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'Competitionless society'

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I think such a society would serve to help alleviate unnessacary suffering and fighting on the platform of the false ego which only seems to reap more anger, illusion,and disturbance etc. As anything done other than as a sacrifice to Krsna will no doubt bring more friction and disharmony, just as bhog not offered, reaps only sinful reaction.

The whole world supposedly wants to live and let live in peace, most everyone are fighting so that they and their fellow comrades may bring about a favourable environment to practise their chosen path in life, free of disturbance from the rest of the objectionable environment. The fight in some has gone beyond personal freedom, to the freedom of their race, religion or all mankind.

Even green peace activists are willing to die for their cause. Polarity is everywhere, it can't but be in this world of opposites.

For it all to be set right or harmonized, all must adjust to a common interest or centre, not any local separate cause, rather the cause of all causes- Akhila Rasamrta Murti, that personality where all rasas come from and unto who they are all subservient, where they unanimously agree. Where each and every heart derives their full satisfaction and inner fullfillment from their service position in relation to that centre.

But for that all must recognize that their God is one and the same as all the others, and that there may be varying degrees of Bhakti contending with one another, that we must look up to from our very insignificant place in the overall bigger picture and respect each in their respective positions, this is where it gets a little tricky. For in the land of gurus infinite variagatedness is welcomed as an addition to Their Lordships pleasure, whereas in the lower section envy causes deep apprehention and suspension from the organic whole i.e. separate interest.


Is unity what all the troubled hearts truly desire deep within, or are they just subject to the illusionary whim of misconception and feel comfortable with conflict?


So how can devotees practicly give solutions to the turmoil afflicting this war torn planet, that the layman can recognize and embrace. Not too weird, not too high, and not too foreign.


Dear Babhru, (That's much better,)

I just can't feel comfortable calling anyone Stonehearted. Well there you go maybe that can start the ball rolling, this is a thread dedicated to 'competitionless society,' how that can come about, if it is meant to be that way, if it is possible with human nature in Kali yuga, and what are the various angles of vision on such a conception, let us see.

Regarding the signature I can understand what your ideal is, and appreciate your explanation, but I was simply noteing that some transcendental devotees on the higher planes do compete for Krsnas attention, and I'm even under the impression that that Krsna may design and create it that way to increase everyones' hankering for Him. I may be wrong, I'm by no means an expert or authority on rasa and all those deep transcendental exchanges, even though they never cease to amaze me. But it has always perplexed me why He doesn't just set it all right, and do away with all this conflict, instead of leaving it in it's random disorder, to find it's own level of decadence or divinity.


Oh yeah, it's much easier just posting here than logging in.

I too have no interest in 'defeating' anyone, unless of course it is through affection and the recipients take delight in such, but I do wholeheartedly invite any merciful devotee to dissolve all misconception from my consciousness with the torchlight of loving wisdom.

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A competitionless, God centered society. It is a good idea but one that can't be forced. It needs to become inspired into existence. A revolution of the interior section of humankind.


I admit to not having much hope for Earth in the near term. I haven't be able to get myself past wanting to lord it over others.


It would be nice to live in a society where the need to exploit and compete over usless things was not so intense as the one I'm in now though.

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It seems like most religions and spiritual practicioners are not into sport much, some even warning against participation in these activities, maybe in the fear of the 'party, team, national spirit' it tends to create. Yet at the same time they are prepared to fight ideological battles to the death and complete anihilation of their opposing clans, tribes, camps, races, religions.

It also seems that most western countries promote competition through this medium to absurd degrees.

Is it harmless? Is it a better way to exorcise ones differences, or does it create more pride, individual and national.

It appears America in particular is founded on being the biggest and the best at everything, does this create real self esteem and dignity or just a false sense of self and ultimate insecurity when the cracks develop. Whilst stirring up envy from the lesser little players on the world stage.

At least in sport when the whistle blows most sides shake hands and look forward to the next game, not so with religion, the battles and war drag on through the ages.

