but the goswami brother`s employer, hussein shah, would have none of that and bowed to have both land in jail in case they`d resign from the shah`s government. sanatana, however was sent to jail after hussein shah knew that sanatana had already made a firm decision to severe his ties with the shah.

sanatana fortunately escaped from his cell after rupa goswami bribed the jail keeper with several pieces of gold and silver.

traveling by night to avoid capture by the shah`s soldiers, sanatana goswami gave tsana, the former`s servant his freedom and a gold coin for the latter to start with.

that gesture showed by sanatana goswami was the final straw which broke the camel`s back that led sri chaitanya mahaprabhu to accept him as one of his associates.

the krsna consciousness movement of sri chaitanya is like the relationship sanatana goswami have shown to his servant, tsana and the relationship of brotherhood rupa goswami gave to his brother, sanatan goswami.

we can`t in short always act as servants to the demigods like brahma or siva. by becoming, however, the servants of sri krsna chaitanya mahaprabhu, we too can be liberated from the bondage of our illusive dreams which is actually maya. our reality and goal in life is to follow in the footsteps of rupa and sanatana goswami, sri chaitanya mahaprabhu`s pure devotees.

similarly, in this so-called modern age, we have follow in the footsteps of srila prabhupad if we wish to become sri krsna`s associates in the next life. to do so, we must obey the supreme order his divine grace has prepared before us, which was to fulfill, in the very first place, sri chaitanya`s mission, which is krsna consciousness.


hence, it`s better to do it now than never.

---------- hare krsna!

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Guru Krishna Prasad hi bai bhakti lata beeza


Guru and Krishna are at my door whom shall I pay obeiances to first???


First we pay obiesances to Shree Guru and from Him we are taken back home back to Godhead There can be no Radha or Krishna or Gouranga Nitai without Shree Guru.


Radha and Krishna Gouranga Nitai are the gifts of Shree Guru and he connects us to thier Lordships in teaching and in service to Them.


There is the tendecy of jumping over Shree Gurus head but and pretending to be an ocean of mercy ourselves.


One is only an Ocean of Mercy if they truely 100% humbly serve thier ocean of mercy .


How to please the spiritual master in words throught and deeds should be our constant goal and in this way we will be guided Back Home Back To Godhead

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i`m sorry pita das for calling you names. it was i, krsnaraja prabhu, who said you fell from grace because of maya.

i`ve been given a second chance at life by my friend in this forum.

if you recall, i used to contribute articles to this thread, as "melvin."

from now on, i will promise to do my best to enlighten you with articles taken from the commentaries of his divine grace in his book srimad bhagavatam, bhagavad-gita, the teachings of lord chaitanya, etc.

thank you so much, my friend for giving me a second chance.


----------hare krishna!

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Hare Krishna!


All Glories to His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupad.

Om na mo bhagavate vasudevaya krsna! sarvam iti mahatma sudarlabu.


I`m what you call " CASE Sensitive " because anytime I`m might be axed if I misbehaved.


Therefore I`ve promised my friend that I won`t be teleprompting myself from one thread to another like before. I n fact, i acquired the ire of many reactors here.


While I was away from you, I have never stopped reacting to forums where devotees discuss with one another the glorious pastimes of Lord Krishna.


I am what you could say on my way home, back to Godhead: Krsnaloka.


I can`t promise you anything but I`ll try to do my best to be good.


So, expect me to pay a visit to all of you in this forum, not teleprompting myself foolishly from one thread to the other, but to give you something I`ve learned while I was away.


And that`s a promise.


Hare Krishna



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melvin is no longer melvin but krsnaraja prabhu. it`s a name given to him by his spiritual master, his divine grace a.c. bhaktivedanta swami prabhupad. krsnaraja prabhu considers srila prabhupad as his guru for it was in his divine grace`s books he learned about the transcendental science that is krishna consciousness.

krishna consciousness is about vaisnavism, a philosophy created by lord chaitanya mahaprabhu to honor radha-krsna. indeed radha-krsna is the essence of the krishna consciousness movement.

many claims he is a vaisnava but don`t know is reall the meaning of vaisnava. to be a vaisnava is to know the philosophy of the soul`s simultaneous oneness with krsna yet both are very much different from the other. although the soul is quantitatively one with krsna yet he does not possess totaly the power and strength of krsna. krsna is full in himself and the conditioned soul is not. because of illusion the soul wants to enjoy the material world thinking he`s krsna. only krsna is the enjoyer and all of us should be enjoyed by him alone. those who do not want to be enjoyed by krsna is in illusion.

we must therefore follow srila prabhupad`s mission: to become real vaisnavas. real vaisnavas are those devotees who enjoy radha-krsna`s pastimes and nothing else.

are we therefore real vaisnavas as we claim that we are?

