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What Would Jesus Drive?

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What Would Jesus Drive?

RALEIGH, N.C.? An evangelical group hopes to turn the car-buying decision into a question of conscience with a campaign that asks: What would Jesus drive?

The Wynnewood, Pa.-based Evangelical Environmental Network will begin

running television ads this month in North Carolina, Iowa, Indiana and Missouri to urge consumers to park their sport-utility vehicles and buy fuel-efficient cars because Jesus wants the Earth's natural systems preserved.

"Economic issues are moral issues. There really isn't a decision in your life that isn't a moral choice," said the Rev. Jim Ball, executive director of the group behind the "What Would Jesus Drive?" campaign.

The Interfaith Climate and Energy Campaign plans to send mailings this month to 100,000 congregations discussing the relationship between fuel economy and

religious teachings about stewardship and justice.

The groups plan to frame their arguments in moral ? as well as economic ? terms by promoting hybrid and fuel-cell powered vehicles, as well as other existing fuel-saving technologies


"We think he is Lord of our transportation choices as well as all our other choices," said Ball an American Baptist minister. "When you need a new car, you should buy the most fuel-efficient one that truly meets your needs."


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This is a good move in the right direction. Stewardship over false domination.


The enviromental issue once established in Christianity will be a backdoor entrance for our stopping animal slaughter efforts. How? Land and water use. Factory farming is extremely hard on the enviroment. And adds to world hunger. Jesus said feed the poor. When one eats flesh they are contributing to world hunger.

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It is kinda superfical the way it is presented. I heard the man who started this interviewed and I can appreciate some of where he is coming from.


I see it in line with Sri Isopanishad. Accepting only one's quota and using all resources for the Supreme. In one purport there Srila Prabhupada remarks that altruistic activities done in the spirit of Isopanishad are another form of karma-yoga, so I take this like that.


On the question what ould Jesus drive, i went all over the place in my mind. Tried to picture Him in everything from an old VW van to a Hummer. Couldn't do it. I can picture Him walking and preaching though. He did sit on a donkey once.


The real point is whatever He chose to ride we know His purpose would be to do the will of Krsna.



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  • 3 weeks later...

To answer directly - what would Jesus drive,

I would say Jesus is not likely to come personally on this earth, although any one is free to believe so.

So, no need to address the question.


Suppose he comes on earth today,

I think that then Pope would give him ride in his vehicle.

Just as Pope does not drive him self,

Jesus will not drive himself.


Now to addrerss environmental issues on any pretex is good.


To become less and less dependent on oil is good.


However, oil is a strategic commodity. It means that any country who does not have it, will loose in war.


The Vedic society did not depend on oil, and it was happy.

Now that the world knows there is oil,

everyone wants to get hold of it.


Devas and Danavas cooperated to churn the ocean to get amrita (necter) so that by drinking it they can become immortals. Similarly, the world countries are fighting to get oil so that they have enough power to win a war.


Also having oil means economic progress.

Unfortunately very few countries think of spiritual progress. The right thing is to think of both now.


To remain economically poor means to be a victim of Islamists or others who want you to give up your chosen religion. So, the right thing to do is be strong in every way and then practice dharma.


om pUrna midah pUrna midam

pUrnaat pUrnam udachyate

pUransya pUrnamaadaaya

pUranmevaa vashisyate


So, we on this world have everything we need.

If all understand this view, then there will not be national boundaries. Conseqeuntly there will not be OPEC.

But because we have oil, and boundaries, see the irony!

US has cars and no oil.

Saudis or Iraq, etc. have no cars but oil and sand only.

In addition they have Wahabism that no other non-Islam country can accept.


So, the struggle/strife/war is un-avoidable.

To remain neutral is to be taken over by who ever is the winner. The time demands to practice Kshatriya dharma when necessary.


How others think about this please?


Jai Sri Krishna!


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