But it does seem Krsna likes His sports, maybe it is a reflection from His world even though it may well be a perverted one.

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Our guest wrote: "Dear Babhru, (That's much better,)

I just can't feel comfortable calling anyone Stonehearted. Well there you go maybe that can start the ball

rolling, this is a thread dedicated to 'competitionless society,' how that can come about, if it is meant to be that

way, if it is possible with human nature in Kali yuga, and what are the various angles of vision on such a

conception, let us see.

Regarding the signature I can understand what your ideal is, and appreciate your explanation, but I was simply

noteing that some transcendental devotees on the higher planes do compete for Krsnas attention, and I'm

even under the impression that that Krsna may design and create it that way to increase everyones' hankering

for Him."


Regarding my user name, when I started participating here last year, I noticed that most members used some sort of "handle" rather than their names. I was trying to fit in with the culture of the board. I settled on "stonehearted" because it reflects my actual (although temporary, I hope) condition. Also, I try to give what there is of a heart in my life to my ista-devatas, who are at present a shalagrama-shila and two tiny Govardhana-shilas. (That's Them to the left.)


As far as competition on higher planes, I know there is a kind of competition, but my sense is that its heart is cooperation. Krishna's associates compete in giving pleasure to Krishna, not so much to gain His attention. If they vie for his attention, it must be because they know he gets pleasure from his exchanges with them. Srila Prabhupada has said, for example, that Radharani sometimes feels that her girlfriends and their assistants can give Krishna more pleasure than she, and so she is always pushing them His way. I've also heard that, when the cowherd boys go crazy for the tal fruits, it's because they know that Krishna will be pleased if they enjoy them. So my sense is that the sort of competition that exists on those higher planes is inconceivable to our tiny, lame minds.

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Those two shilas up there are all heart, pure joy, can't help but be charmed by their little shiny dials, they light up my life. And they definately look happy looking out at all the devotees in different lands trying to serve Krsna at their keyboards. I think they are having a good time with some of the exchanges in here. It's a little like the Lord comes visiting our lounge room. I almost feel like offering them something to drink.


No problem for me, you going by the nickname stone, It's just that I don't want to see you as that, it sort of feels uncomfortable, Babhrus cool for me, if thats okay.


Just out of curiosity Babhru, who do your Govardhan shilas represent? I thought Giri raj was worshipped singularly. I'm a little ignorant when it comes to Shila seva. How come there are two? And what does it mean when you see a whole multitude of Shilas being worshipped?

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I don't know what it means when a multitude of shilas is worshipped. Some have suggested it's an expression of pratishtha; I woulndn't make such a blanket statement in public.


I worship two Girirajas together because that's how They came to me. Yeah, They are cute, aren't They? That's pretty much everyone's reaction. I had been worshipping the San Diego temple's Giri-Govardhana for many years. The head pujari there, aware of my attachment for such service offered me a shalagrama as a sort of consolation for not having "my own" Giriraja. After a while, an old friend called me to ask if I wanted two tiny Girirajas he had. I immediately accepted.


As soon as I started worshipping Them, Krishnamayi, my older daughter, started calling Them the Rowdy Boys. I worship Them as Krishna and Balarama, on the advice of a Godbrother whom I consider superior in surrender and realization. Sometimes devotees will worship a pair of Govardhana-shilas as Krishna and Balarama, or as Radha and Krishna. Especially to the extent this kind of thing is related to higher planes of realization, it's certainly beyond me. I'm just a working slob praying not to lose the devotees' mercy. But I was never quite satisfied with worshipping my Girirajas as two little Krishnas, and I had friends offer conflicting advice. I consulted this devotee whom I trust, and he advised me. Another Godbrother I trust also agreed with this advice. There's a B. G. Sharma picture of Krishna and Baladeva sitting on a couch, with Balaram feeding His little brother a laddu (or some kind of sweet). When I saw it, I thought, "Yep! That's Them!" I couldn't figure out how to include that pic in this posting. If I can gifure it out, I'll show you the picture.

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