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Dear Stonehearted Prabhu,


please permit me to say a few words about my impression on you.Since I have not seen you nor talk with you personally through the e-mail or in some other form of communications, consider not my two cents worth of unsolicited advice an offense against your person and whom the name of God I quote.

You see, the very first step in returning home, back to Godhead is re-spiritualizing one`s name. If your name is actually " Stone " then why not re-spiritualize your sweet name to that of, say, " Kaustubha."

Kaustubha is a description given to the "Gem" adoringly embedded on the golden necklace worn by Lord Krsna.

Once you have thought of using Kaustubha as your new spiritual name, then the second step would be to desire always to be on Lord Krsna`s chest. The Supreme Lord Hari Krishna doesn`t become very beautiful because of you being on His chest, but you as: Kaustubha Prabhu- becoming more beautiful for being situated on that part of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Krsna-Govindaraja.

Third step is not becoming forgetful to always render devotional service unto the Supreme Lord`s Sri Krishna Kirtana movement.

If you, in other words, complete each step, I assure you that you will go home, back to Godhead without a doubt.


May Radha-Krsna be with you,












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that according to sanatana we should get a bonafide spiritual name.

that stonehearted, tarun, theist, anadi, lengitivity, etc. won`t do.

that there are three steps involved.

that devotional service is i think a very important requirement.

that krishna kirtan is recommended if one wants to go home back to godkrsna.

that my username as guest wont do also, like the rest.

is there anyone therefore in this thread/forum who could help me get back my real username:melvin?

i hope i have not offended your sensibilities here for i have much desired to go home back to where i was once before.


hare krishna


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Dear Sanatana,


Thanks for your concern. You're new here, aren't you? Those who have been around for a while know my "real name." In fact this is about the 6th time I've been through this, but here goes, one more time . . .


When I joined this forum, I noticed that the participants seemed generally to have assumed cute usernames. I didn't like it much because I find the anonymity problematic for several reasons. I've also complained mildly a couple of times about folks who don't register or who don't log on and post anonymously as "guests." But I didn't want to challenge the culture of the board before I got a sense of what it was about. After thinking about it a bit, I thought "stonehearted" (no caps) would be cute enough. It is a little honest about my actual condition, since I have no sconcern for anyone else's needs or suffering. It has another meaning, too, since a very tiny corner of my heart belongs to my ista-devatas. I daily worship a shalagram-shila who we call Murali-manohara and two tiny Govardhan-shilas (see Them up there on the left?), as well as Gaura-Nitai.


In fact, my name is Babhru das, and I often sign my posts with my name. I apologize if this username business offends you. If it does, you may find yourself a little uncomfortable here.


May I ask which scripture tells us "the very first step in returning home, back to Godhead is re-spiritualizing one`s name"? I haven't heard this anywhere in my 33+ years of attempting to practice Krishna consciousness. Please straighten me out. I thought the very first step, according to Sri Chaitanya-charitamrita, was to accept the shelter of the lotus feet of a bona fide spiritual master. If I've missed something, that may explain all my problems. Please help me.

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Dear Babhru das and Melvin,

No, it`s not offensive to me if your username in this forum is "stonehearted". That also goes for you Melvin if you don`t like anymore "krsnaraja" as your bonafide spiritual name.

If you are comfortable with these names, "stonehearted", " krsnaraja" so be it. It wont matter really to the Supreme Lord Vasudeva-Krsna if you want to use your legal name or not. In fact, Lord Chaitanya Mahaprabhu knows who we truly are and what our names should have been.

The names that describe us are the results of either good or bad karma.

Thus if you want to use your bonafide spiritual names but hesitate to do so because you feel comfortable with your legal or pen names is not the way to going home, Back to Godhead or Krishna consciousness.

You must use therefore your spiritual names given to you by your respective spiritual masters.

Take the case of a book salesman. A book salesman will be having a hard time selling the books he is tasked to undertake if his name does not match with the name of the agency which was authorized to sell these particular books.

In other words, how could you sell Srila Prabhupad`s books if you who are endorsing Swami`s books, have names like " Melvin" or " Stonehearted"?

If you want to sell Srila Prabhupad`s books you must have names that represent Krsna`s books, say, Stonehearted Babhru das or Krsnaraja Melvin, or you could shorten them to S.Babhru das/M.Krsnaraja.

That`s my point. If you want that His Divine Grace`s books will sell, you-Krsnaraja Melvin/Babhru das, who represent Srila Prabhupad should use your bonafide spiritual names.

That`s what I meant to the words, " re-spiritualizing one`s names " as a requirement for going home, Back to Godhead.


Till me next post.


All glories to Radha-Krsna,









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Sanatana, I don't know what makes you think I'm hesitant to use my spiritual name. Look--I'm not particularly comfortable with my username; it's goofy. But I do sign my own name, and most members of this forum know who I am, to the extent it's possible to know anyone in such a forum, especially a nobody like me.


