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I want to inform some ideas on the sermon.


Now especially in western society (that far it not all world by the way and at all half of world), is a lot of a various sort of ideas as a matter of fact wrong or at the best about social. So, some thus think -


- " Our such sermon is not popular in a society, let's change the books or let's instead of the books Prabhupada to distribute something another - " popular " and so on.


- " Krisna is so attractive, the small compromise, that compromise, this compromise " (familiar idea) is necessary ONLY


- " It is necessary to push by all material methods, as it is our soul and life. ":)))


That occurs further. There is further following, we begin to attract those whom the spiritual life and does not interest as a matter of fact. Them it is simple does not interest, but by and large, on this or that compromise who that has come. And here most interesting begins, I am simply poured poisonous laughter. Having resulted thus of people, problem as is spoken, begin from different directions. Well I shall agree that many problems SHOULD be decided(solved), I agree, but nevertheless much that then begin to offer, actually IT IS NOT NECESSARY TO DECIDE(SOLVE).


Those or other problems of the attitudes, envy, culture and so on are simply unsoluble in the certain sense. Certainly, ISKCON searches and finds an exit, such as sankirtana, yes, this good decision. Nevertheless it seems that sometimes there is no sense simply too to rely on image, as concerns the books Srila Prabhupada. The books Srila Prabhupada are a reality, it not what that the temporary social laws. As soon as who will understand that though the books slightly Srila Prabhupada, he immediately will understand as far as he is silly or will find maximum taste. But the present fools think that they understand more than Prabhupada in spiritual life. Simply they should WORK under the books Srila Prabhupada, instead of to change them. They simply most likely DO NOT WORK under these books, and answer. Certainly, as far as it is easier to make certain pair of rules of books and then " to live under these books ". They if where that in States have some people (I do not know, but for example) and God you with it, main to work in according with the instructions and then all it will be good. In the other case these reactions will fall indefinitely on a head by him, and that most important and another as. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/frown.gif(


Certainly, not all so is simple, I quite agree. But it seems that what to avoid many problems and as what TO REACH the spiritual purposes, better simply to follow for siksa Srila Prabhupada and ours guru directly. Everything, that is authorized, it and IS AUTHORIZED, and that is not authorized, IS NOT AUTHORIZED. What mean these mysterious words? It means that if we want that that to authorize, we or become karmi, if we already now not they, or we simply shall disappear in spiritual sense, that one and too.


Actually sermon Prabhupada - most effective sermon. His style is the most effective style. All rest - various sort the compromises WILL BE NOT EFFECTIVE simply. Even if we want spiritual result (not a sin), other image of actions will not be simply effective. Clearly that there are many opinions on this theme, probably how many exists installed, it is so much above this question all and think. All spiritual world is surprised, looking on men of the material world! Them offer eternal life and all there in the additives and free-of-charge, but we prefer to decay in this hole, thinking thus is " and whether well it, spiritual life? " But it is a separate, fruitful and inspiring theme.


Thus there are many opinions and many ways of actions in the sermon. Is tehno methods, there are methods of complete liberalism, there are methods improbable! The expansion through " sat guru ", are the mixed variants, there are total variants, there are variants of complete self-elimination, on any taste and guna, as is spoken. Essence that that liberal methods, for example, they you see so at a level tamas also remain, I am ready it to discuss, but them(him,it) where examples that? As by places it liberally that also does not look and to look and the screen - yes, but no more that can not actually, as. I shall not describe others, but all this that that like previous.


Undoubtedly that Srila Prabhupada has lifted everything, it is doubtless, He has lifted from an empty place actually hundreds thousands of the people in west. Who speaks that about pure devotee, whether they understand in general what in it? Srila Prabhupada has explained can be slightly direct, but is clean, and Srila Prabhupada simply HAS OCCUPIED all in devoted service. At him with it also was not the purposes such to arrange that that another. Srila Prabhupada has occupied all by a spiritual image that by him and is described in the books, as a part of His books.


