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Shri Shri Hari Vishnu

Vaikunth P.O.

Ksheer Mahasagar(Via)

Akash Ganga




O! Anadi Ananth Jagdish,


A billion salutations at Thy lotus feet.


The complainant is one among Thy infinite micro and macro, abstract and concrete creations currently born in the manushya yoni. And presently lodging this complaint from the karagruha of Devabhoomi Uttaranchal which I managed to get an entry as a ticketless traveler, with great difficulty.

I have come here as a ‘jijnasu’.


Thou, the One without a beginning and end, choose the jail to be born in! And me, one of Thy humblest creatures, is languishing in jail! A trillion salutations to Thy maaya and leela, Sri Bhagawan.


O, Lord of space and time, I am made to address these lines to Thy Omniscience as there was no answer to my queries from the temporal authorities thou created and appointed . I tried all proper channels in this dev bhoomi of yours. I tried the Karagrahadheesh, the District Judge , the Jail

Mantri and Hon’ble Shri Nityanand Swami. I addressed them first in khari boli , then in angreji and not getting any response, finally in your own tongue, Devanagri. Silence was the only answer I got. I have a reasonable doubt that they, the Sarkar, have also become like You, indifferent

and beyond all qualities.


I dare not ask Thou any questions, for, Thou art the Question and Answer at the same time and beyond questions. But this being of Yours is attempting at a comparative study of Karagrahas in Dwapar and Kali.


O Lord of Knowledge and Geeta, have mercy on me, give me thy sacred ear:


1. Hey, Devaki Nandan, here in dev bhoomi Jail we are served pure Dehraduni water boiled in Daal as daal with roti. What was the ratio of daal and water in Mathura jail? Was it 5gms:1litre or 5 gms to 2 litres? What was the ratio allocation by Uncle Kamsa and how much the bandis

really got? I have heard the Swamiji Sarkar allocates much more per bandi but alas! It disappears on the way to jail pachakashala.


2. Did Your co-inmates or parents get any vanaspati along with daal-chaval or roti ? Here we get all the green leaves from the jail farm that even your gaws will not touch, as vegetables. I have heard the farm do grow vegetables, but goes out to a cold storage and never comes back! But the Swamiji has budgeted for the vegetables for us. Where it goes, Thy Omniscience knows.


3. And what to speak of milk and tea, O, Gopala! The sick are entitled, as per the book, for milk.. But here they get pure Dehraduni water mixed with milk in a ratio of 10:1.


4. The Raj Vaidya of the jail is a raja himself. He does not touch or feel the bandis. He treats us with utmost contempt and the medicine is prescribed before the patient utters a word. Seems like e-Treatment! Paracetamol is the mritasanjivani for almost all ills. But I have seen

Medical Reps coming and sitting with him and submitting bills . May be for the medicines bought for the vaidyapatni.


5. O, Lord of Lakshmi, did the Karagrahadheesh of the Mathura jail charge anything from the bandis for incoming visitors? Here he charges us Rs. 60/- per visitor . If our visitors does not gift us any money, we have to shell out the money somehow or victimised. The poor bandis who are inside for such silly crime as ticket less travel and too much of a booze are mostly labourers. Wherefrom

they will pay the Visitor’s Tax, Janardan? This, as You know is corruption and coercion put together. I do not get the apt word, O, progenitor of Word and Word Itself.



6. What about gaanja , charas and wine in Your jail? Here it is aplenty. And You know, in jails a fly cannot enter without being thoroughly checked.


7. Have You had any Jail Ratnas in Your jails? Jail Ratnas are those jewels of the jails who get Sashtangapranam from the jailer himself. They are lakshmipatis, I mean, those illusory lakshmies.


As a beginner, I mistook some of them as jailer or Magistrates! We have also lesser in the heirarchy like the Karagruha Vibhooshans and Karagruha Shrees. Together they constitute the ruling triumvirate of the jail. Hon’ble Shri Nityananda Swami, the mukhya mantri visits them, the karagruha Mantri visits them and departmental officials salute them.


8. These Ratnas , O, Conservator, conserves the system. The entire gangetic plain and the forests are ruled by them. They are the dons ruling the ruling class, BJP or BSP or Sonia P. Sitting here in this jail they can get somebody kidnapped or killed in Kanya Kumari or Kashmir.


9. And in Dwapar were the karaagruhas used as the safe planning venues for rayjadroha? And these rajyadrohies here get rajakiya treatment here as money is pouring in. Visiting shishyas bring blocks and designs of (fake) currency notes for approval by their gurus in Jails.


10. And here in my cell I sleep huddled together with those committed, matru-hatya, pitru-hatya, putra- Putri hatya, gau-hatya, bhroona-hatya and petty common murders and rapes. Those who have lakshmi with them go scot free after enjoying the rajakiya athithi seva. Abhibhashaks and nyayadheeshs get bought and sold on a large scale, witnesses are made and unmade. And innocents get implicated and sentenced. Thy maya and leela has no limits, O, Lord of Sri Guruvayoor.