As for your process for "going back to home, back to Godhead," although I appreciate your concern, it's a little complicated for a simple guy like me. If you don't mind, I'll just keep trying the path given by my spiritual master and Chaitanya Mahaprabhu





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dear sanatana prabhu,


thank you for your concern. i have been trying

to promote srila prabhupad`s books since 1987

and i don`t even get a commission if ever one

or two of my potential customers close the deal


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Sanatana is a user name taken from the namesake of Sanatana Goswami, a pure devotee of Lord Krsna.

Sanatana is also a username taken from the namesake of Sanatana Kumara, one of the four Kumara brothers; namely, Sanandana, Sanat-Kumara, and the other one I forgot( Lord Krsna is the cause of our forgetfullness and intelligence).

Sanatana is a sanskrit name described in English as "That Which is Eternal."

Thus, we either mean Sanatana described as "the eternal servitor of Lord Chaitanya Mahaprabhu" or Sanatana whom we considered as a Mahajana, a disciple of Lord Krsna.

There are twelve Mahajanas described in the mantra" syambhuva narada sambhu dhruva kapila manu prahlada bhismo janaka balir vyasakir " and one of them is Sanatana Kumara and the three Kumaras.

Sanatana which is described as the " eternal servitor of Lord Chaitanya Mahaprabhu" very much differ from Sanatana Kumara which is described as " one of the twelve disciples of Lord Krsna."

Although both in comparison differs yet they are simultaneously one.Why? Because Sanatana Goswami and Sanatana Kumara are pure devotees of the Supreme Personality of Godhead Vasudeva. Lord Vasudeva is the father of Lord Krsna yet both Lord Vasudeva and Lord Krsna are One. Pure devotees who hear the name " Lord Vasudeva " always link " the father of Lord Krsna" to no other than Krsna Himself.

In other words, the names Sanatana Goswami and Sanatana Kumara mean only one thing to the Supreme Lord Gauranga Nitai and that is both are eternal servitors of Lord Krsna.

And yet both have different roles in life.

The examples I have therefore given also refers to all the pure devotees of Lord Krsna to mean that they are all eternal servitors of His Divine Grace yet they all differ according to the nature of their devotional service described in sanskrit as Bhakti-Yoga.

If you can understand this philosophy presented by Lord Chaitanya Mahaprabhu described as ACINTYA-BHEDA-BHEDA-TATTVA or " Simultaneously One yet Different " then you are now on your way in returning home, Back to Godhead.

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dear friends and reactors,


sanatana will be away for the holy week

and he will be back after easter sunday.

sanatana asked me if i could do the

moderating in this thread having started

the ball rolling.

although i was hesitant to take over his

place, i obliged for i can`t refuse a

pure devotee of lord krsna.

in fact, lord chaitanya mahaprabhu touched

sanatana not for the sake of sanatana`s

purification but for the lord chaitanya`s

own purification.

anybody therefore who touched sanatana,

accidentally or intentionally, has already

undertaken the purification process.

that is how great the pure-devotee of lord



hare krsna,



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the raja brothers, krsnaraja and ramaraja, were the only ones who resisted the invasion of the muslims in southern india in the year 1509-1565.

remember that lord chaitanya lived from 1486- 1534 in nadia of what was known as vijayanagara(hampi at present), mayapur, southern india.

in other words, lord chaitanya have detailed knowledge of the existence of the raja brothers of vijayanagara.

the raja brothers, krsnaraja and ramaraja, were therefore heroes by the people living in that part of india.

and the greatest devotee and fan of the raja brothers was no more no less that lord chaitanya mahaprabhu himself.

lord chaitanya recommended the chanting of the hare krsna mantra for the very reason of winning the people to the cause of the raja brothers, krsnaraja and ramaraja.

would you in other words, consider that the maha-mantra: hare krsna hare krsna krsna krsna hare hare/hare rama hare rama rama rama hare hare, actually a clever way created by lord chaitanya mahaprabhu to win the hearts of the hindus throughout india in favor of the raja brothers of vijayanagara against the muslim sultans that have taken over almost all of india except vijayanagara?

that the hare krsna mantra was a slogan created to inspire the hindus in fighting against their muslim invaders?

that the hare krsna maha-mantra actually meant: raja krsna raja krsna krsna krsna raja raja/raja rama raja rama rama rama raja raja?

or like this: krsnaraja krsnaraja krsna krsna raja raja/ramaraja ramaraja rama rama raja raja?


we are not trying to change the traditional hare krsna maha-mantra but by looking at it through a different angle or perspective.


think about it,






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"krsnaraja": remember that lord chaitanya lived from 1486- 1534 in nadia of what was known as vijayanagara(hampi at

present), mayapur, southern india.


