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onions garlic cut cancer risk

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I know many devotees won't eat garlic or onions.But should the medicinal value cause a recondsideration or perhaps they could be taken separately in some form as a health protectorant?



Newest cancer fighters? Garlic, onion


WASHINGTON (AP) -- A diet rich in garlic, shallots and onions may cut the risk of prostate cancer in half, according to a study.


The study, appearing this week in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute, is based on interviews with 238 men with prostate cancer and 471 men who were free of the disease.


Men in the study, all residents of Shanghai, China, were asked how frequently they ate 122 food items.


The results showed that those who ate more than a third of an ounce (nine grams) a day from the allium food group were about 50 percent less likely to have prostate cancer than those who ate less of the foods. The allium food group includes garlic, scallions, chives, leeks and onions.


Scallions seemed to be the most protective. According to the study, men who ate about a tenth of an ounce or more a day of scallions reduced their prostate cancer risk by about 70 percent. For garlic consumption of the same amount, the prostate cancer risk was reduced by about 53 percent.


"The reduced risk of prostate cancer associated with allium vegetables was independent of body size, intake of other foods and total calorie intake and was more pronounced for men with localized than with advanced prostate cancer," the study authors reported.


The authors acknowledged that there were "several potential limitations" to the study, including its dependence on self-reported food consumption data.


The study was conducted by researchers at the National Cancer Institute, one of the National Institutes of Health, and at the Shanghai Cancer Institute in Shanghai, China.



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Yes, you must be taking the essence. So what is the essence in the Alliums that is good for these illnesses. Is it not the sulfur based compounds that is also being found in cabbages and other brassicas (like colliflowers) and in hing and watercress and so many other things?


Others are saying the great things about red wine. Now they are also telling us that whatever is good in the wine is already there in the grape juice. So why not be having the fresh grape juice without alcohol?


Taking the essence is meaning to grasp the core of something

and not be chasing the peelings.

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Not sure what specific compounds found in onion and garlic that are involved in preventing prostate cancer.As the article didn't mention cabbage and broccoli etc., it may be something different.


Prostate cancer is a problem for many men.As we are living longer the effects are showing up more and more.

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You are talking statisticals. There is no evidence that man is living longer these days. All that is happening is that child mortalities is less and therefore average statistical ages is going up. Actually when more peoples lived the country life, providing they are surviving childhood they are living longer healthier life than most of us. This staitsitical age fallacie is being discussed in Nathan Pritikins book.


Let me give one example of just 3 people from say india now compared with US now.

Just one make belive example to be illustrate statistics.



person 1: dies aged 4

person 2: dies age 92

person 3: dies age 80




person 1: dies age 50 (survived childhood diseases)

person 2: dies age 72

person 3: dies age 78


You can be seeing that older persons in India are living longer than in USA but the average age from each country

India 176/3 = 58.66

USA 200/3 = 66.66

Staistically USA is higher age but that is only cbecause less child mortalities whereas India is having higher child mortalities but those who are surviving childhood are living longer than same asame in US in the real terms.


The scientifics way of saying all this is to not confuse the MEAN or the AVERAGE with the RANGE.


Are you understanding this?

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