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No Dogs, No Germans, No French

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COPENHAGEN - Aage Bjerre has three rules for dining at his pizzeria on

the Danish island of Fanoe: No dogs. No Germans. No French.

The owner of Aage's Pizza said Monday that he's tired of French and German attitudes toward the United States, calling them "disloyal" and "anti-American" in their bid to thwart a possible U.S.-led attack against Iraq.

Since hearing news of France and Germany's opposition, which has led to a rift in U.S. relations with Europe, he's made it rule No. 1 to bar service to any French or German tourists in Nordby, the North Sea island's largest town.

"Hadn't the United States helped Europe in defeating Germany, there would have been photos of Adolf Hitler hanging on the walls around here," he said, referring to Nazi Germany's occupation of Europe in World War II.

The island is a popular spot for visitors from neighboring Germany. But there are few French visitors.

On Friday, he put two homemade pictograms on the shop door.

One featured the silhouette of a man colored red, yellow and black - the colors of the German flag. The second was painted blue, white and red - the French Tricolor colors. Both silhouettes had a bar across them.

Should Germany decide to participate in U.S.-led military action against Iraq, Bjerre, 44, said he would lift his ban.

Frenchmen have "a lifetime ban here," Bjerre told The Associated Press. "Their attitude toward the United States will never change"

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In 1965, Charles Degaulle advised Russia to get out of Poland & Amerika to get out of Vietnam.

Had both listened & heeded...

France was right then; France is right now.

Even Bush's Father is telling him not to invade Iraq now.


Can't blame him.

If I was that dumb I'd hide my identity too.


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No dogs. No Germans. No French.



How about No Fascist Americans. No Zionist Jews?

Like most of the business men the pizza shop owner MUST be an Arab hating Jew.

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yeah because Aage Bjerre sounds like such a jewish name. And i do have to wonder how the 'fascist' americans manage to get on so well with the 'zionist' jews.

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"We should not march into Baghdad. . . . To occupy Iraq would instantly shatter our coalition, turning the whole Arab world against us, and make a broken tyrant into a latter-day Arab hero . . . assigning young soldiers to a fruitless hunt for a securely entrenched dictator and condemning them to fight in what would be an unwinnable urban guerrilla war. It could only plunge that part of the world into even greater instability."


- George Bush Sr, in his 1998 book A World Transformed

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This is not 1998 partner. Over the past few months, while the world has been debating this topic the French have been selling Iraq miltary parts to fix up their Migs and other weapons. Allies? No way.


Heard the Polish Ambassador on television last night. He reminded everyone that Poland had a treaty with France to come to each others aid in the event of war. Hitler invaded Poland. The French remaind in a fetal position and never kept their word.

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Well, I would like to know the difference between secular zionism and the policy of "manifest destiny", that horrible doctrine which allowed all the euros and amerikkkans to slaughter millions of indigenous peoples because of illusion that some are FAVORED to own, control, dominate, etc, while the others are fovored to walk without possession to refugee, concentration, and reservation camps.


There is no difference, and it is a built in system of illusion of this world, that we think that we are divine and all else is demon. Name it what you want, manifest destiny, zionism, master racism, it is all gottendammerung to those with sanity. Chaos! Are you surprised at the chaotic mess? Im surprised that you are surprised, it is to be expected, and is the signature of Kalicela.


Haribol, ys, mahaksadasa

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  • 5 months later...

Anyone who criticises Zionisim is antisemetic and racist or just a bit uneducated and naive. Zionisim is only the right to have a Jewish homeland (nationalisim) if you do not believe in Zionisim then where should the Jews live besides there own country. Or what kill them all, oh yes another Hitler, right! Israel is the only democratic country in the middle east and the Palistinians actually have a lot more freedom, education, health, housing and rights than any other arab in any other arab country.




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Not only was Degaulle, his tank warfare guru, correct.

Sisya Hitler suggested the League of Nations set up Israel on Madagascar, in which case THAT would be there own country.

Adolph predicted continuous turmoil setting up/overlapping Israel and Palestine.

Abe's half-brother sons still at it after 4,000 yrs.

When will they ever learn...

Where have all the semites gone? Long time passing?

Question: if an Israeli soldier disembowels a Palestinian, a practive still going on today, whose the anti-semite?

If Airhead Sharon is NOT the ultimate anti-semite, then let me die miserable deaths over and over again with no hope for Krishna-bhakti within my next 15 trillion births.

From this screen to Karanodakasayi Visnu's Padma-lochan Lotus Eyes.

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  • 1 month later...