Who in general in this cocktail of material monotony is interested in spiritual life, it is units and units of the people. Therefore those who should be or to become devotee, they by them and become and as the part not of the demonic persons too will be attracted, if simply more to state both philosophy and concept less clean. It also will have real force. What sense what us who that accepts? Today accept, tomorrow do not accept. To tell the truth I simply practically do not see with what in it sense, you see it is all very much unreliably? Us "will accept" all and completely, if we simply become completely dear karmis, and in this case we there are not necessary, there and so already suffices.


The spiritual life grows, if all of us, that to us comes, uses again on purpose. We ""use" in my understanding means we work in according with BG. The ways of the God are inscrutable, how it is possible to work basing on the material concepts?


Thus if we preach true or absolute true and as clearly we speak about the purposes, it will seems of problems smaller. If to speak in general about all in spiritual life, what at us the purpose? Yes there is at us no purpose as a matter of fact - today kirtanam, tomorrow kirtanam and the day after tomorrow kirtanam. What actually occurs at sadhu in paradise? It there also occurs. They do not stop, because it has taste. But if taste of food we can not test continuously, taste holy of a name, we can test CONTINUOUSLY. Therefore think, if what that can be tested continuously, who will refuse it?


Therefore what we want? The spiritual life it also is sravanam-kirtanam. It is easy, yes it is easy. There can be it uneasily? Yes, IT IS UNEASY. IT HAPPENS UNEASILY and everyone can know about it. It happens uneasily so, that is necessary to be as a tree and straw. Sometimes to stand as a tree, but sometimes to be as straw.


So we in ISKCON, or in my concept ISKCON have only TWO roles. First is to be a tree. And second is to be straw. Krisna it is the God of the Gods, He is attractive as hundred thousand cupids, but YOU!!! - will be a tree. Or straw. If you to be disagree by a tree, you means were mistaken.


We as will not have also taste. Lord Caitanya does not test taste, how you will test it? Lord Caitanya - GOD! Speaks - " at me there is no taste ", how it can be at us?


So at us you can be a tree or straw and as you do not receive from us any taste, this second. And third it that anything except for sravanam-kirtanam at us is not present. You receive first initiation, you receive second, and most likely second you and do not receive in ISKCON, but what actually will take place? And nothing will take place, there will be all same sravanam-kirtanam, sravanam-kirtanam. It seems that everything, it is necessary simply to inform, the people it is simple not informed about ISKCON, they search here for what at us by it simply is not present. We DO NOT HAVE any material taste. And at the end of process of training you simply become as a tree. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif:) I already as a tree became, can argue.


We are even not qualified! Look! in other organizations anybody even also does not fall! you represent, ISKCON it probably UNIQUE organization, where there are such disgraces. What for to you to contact to us, go in any other church. In ISKCON there can be only those who as a tree and straw, but what tree that will turn out!! It will be exact a tree the Lord Caitanya!




All these "races" - the people with different speed only runs from everywhere, from whom is faster from whom more slowly, runs up. Whom have lined(shot down), that more slowly runs, is noticed. It not bad, because the on maya they less will run, the and it is better.


If we want MAYA in spiritual life to arrange, MAYA she in MAYA is even better, in svarupa as is spoken. In spiritual life it is very difficult maya to arrange. The God accepts ALL, only it is necessary to understand THAT spiritual life IN GENERAL means, they would esteem BG that. Whether that vain that Arjuna all that of the relatives that that. You think that it simply so, whether from there is nothing to do that Krisna has arranged. So - the material life IS EVEN WORSE than this fight, in millions time it is worse, therefore what to get out from here, therefore and it is necessary to be more patient than a tree. Well, for this purpose what to develop PREMA BHAKTI*, it is necessary to be more patient than a tree and thus also the grasss in addition are more restrained. It not allegory, it and is, at us A LITTLE THAT WILL TURN OUT if we to become disagree more patiently than tree. At us ANYTHING as a matter of fact will fail, I assure you. But if we do not want to be deceived to some extent, go by IT!! By a way, go by this NARROW way.


*PREMA BHAKTI - pure love to the God.

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