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Residents of Vrindavan

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How to judge the behavior of those residing in Vrindavan? Can they do what they please and still be accepted as pure? or if a person uses Vrindavan as an excuse to engage in bad behavior is this just an offense?

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Here are some verses from Prabodhananda Sarasvati's Vrindavana Mahimamrita. I'll type in the Sanskrit over the weekend and refine the translations where required.


One who goes to Vrindavana to find fault in its residents will never attain siddhi, regardless of whether his observations are objectively speaking valid or not. The attitude is wrong.



<font color="darkblue">1.13 If someone relates to me the faults of one of the moving or non-moving residents of Vrndavana, then how is his action different from cutting me with hundreds of sharpened swords, arrows and other weapons? The residents of Vrndavana are all as dear to the Personality of Godhead as His own life. If one is a little bit inimical to even a blade of grass in Vrndavana, then who will be able to rescue him from the horrible hell that awaits him? When will that rescue occur?


2.53 Neither hearing nor believing the account of the faults or virtues of all other living entities, considering all the residents of Vrndavana to be his superiors and bowing down like a stick to offer respect to them, free from all pride, completely penniless, and always shedding blissful tears of love for Sri Sri Radha-Krsna, a certain saintly devotee resides in the forest of Vrndavana.


2.71 Even if the residents of Vrndavana are violent hoodlums in disguise, or thieves who plunder one's money and wife, still, they who are learned and saintly do not see any fault in them.


3.51 When our mind spontaneously runs to the limitless nectar of Lord Krsna, then the supremely purifying realm of Vrndavana appears on this earth. However, if, with body, mind or words, we offend the moving and stationary residents of Vrndavana, we will not have the intelligene to see the truth.


4.53 O dearmost, supremely blissful Vrndavana, If I could see the splendour of your moving and non-moving residents with millions of transcendental eyes, if I could smell your sweet fragrance with millions of nostrils, if I could hear about your noble virtues with millions of ears, if I could wander through you with millions of feet, and if I could bow down to offer respects to you with many millions of heads and hands, I would still not be satisfied.


4.54 Vrndavana is the most exalted transcendental abode. If my ears hear about the faults of Vrndavana, I shall pierce my ears with a dagger. If my tongue speaks about these faults I shall happily cut out my tongue. If my eyes see them I shall put out my eyes. If my mind believes the account of Vrndavana's faults I shall give up my life. If my ears and other senses thus become like untouchable outcastes, I shall stay far away from them.


4.62 One who harms the residents of Vrndavana will suffer for a long time in hell. Because I can see this truth, I pray that I may always be devoted to the residents of Vrndavana.


4.63 The thieves who live in Vrndavana are cintamani jewels granting all the most exalted goals in life. Laksmi, Siva, and all the demigods aspire to touch them.


7.52 A self-realised soul always tastes the nectar of pure love for Lord Krsna. In his heart he sees the spiritual forms of all the moving and non-moving residents of Vrndavana, and he also sees his own original spiritual form. If you cannot see in this way, then hear the truth from the mouth of a bona-fide spiritual master, and always reflect on what he has taught you. Reside in Vrndavana, and one day the reactions to your past deeds will come to an end, and you will also taste the nectar of pure transcendental love.


12.76 I, who aspire to live in Sri Vrndavana, pray that my ears become deaf to hearing the faults of the residents of Vrndavana, my tongue dumb to speaking about them, and my intelligence blunt in thinking of them.


17.45. They who relish blaspheming Vrndavana's residents, they who will not glorify Vrndavan, and the fools who somehow think Vrndavana like other places, cannot attain eternal, blissful spiritual forms in Vrndavana. I pray that even in dreams I may never come near those sinful people, the lowest of men.


17.46. Even if they speak many intolerable insults, even if they kidnap my wife, even if they kill my dear children and relatives, even if they plunder my wealth, and even if they take my own life, the residents of Vrndavan will remain always dear to me. I will worship them always.


17.47. He who always torments others, is attached to others wives, harms everyone in many ways, acts sinfully, is blinded by greed and a host of vices, and stays in Vrndavana, is a glorious rising sun. O brother, do not become an owl blind to the sunlight and find faults in him.</font color>


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Could you tell me who Prabodhananda Sarasvati is, and when did he write this? Is this for some glorious past in India, or even for the people living there today? Can this not lead to unscrupulous people going to Vrindavan to live?

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Prabodhananda was an associate of Sri Caitanya, lived in the 1500's. He was Don't think life was all pure and sinless back then. If you read the verses above, it is plain obvious.


<font color="darkblue">17.46. Even if they speak many intolerable insults, even if they kidnap my wife, even if they kill my dear children and relatives, even if they plunder my wealth, and even if they take my own life, the residents of Vrndavan will remain always dear to me. I will worship them always.


17.47. He who always torments others, is attached to others wives, harms everyone in many ways, acts sinfully, is blinded by greed and a host of vices, and stays in Vrndavana, is a glorious rising sun. O brother, do not become an owl blind to the sunlight and find faults in him.</font color>


Then he says:


<font color="darkblue">If you cannot see in this way, then hear the truth from the mouth of a bona-fide spiritual master, and always reflect on what he has taught you. Reside in Vrndavana, and one day the reactions to your past deeds will come to an end, and you will also taste the nectar of pure transcendental love.</font color>


Sinful people will always be everywhere. However, if they go to Vrindavan, it is glorious and there they will be purified and become perfected. Whatever evil deeds they may do, that is an issue between them and Vrindavan, between them and Sri Radha and Krishna. Perhaps also between them and the local police officers.


Of course, if you wish, you can go to Vrindavan and see faults everywhere. In this way your visit to the holy dham is spoiled, as you will be absorbed in mundane thoughts. In this way you will never attain siddhi. Rather try to see the merit in everyone, the good in everyone.


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