"Palestine" comes from the ROMAN EMPIRE. Yes thats right, when ROME crushed the Jewish rebellion in 66-70 CE, they renamed "Judaea", (Israel) modern day Jordan and Syria, as the province Syria Palestrina. Therefore, "Palestine" is a fiction, and not the true name of Israel. Those who think "Palestine" is occupied have it ass backwards. Until 1948 Israel was occupied by so called "Palestinians", when the Jews retook control of their ancestral homeland. Do you question my citing historical FACTS? BTW Arafat screwed his own people over when he refused Barak's peace proposal and offer of a state, just cause he was too chickenshit and thought he'd die like Rabin. Arafat is a hate mongering, terrorist not to mention a true traitor to his own cause right there. Israel has been TOO magnanimous with the idea of land for peace. They could have easily expelled the heretic foreign occupiers that inhabit the land of Israel. ISRAEL IS THE ONLY DEMOCRACY AND TRULY TOLERANT NATION IN THE MIDDLE EAST. DONT EVER FORGET THAT, YOU HERETICAL ANT-SEMITES!

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I heard today that he was very ill and might soon die. Then I heard it might not be true. He is truly an obstacle to peace in that region. He is also under investigation for stashing up to 1.3 Billion dollars away for himself. Money that was sent to help the Palestinians.


A natural death would be best. If the Israeli's take him out all hell will break loose and if they expell him he'll just end up in Libia or Syria causing the same murderous mischief.


Lizard Man, the father of modern terrorism.

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The Ruthless Grip of Logic


By Robert Tracinski


Memo to the world: Reality cannot be cheated.


Politicians and diplomats like to pretend that you can cheat the laws of logic, that there is no need to commit to absolutes, and that there is something to be achieved by "constructive ambiguity." The past week has been a great demonstration that reality is not ambiguous and does not allow contradictions.

Taliban leader Mullah Mohammed Omar just got a good lesson in logic. After years of preaching death to America and three months of declaring that the Taliban will fight to the death -- taking advantage, he said, of their "best opportunity for martyrdom" -- he found that it is very hard to reverse yourself and try to live. A proposed surrender, under which Omar would have remained alive in Kandahar under the protection of a local chieftain, fell through when Secretary Rumsfeld told our Afghan allies that America won't forget Omar's rhetoric about a war to the death. Mullah Omar is now on the run and enjoys unprecedented new opportunities for martyrdom.

The Bush administration has also, reluctantly, come face to face with the logic of its Middle East policy -- or rather, the illogic of its support for terrorist leader Yasser Arafat. The absurdity of this policy has become too obvious even for hardened State Department operatives to deny. As one radio commentator put it: How can the United States fight terrorists half a world away, then tell Israel it cannot fight the terrorists next door? There is no answer to that question -- at least, no answer that logic will allow. Hence, after three months of shameful betrayal of Israel, the Bush administration showed signs of bowing to logic. They stopped calling on Israel to show "restraint" against Palestinian terrorists, and news reports indicated that Bush was preparing to drop his support for Arafat.

Yasser Arafat then found himself in the ruthless grip of logic. For almost a decade, he has gained the support of the United States by claiming to renounce terrorism and seek peace with Israel. But Arafat tried to have his cake and eat it, too. He publicly renounced terrorism, while broadcasting terrorist propaganda on Palestinian television and in Palestinian schools, and periodically unleashing Hamas terrorists to attack Israel. But now, faced with the withdrawal of his chief sponsor, the United States, he has to try to appear as if he is serious about his anti-terrorism rhetoric. So he has rounded up dozens of Hamas leaders and sent his riot police into the streets to suppress Palestinian mobs.

This is a lesson in logic that the administration needs to take seriously. We have been told, by apologists for the "peace process," that the only way to stop the "cycle of violence" in the Middle East is to urge restraint on both sides, to regard Israeli and Palestinian claims as equal, and to reassure Arafat that we will support his quest for an independent state. But when we did all of these things, the terror attacks continued unabated. The moment we throw up our hands and threaten to abandon Arafat -- the moment we take sides against the Palestinian Authority and stop urging Israeli restraint -- that is the moment Arafat takes some actual steps to suppress terrorism.

But that puts poor Yasser in another bind. Palestinians are engaging in what American reporters quaintly term "protests." (The idea, apparently, is to stand up for your right to terrorize.) Arafat's Fatah faction is locked in a fateful struggle with the more bloodthirsty Hamas, which doesn't believe you should stop killing Jews, even temporarily. Arafat's life is widely considered to be in danger from his own people.

Once again, logic is demanding its due. Arafat has been dubbed "the father of modern terrorism"; he pioneered the use of kidnapping, assassination and random bombings as tools of politics. His Palestinian Authority has sponsored summer camps training teenagers in terrorist acts; it has offered stipends to reward the families of suicide bombers; its schools and TV stations have lionized anti-Israeli bombers and rioters. And Arafat is terrorism's greatest model of success: after 35 years of killing, he was rewarded with his own little dictatorship and seemingly unlimited aid and tolerance from the United States.

Now Arafat finds that it's difficult for a terrorist leader to convince the people he trained to be terrorists to stop engaging in terrorism. Funny how that works.

No, you can't cheat reality. And if you get caught cheating -- as Arafat and Mullah Omar may soon discover -- you usually get expelled.


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