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Being True

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A good place to understand this issue is in the Bhagvad-gita or the Song of God which you can find online here:




Here God is personally speaking about his creation and yoga or our relationship with Him. The chapters "the Three Modes of Material Nauture" and "Divisions of Faith" are probably most revealing concerning your inquiry.


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Mata(Mother) Devhuti prayed lord Kapil to preach the way for the

benefaction of the soul, which is attached with ephimeral body. Lord

said 'O mother, Adhayatma Yoga (spiritual conjugation) is the main

way of benefaction for the human beings. With devotion for me, soul

becomes self-knowing. Total devotion of the soul in my form and

virtues and listening my tales, unmistakably show devotion. This

leads to an inseparable rapport between my devotee and me. This is

the greatest benefaction for the humans.







The world is like an ocean of death and I cause salvation of those

who give up all their lusts and recite my name with fervent devotion.

This whole nature has different forms, but it is ephimeral and

constantly changing. It has twenty-four divisions-five major elements

(ether, air, fire, water and earth); five souls (sound, touch,

appearance, fluid and smell); five sense organs (eyes, nose, ears,

tongue and skin); five motor organs (mouth, hands, legs, penis and

bones) and mind, intelligence, conscience and ego.

That omnipresent Purush (an epithet of God) voluntarily accepted

Prakriti (an epithet for female force). From her various virtues,

Prakriti created various creatures that corresponded exactly to the

virtues that caused their creation. In the mess, the mantle that

covered the knowledge also caused illusion for the Jivatma (microcosm

of omnipotent spirit) which thus forgot his original appearance.

The creature then began to assume the nature as a reflection of his

own appearance-- though she is different from and opposite to him--

and himself as the doer. Such an ego regarding ones duties leads to

his entanglement in the cycles of life and death. Differentiating

between the Prakriti and Purush and experiencing their real

appearances respectively, introspecting sages have had a sight of the

Supreme Being through their conscience and achieve the unparrlel

Brahma Pada.

Lord Kapil says, "Through the union of the sperm and the ovum, the

human body appears as a lump in the womb. His body forms completely

within six months. Sense organs develop thereafter. Twenty fifth

element, the soul, then enters the human body. With that, the body

begins to experience hunger and thirst. Then suffering with many

kinds of desires, the microcosm prays me to save him from the

tortures of staying in the womb. I present him with a sight of me in

his heart.


It then takes birth because of my grace. But as soon as it appears on

the earh the human being begins to forget me. Still, I present him

with my sight for two to three months more, when he begins to laugh.

But people around him think that he is laughing for his mother.

Nobody reminds him of me in his childhood. Youth of a human being

passes in futile activities. In old age, his organs begin to fail and

a human being finds himself unable to recite my name. Thus, the whole

life of a human being just passes in the illusion of 'I', 'me'

and 'my' and he reaches his last stage, and begins to realize his

mistake. But then it is usually too late for him to do anything for

his benefaction. If he has done any good deed in life, he may meet

fortune, but without a devotion for me, no one can be happy. Only

when the soul comes in my refuge, he gets free from the bondages of

life and death.


Maitre says, O Vidur, thereafter Devhuti concentrated her mind in the

divine appearance of Shri Hari(Krishna or God), as presented by Lord

Kapil. At once, she got free from all the sufferings. She got a sight

of God in her conscience and her body transformed into a holy river.

The place where Mata Devhuti received salvation is still known as

Siddhi Pada. It is a renowned place of pilgrimage.





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Dear Spiritualsri,


Hare Krishna.


Your query is very nice. I'll try to answer this according to the little knowledge that I have.



I want to know if the Paramatma is being called conscience



Yes, this is true.


Krishna says about Paramatma as:


Upadrshta anumanta ca, bharta bhokta maheshwara,

Parmatmeti ca api yukto, dehesmin purushah parah.


This means that he is the witness (Upadrshta) and gives consent to the activites (anumanta). Also he is the maintainer (bharta) and enjoyer (bhokta) and the Supreme God (Maheshwara) and he resides in the body (dehesmin) and finally he is the transcendental person (purushah parah).


Regarding your second part of question:



if so then why do so many people go against it? Why is it that some people can & some people cant hear their conscience speaking or guiding them?



People go against it due to their covering by the material energy. The more the covering of the material energy, the less the person will be able to hear Paramatma's voice!


As Krishna says


Yatha dhumen avrtam agni,

yatha adarsanam malena ca,

yatha benavrtam garbhas,

tatha tenedam avrtam.


This means that there are three kinds of material covering over the Paramatma. They are:


(1) The smoke covering the fire.

(2) The dust covering the mirror .

(3) The embryo covering the foetus.


As you can see the covering (1) is the least and the covering (3) is the most difficult to overcome.


So a person whose covering is (1), He/She can easliy hear what the paramtama is saying and He/She even tries to implement it as much as possible, where as for a person with covering (3), it's very difficult to hear the paramatma's voice.


The enlightened assembly here would be able to answer you in a better way and they can also correct me if I am wrong.


Hari Hari!



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