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This is from an interview with a reporter from Newsweek magazine July 1976 NY





Interviewer: Is there any method for dissent within your movement? Or change?


Tamäla Krsna: Reform, you mean? Changing the teaching perhaps, to fit the times?


Rämesvara: Just like in the church, as the public mood is changed, they have compromised on certain issues like abortion, homosexuality, priests getting married. So she wants to know if in our movement there will be this arrangement also. (laughter)


Interviewer: Well, I didn't necessarily mean the specifics.


Bali-mardana: In other words the purity is maintained by... The system is perfect to begin with so it remains perfect by being unchanged. If the system is imperfect, you may always be questioning.


Prabhupäda: Yes. When the system is imperfect, then it has to be changed according to time and circumstance. But if the system is itself perfect, there is no question of... Just like the perfect system: the sun rises from the eastern side. So for millions and trillions of years the system is going on because the system is perfect. It doesn't require change, neither you can change. You cannot ask the sun to rise from the western side....

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of the whimsical nature of the mind. It is fickle and its nature is to reverse itself. Accept then reject, then again accept.


What Prabhupada has laid out is perfect as it is. What remains is for us to accept it as it is. I have never come close to doing this. But that does not point to a flaw in system, it points to a flaw in me. Will I correct that flaw within myself by changing the system? No of course not. It may mask my sense of inner dissatisfaction for a while.But that's it.


For instance, there is no need to change Prabhupada's system in regards to women, homosexuals or any perceived minority group.(I might add outside devotees to that list.) We simply need to change the way we perceive such people. There will always be a problem until we actually start viewing and relating to each other and indeed every other living being as spiritsoul. That is at the beginning of genuine spiritual vision. Up to that point it all looks like playing religon to me.


When things seem to stray way off course, we need to adjust, but we need to adjust back to Prabhupada's vision not invent a different one.


Factions breaking off into little groups based on the false designations acquired within this maya may make us feel better about our false selves for a bit but its not the real answer either. The same with agitating for the perceived respect your desigination deserves. Reforming the make up of the GBC will not give we, the souls, the sense of inner happiness that we long for. Just another distraction.


Respect is meant for God and His parts and parcels.And those that deserve it the most, never seek it.


Perhaps we should just see past the homosexual, racial,gender or other coverings and respect the soul and Supersoul who are there dwelling within. This is equal vision. With this in mind,every form perceivable becomes a living temple.


Only the reality works.

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