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The science KC has the large gradation. Lord Krisna begins her description from a situation of soul, karma yoga, gyana, then dhyana. Further He speaks about the maximum situation and bhakti yoga. Then the material world, situation of soul in the material world, varnasrama, various religions, various types of activity in the material world, supersoul and so on is described.


The essence in that all set of ways comes to an end by direct fidelity to the God. Essence that as the God всемогущь, the person which is betraid to the God does not depend more from any methods. Actually in it essence all sastra. For this reason Krisna also speaks Arjuna - " completely understanding Me, enter in battle ". What for a level of this activity? It samadhi or the top by all yoga, thus is shown all and any spiritual qualities.


The person can move gradually. Studying to endow fruits, further having shown reason, then having realized ultimate the purpose or categories of absolute life, the person is focused to them and rising through comprehension brahman, and then supersoul, the person begins devoted service to the God. The gradual way is those. But direct way this delivery itself to the God. SP writes in this occasion that - " it is a question of a recognition of the spiritual facts " and " from the very beginning of such study of a spiritual science the person is at a level of clearing ".


- " All these qualities (spiritual) are shown natural by an image. "


For example in according with varnasram, Arjuna was ksatriya and according did not occupy brahmanical a situation. Nevertheless Krisna also does not advise him to change the social status. From the point of view of gradual spiritual development, the person should tower from the lowest positions up to maximum, but in a direct way the speech about it and is not conducted, in it there is no necessity.


The god specially has chosen this example with battle what TO EMPHASIZE that of a various sort material concepts of spiritual life not so are important. How there can be a battle by spiritual activity, you see we perfectly know what spiritual qualities? In an ideal the person should rise on a level brahman of qualities before serve? Actually answer is, that the soul transcendental in relation to any qualities and in devoted service it quite all is realized. Actually Krisna also does not give instructions Arjuna to follow gradual of a way. Certainly, the God preaches to all world and gradual way, but Arjuna He offers another.


Krisna does the retrospective description all, simply what to show at a level of logic and knowledge, situation of the God. What to show The Supreme situation to all world, Krisna as directly demonstrates itself, as sourse all and further He sums up - " fidelity to me and there is a ultimate goal and vedas, both material life and religious life ".


Therefore if to look essence BG, the fidelity to the God is quite clear that and there is an essence of spiritual knowledge. As an example of such fidelity on behalf of Arjuna there is given also.


What frequently occurs in our case? In our case the people simply try to simulate spiritual qualities, that the God to do at all does not advise. He not calls that that for this, He at all does not advise anything to simulate. If Arjuna ksatriya and for him quite natural of anger for example, the God simply advises him to use of anger on purpose(assignment). That's all. For example Krisna speaks Arjuna - " win lust " in that case lust was shown in attachment to the relatives, therefore Krisna speaks him - " by the weapon of knowledge win lust, rise and battle ".


Therefore spiritually that is connected to the God. And not spiritually all rest. Anger connected with the God is spiritual, and compassion connected to the material world for example financially. Undoubtedly that the compassion high quality and destructions Arjuna SP is made comments as follows - " only by such person is worthy to receive spiritual knowledge ", i.e. such destructions Arjuna they are characteristic for all devotees, as devotee the compassions are executed. But for devotees as is characteristic and to work under the instruction of the God. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif But it any more financially, is a level spiritual, it is a level of SPIRITUAL emotions. From the point of view of the material world anything except for angers Arjuna in this fight did not test. It is possible on this occasion to result an example of king David and Magomed as. Clearly that we speak not about battle as such, and about a principle.


It did not begin spiritual life, it is top of spiritual life.


It is possible to take as an example gopis. Actually that was religious in their actions if to look at it only from the external point of view, but it is only spiritual activity, again. Therefore if the person in maya, to her advise to develop gradually what to leave from illusion, but if who can accept that management directly - " the one who faithfully serves to me, I give understanding ", that do not have necessity to follow all to rest.


Clearly that devotee in spite of the fact that they have accepted a management of the God, nevertheless follow also all to rest down to complete perfection. The nature of fidelity is those. But basically gradual process is necessary for the sermon, it is not necessary for devoted service. " sarva dharma parityaja " Krisna in general speaks to leave all others dharmas, "sarva" - all. Not that that does not need, in general to be left. It and is a final result and Arjuna has reached it, having realized that Krisna the God and simply having accepted a management Krisna.