11. And Bhagwan, it was pleasant to see here saints and swamijies in clean silk saffron robs This ruling

elite class of Devabhoomi of yours seems to be very pious, always chanting your sahasranamas. The jail administration, with money from rajakosh has made a small but beautiful abode for you in this karagruha. And these param bhakts, great adhipaties of maths and ashram sing your holy names. Poojas are conducted on ekadashies, dwadashies and thrayodashies, Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays, Krishna and Shukla pakshas, and we the sudras get feasted inside at ashram or trust expenses. One saintly sage here is inside on charges of sodomy, another for trust fund embezzlement, a third for criminal trespass and forceful occupation of another ashram land. For such petty crimes your bhaktas are harassed by the ruling kamsas here. Was it the same at Mathura Central Jail?

This being of Yours have heard from jail birds hopping from one jail to another that these things are not

special to this dev bhoomi but do exist in better or worse forms all over this aarsha bhoomi.


The current ruling class-politicians, dons, gangsters, aacharyas and bureaucrats have changed the motto of

Aarsha Bharat from ‘ Truth shall prevail’ to ‘Let us loot together’


God Lord of all beings, the Omniscient and Omnipresent One, when art Thou coming? When art Thou going to fulfill Thy promise? Please do, O, Protector of the Universe, something urgently, before it is too late.


Awaiting Thy urgent action and with a trillion Sashtanga pranam at Thy lotus feet,.


Dr. Hari Vishnu.


Bandigruh No: 7




Dated 7. 05. 2057









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I tried hard to remember Krishna when I was in jail. Chanting caused me to be questioned be fellow inmates about the path to Godhead. Although I didn't like the sentence and felt Krishna had frowned upon my behavior I couldn't think of a better plan of action at the time. By filling my mind with the light of Godhead I won't be stumbling around blindly with Krishna there to point the way. Anyone who has been in trouble should know that there is a better way through chanting than where they came from and renunciation will bring spiritual progress.

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He's sending replies thru the medium of His Sadhus on a regular basis. For whatever reasons we just don't catch them.

Not His lack, more like ours!

Of course His time is a little different from ours, twelve years praying and chanting with the uttmost aspiration to sincerity may purify us sufficiently to catch His one moments attention.

So much accumulated sinful activity on this Martya Loka shan't be dissolved in an instant reply.

Let's face it we're all crims in this prison together some are eating themselves to death some are starving, but all of our feet are rooted to the same dimention of matter for now. The big question is have we learned our lesson to progress on from this world of birth and death?

No bars can imprison the pure heart.

But you have to ask yourself whose serving the longer sentence, the inmate or the outmate?

Where do you have access to a computer?

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I was there, in tbe Karagruha as an Anveshi. As a ticketless train traveler, I managed to get an entry. And served 14 days simple imprisonment. It was two years back, roughly.


To my surprise, the criminals and innocents alike seemed to be very pious or religious. Hard core criminals (professional murders, brutal rapists), all chanting or praying or doing five time namaz...Professionals treat it as their business or profession. Still go to the jail temple or mosque every day and pray.


Their visitors bring in money and they feast on sumptous food. Finally, 'justice' is bought, and their are on their profession again.


Spiritually, what I understood was outside the four walls also we are in a larger jail. We are prisoners of our ego, our prejudices, beliefs and the samsara. Nobody is free.

Yeah, we are living in a large jail, we are all prisoners.

There might be rare exemptions.

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Nothing like a reality check..... wake up call to oil the rusty ole prayer wheels into action again, when our enjoying tendancy and liberty is stiffeled.

Not exactly the mood of unconditional dedication. But when we're in trouble who ya gonna call? .... Hari Nam Blues busters.

There are no doubt some nitya siddhas available, but we never seek them out when everything is flowing smoothly.

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Are you sure? You've stopped ticketless travel haven't you?

His telecom central operators are working non stop to answer all calls, maybe your lines are tied up with other calls.

He's full of all suddha satva qualities, although He may be complete in renunciation, He's not indifferent to the sincere soul, quite the contrary He comes running.

His ears and eyes are everywhere eager to His lost servants voices.

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Dear Dr.


Reading your letter,

it becomes obvious to me

that you are not an ordinary person.

You are a devotee and well educated.

I cannot understand how you wound up in dehradun jai.


Any way, assuming you letter tells the truth

what is happening in the jail,

it will make the public

and the devotees of vishnu know the situation.


god may not come himself to correct the sitution,

but his devotees will, i pray and hope.

HK's are well known devotees of yours.

so, i would assume they certainly would do something

about it.


have faith, hang on, and keep praying.

if nothing helps, you have qualificatin to cause

a revolt within the jail.


also, you cannot be kept there for long.

when you come out, think that god has appointed you

to do something to correct the situation.

He will inspire you and send you help.


Jai Sri Bhagavan!


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August Sir,


I was in jail for 14 days, some two years ago. I managed an entry by travelling without ticket in a train. Just wanted to know what jail life is all about. I wanted to enter Hardwar jail, but finally ended up in Dehradun.


I got a lot of insight within that fourteen days. How innocents and hard core criminals are huddled together, who rules the jail and surprisingly everybody is very religious in jail.. the rapists, the professional killers, all.


How justice is bought and sold, how notorious criminals come out unscathed. A young boy of 22 convicted and awaiting death, while many born, hard core muderers and rapists go scot free..


Thank you for your concern.



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