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Invitation To Daily Satsang

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Invitation to Daily Satsang

By Bhakta Neal



All glories to

Srila Prabhupada!

Looking for that daily fix of association? Hungry to hear the nectar of not only Bhagavad Gita As It Is, but Srimad Bhagavatam and Caitanya Caritamrta as well? Looking to hear some sweet bhajans mixed with the occasional Srila Prabhupada lecture? Tired of having to go to multiple websites to satisfy your transcendental needs?


Well look no further. You are invited to join us on Paltalk where there are currently two Krsna Conscious broadcasts daily. And if you don't like what you hear, you can start your own Krsna Conscious Internet Radio Station or satsang group today.


Recently, while visiting www.chantandbehappy.com I noticed a new link for Hare Krishna Radio and instructions on how to sign up for the free Paltalk chat service that it is broadcast over. The following link will take you to that page: http://chantandbehappy.com/



Anadi Krsna prabhu from New Goloka Dham broadcasts most every day, and on Sundays from 5:00 - 6:30pm EST, he broadcasts the Sunday Festival live.


And the fun does not stop there. It has only just begun. There is also the Gita study group that meets twice every day to read from the Bhagavad Gita, Srimad Bhagavatam, and Caitanya Caritamrta. It is expertly and humbly guided by Gita Govinda prabhu from Atlanta Georgia. And on Sundays, Gita Govinda and wife host a live broadcast of their satsang program that they have held in their home for years. The wonderful thing about Gita Govinda's group is that it is an entirely interactive process of hearing, chanting, and associating with other devotees from all over the world.


Everyone is encouraged to read the text, the word-for-word, the translation, and purport written by His Divine Grace Srila Prabhupada. You can even do a little kirtan if you like.


You say you do not have a book to read from? Not a problem, Gita Govinda has created read-along web pages updated daily for your convenience. Therefore, everything you need in order to partake in the study of these wonderful transcendental treasures— what to speak of associating with learned devotees— is right there at the click of your mouse. Following each session is a period for questions and answers to ensure full understanding.


The Bhagavad Gita session (as well as Sunday's live satsang program) begins every day at 10:30am and concludes at 11:30am EST. The Srimad Bhagavatam session begins at 9:00pm EST and is imediately followed by the Caitanya Caritamrta session at 9:30pm, which concludes at 10:00pm EST


You can sign up for Paltalk at paltalk.com or simply visit www.chantandbehappy.com for clear instructions on how to sign up. Once you’re signed on, click the "Groups" icon and then scroll down to "Religious." From there you will see "Hare Krishna Radio" and "Gita: Coming back next life? Come and find out!" (note: the Gita room name changes occasionally, but always will start with "Gita" )


Hope to see you there! Hare Krsna!


(I am in no way promoting Paltalk or its sponsors or advertisers. I am, however, promoting Krsna Consciousness)


Yours in service,

bh. Neal


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