SP worked in precisely the same way. He simply has enabled directly to be betraid to the God, as there is a ultimate goal of all religion. He did not care of roundabout ways, though certainly all nuances on this account are described. What for cares of roundabout ways if them both so is much and as in KC they arose, arise continuously and will arise always. If is main, all minor as will be present, there is no necessity as that it to initiate.


In KC everyone progress, as KC is absolute. Simply when we begin to be engaged in minor things, we accordingly are covered with illusion. The largest illusion it to think that are at top. An especially various sort brahmans are very guilty by it. Having developed this or that relative vision, they why begin that to think that have understood essence only. It is the fact, it is not concrete, it everywhere. Leaning on only external things, we want to understand that is at all in external vision. What to speak about our absolutely not reasonable habit absolute own experience.




SBST this embodiment mercy the Lord Caitanya and as He has described sambandha Krisna lila. Everything, that there is in many places it simply reception mercy the Lord Caitanya and after sambandha Krisna lila. SBT has described all internal energy, He as preached and preaches numerous babajis, which except for the direct relations anything to understand both do not want and can not probably. Also it is all completely authoritative statement of a science KC.


If SP has not come, all so and remained. " Lord Caitanya gives mercy for sambandha Krisna lila ". Sambandha Krisna lila was and at SBT. All babajis only in it also were engaged. Actually all their philosophy is based on sastra Gosvamis. Can be among them not was sadhu? Can be among them not was svarupa itself of the persons? But reading a history of that time of such impression that that does not arise. But first - they almost did not preach. And second that by all this places has accepted already material the form.


Therefore SBT began this sermon, and SBST has established sambandha for all already. And SP preaches maximum emotions. Among all emotions of internal energy He describes maximum emotions, and the direct relations does not concern in general, because in these relations with the God them IN GENERAL "are not present". Therefore He also spoke that there is no necessity in anything more. Certainly, materialists think that He wanted probably himself to allocate. Therefore for me for example all rest, except for the books SP is not urgent.


From the point of view of the sermon and general sight on spiritual life all books are good, but for most esoteric of fidelity they as a matter of fact are not urgent. Everything, that was necessary from them, is already submitted. And it not that is also other arguments on this theme. I simply state the position, not in a counterbalance of positions others though to have the position, as a rule, this or that opposition it will turn out, well and God with it, can be and it is necessary.


At SP the special books. Leaning on His books it is possible to reach all. All most important references He has given as. Essence that when we simply restore THE relations, it is all by it very long. But if we follow the instruction guru, the relation will be shown without problems. For example when Arjuna battled, he has reached all. He you see battled, as he has reached top with what that by war. BY WAR! Remembering that I live for the present age - we do not call for war.


- Were at war on the instruction of the God it is possible to reach all.

- Doing clay plate from banana under the instruction of the God, it is possible to reach all.


It also is essence of fidelity. It not karma yoga. For example clay plate from banana it is possible to mould


- On karma. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif

- At a level gyana

- At a level dhyana

- At a level of principles of devoted service


But they can be moulded and in KC. Therefore if we can accept the direct instructions of the God or guru, we as can be instantly lifted on a level KC. In this case all knowledge, renunciation, still that will come natural by an image.


If we can not accept such instructions, and more correctly we do not want, then gradual process inures.


The different schoolboys can have different bents and SP writes in this connection that the spiritual teacher is skilled what to occupy the schoolboy in according with his bents. For example Narada Muny did not begin to give brahman of the instructions Dhruva knowing that they it do not approach.


Still moment is, that frequently we simply simulate what that of quality. We learn(find out) that should be and later simply we try to simulate it. Or working on quite material motives, we think that they are spiritual. But spiritual motive only one this following for guru-sastra, by the way SASTRA makes the centre of such following. Such following has one distinctive feature - it absolute. If we follow under such management all finds absolute character and in this sense any external displays become secondary. In such following as all other situations of spiritual life are shown and them there is no necessity to be engaged in a separate image. The god is absolute also all that is connected to the god absolute as.