Well, that's just wrong. According to His biographers, Lord Chaitanya lived in the area of Mayapur in Bengal (not South India) from 1486-1510. He took sannyas at age 24, travelled exetensively, then lived the last several years at Puri in Orissa.


You must have fun making this stuff up. If you're actually interested in spiritual life, maybe you should make a genuine connection with advanced devotes who can help you understand the truth. Then you'll have something worthwhile to teach.


In the meantime, be sure to use smileys or winkies with your posts.



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dear unregistered guest,


no i`m not making this up. you can find

it for yourself from the teachings of

lord chaitanya 1987 edition.

that nimai pandit was born in the town

of nadia(vijayanagara) mayapur, india.

that vijayanagara is known at present as

hampi( maybe this was where the word

pamho was derived).

ok granting lord chaitanya was born in

the town not in southern india, yet

being all-knowing, nimai pandit must

have known about the exploits of the raja

brothers of vijayanagara.

krsnaraja(1509-1520) was a hero to the

people of southern india, the last stran-

glehold of the vaishnava culture since the

almost all of india was already under the

muslim rule.

krsnaraja also known as ajita resisted

such muslim rule whose promoters wanted

all of india embrace islam by doing away

with hinduism or worship of demigods by

instilling unto the people the worship

of one god allah.

together with his brother ramaraja, the

raja brothers fought side by side in resis-

ting the enemy- islam.

so, its logical that lord chaitanya sup-

ported the cause of the raja brothers of

vijayanagara by advocating the chanting of

the raja brothers names, krsnaraja and rama

raja or jare krsna and jare rama.

lord chaitanya was successful in inspiring

the people in india to side with the cause

of krsnaraja and ramaraja.

until the disappearance of lord chaitanya,

the chanting of the hare krsna maha mantra

was a success.

krsnaraja disappeared in 1520 and his brother

ramaraja took over the resistance until he

too in 1565 diasppeared- an event which led

to the capture of vijayanagara by the sultan

of bijapur.

its quite obvious to the readers that krsna

jare and rama jare are no other than krsna

and balarama themselves who acted out as the

rulers of vijayanagara, southern india from

1509 to 1565.

when lord ajita krsnaraja went home, back to

godhead in 1520 lord baladeva ultimately

followed in 1565.

a metaphor for this story was when chaitanya

mahaprabhu went back to the lord jaganatha

and later was followed by ramananda raya. here

both godbrothers discussed radha-krsna until

their disappearance from the material world.

in short:

raja krsna + raja rama= sri chaitanya+ rama-

nanda raya


raje krsna




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DEar Krsnaraja,


Happy Easter Sunday to you and the rest of the reactors in this thread.

Thank you for moderating this thread while I was away observing the passion and resurrecion of Saktyavesa Avatar Jesus Christ throughout the world.

May you have peace and love to all mankind. I hope you can stop wars from happening by fighting them with love, peace and compassion.

May you therefore take up the image of the God of Love Himself, Lord Chaitanya Mahaprabhu.


Peace be with you,


Your friend, Sanatana

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Dear other inregistered guest: Every Gaudiya vaishnava knows that Chaitanya Mahaprabhu was born in Mayapura in the Gaudadesha area of what is now West Bengal. That's why we call ourselves Gaudiya vaishnavas. Anything that says He appeared in South India is simply mistaken. That's a plain fact.


There's nothing to argue here; I just want to make sure the innocent aren't misled.



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dear stone hearted,


ok you are a gaudiya vaishnava. i offer

my respectful obeisances unto to you!

but even if you are one does it mean

that raja krsna is pleased with you?

the brahma kumaris even if they are margis

but because they sincerely render bhakti

to raja krsna krsna similarly is pleased

with them.

raja krsna or krsna himself does not make

any distinction whether one is gaudiya

vaishnav or candala(dog eater).

even a candala who renders sincerely bhakti

unto lord vasudeva raja krsna obtains mercy

and direct association with the supreme lord.

you should not be proud of what you have

accomplished as a gaudiya vaishnav. your

honesty and sincerity in rendering bhakti

unto raja krsna are what is important.

even if you have a great name still the lord

can see what`s in your heart.

and we can see that!





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Actually, I didn't say anything about any qualifications I might imagine or pretend I have. I only noted that Lord Chaitanya's followers, some of whom have mercifully accepted my in their company, are called Gaudiya vaishnavas because the Lord appeared in Gaudadesha, not South India. As for myself, the only thing I have to proud of is whatever mercy Lord Chaitanya's devotees choose to show me, and that one or two sometimes even call me their friend.


I don't know much about raja krsna, but I've heard that service to the servants of Vrajendranandana Krishna is the highest goal of life.


I didn't post to start an argument, to upset you, or to tout my own qualifications. I just wanted to correct some misinformation you posted. I don't know under whose direction you render your service or conduct your bhajan, and it's none of my business.


Gotta go chant. Aloha.

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