For example if we want to serve thus, problems with guru will not be, the God will direct us in a correct direction. The god therefore He also speaks Arjuna - " you simply should work under my management. " Everything, is the complete instruction. All rest - knowledge, renunciation, spiritual body, relation and so on go from this. It not the theory, is the description of practice of devoted service. And this moment SP explains in the books everywhere as. It also is devoted service.


Therefore if who that follows to a greater or lesser extent such ways, and others estimate such activity as material, it is a mistake. In first they do not understand BG, in second they are not connected enough to the God, therefore have material vision. SP writes that all sambhoga is intended for neophits and as does not give the instructions it to follow. There is a question why. Because He occupies the schoolboys in activity of higher order. Therefore everyone, who follows in the steps SP and His schoolboys, are engaged in activity of the maximum order, therefore for them at all there is no question about svarupa for example and so on. All this is shown by a natural image or somewhat it is not urgent about what I wrote in previous clause. Therefore SP also spoke that there is no special necessity to address to sastra previous acaryas. Moreover, He has told that NOBODY will jump over Him in this question. And all installed shuddered when He spoke it. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif


Who that follows for SP from for sentiments. Who that follows for SP for other reasons, but who that possesses experience of following for SP and taste to His books. From the point of view of the cultural sermon and religious of a brotherhood, certainly, we should work very correctly. But from the point of view sastra, spiritual taste and instructions of the spiritual teacher it is better to follow for SP. Moreover, everyone, who will be is in ISKCON further as will follow it(him), and it not simply what that blind following, is not present all spiritual relations will be shown thus, in general everyone will follow for SP, it is simple a matter of time. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif


I answer why.


- Because SP this embodiment by all Pancatattva and maximum mood of internal energy


- Because the books SP it also are a source everything, it is the code of spiritual life and prime target


All rest will leave to babajis for India. Actually part of the sermon GM is the sermon babajis. That the soul does not fall, that it is necessary to establish the relation and so on. The part it was introduced after a leaving SBST. At babajis all their sermon is well developed. They in general lean only on Gosvamis. As to the relations that I do not think that who can surpass that of some of their leaders.


Why neither SBT, nor SBST, SP did not try to begin among them? You see the schoolboys SBST it were the simple usual inhabitants of India? And the schoolboys SP it were not the best people of west? Why SBST and SP assigned the hopes on what that of the usual inhabitants not having paid attention of a various sort panditas and rasika bhaktas?






Very simply. Frequently so-called "qualification" it is simple an obstacle in devoted service differently how you explain all this? SP in general has gone on west because the qualification of SOME schoolboys SBST already interfered with spiritual life. Compare hippis and by then more less like the qualified schoolboys SBST, who is more qualified? Who follows, that and is qualified. Others are unsuitable - brahmans they, they have realized svarupa, have not realized, it is very simple.




From the point of view of the sermon and general sight on spiritual life all books are good, but for most fidelity they as a matter of fact are not urgent. Uttama adhikari it will be simple to sob, reading the direct descriptions and it as one reason why many uttama adhikari never went in a wood Vrndavana. Because it in the certain sense is intolerable for them. Neither in this world nor in the friend there is nothing deeper. Undoubtedly that the description of this mood, as prays Srinivasacarya is the highest and purest poetry.


Gosvamis very clearly have stated all science KC. And as manjaris or spiritual children as, they came in a wood Vrndavana and searched there Radha-Krisna. As their essence is innocent in a maximum degree, they and searched for them there. " Where Radha, where Krisna, where you? "


All others uttama devotees, did not try at all enter there, not because they are unworthy, that is why that simply thinking about about it, they already more move could not. Therefore only Gosvamis could enter there and thus probably to see as far as these relations are pure.


Therefore anybody does not try at all to explain the in detail similar moments, because if the person already has refused to follow and thinks out that that to explain it(her) is useless. Or if we in general in complete maya, as it to explain.


Therefore SP writes - " do not try to understand jugala piriti, madhurya relations, it is not possible so simply. Do not think that simply meditating, you will reach Krisna ". " Do not do vain efforts ". " Do not try to jump over Me ". And those who follows His instructions, by it truly everyone will receive.

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