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Post-initiation confusion

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Hare Krsna. PAMHO. AGTSP.


Please do not attempt to sauce me out. I hope, and think, that my questions are valid. I am just trying to reveal my mind. I will most probably ignore those responses that simply attempt to heavy me out, or to "turn the tables" on me. My questions are:


What do you do if you realize that you might have rushed into initiation and took diksha from someone who's character you did not really know?


What if that was due to pressure from others?


What if your daily sadhana and enthousiasm for KC has gone down dramatically after initiation?


What if someone other than your diksha guru is more inspirational and practically helpful to you in your KC at some point?


What if this person gives you more hope to push forward despite difficulties than your diksha guru does?


What if you also like and respect that siksha guru more?


What if these gurus have different points on view on certain issues related to how best to serve SP?


What if you do not want to reject your diksha guru out of respect, and for fear of causing aparadha, but wish you had waited and perhaps not taken initiation from him at all?


Thank you very much for your help.


your servant,


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Haribol, mahak here with a humble attempt at your questions.


What do you do if you realize that you might have rushed into initiation and took diksha from someone who's character you did not really know?


mahak: Slow down, think about the implications of your actions, understand that bhakti is a gradual process.


What if that was due to pressure from others?


mahak: The concerns of others is never your concern.


What if your daily sadhana and enthousiasm for KC has gone down dramatically after initiation?


mahak: This is normal, see the story of Dhruva. Practice is what the newcomer does until spontaneous attraction takes place. Keep doing even though it may not seem so sweet, the sweetness will come in relationship of purification.


What if someone other than your diksha guru is more inspirational and practically helpful to you in your KC at some point?


mahak: All those who are more advanced that one's self should be approached, heard from and served with rapt attention.


What if this person gives you more hope to push forward despite difficulties than your diksha guru does?


mahak: If diksa was chosen artificially, then the false ego was involved, and maybe guru-tattwa was causing forgetfulness rather than memory (Lord Nityananda's prerogative). Hope comes from within, make sure the false ego is curbed by sadhana bhakti process, and act asccordingly.


What if you also like and respect that siksha guru more?


mahak: Guru is Guru, forget the adjectives until the meaning of the adjectives becomes revealed. Until that time, the adjectives prevent rather than encourage, devotional service.


What if these gurus have different points on view on certain issues related to how best to serve SP?


mahak: Srila Prabhupada did not create clones, nor did he train us to all think and act in the exact manner. As individualism is inherant in our philosophy, differences often occur. Main thing, are you more, or less devoted to Krsna by your associations.


What if you do not want to reject your diksha guru out of respect, and for fear of causing aparadha, but wish you had waited and perhaps not taken initiation from him at all?


mahak: A real guru does not reject sincere questions in this regard, nor does betrayal enter into the relationship. Just don't fall into the trap of "preaching against one to please the other". No one is ever served by rejecting devotees that have influenced one's life, and gurus do not require such. They may direct you differently, but they do not throw babies out with bathwater.


harivbol, ys, mahaksadasa



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the diksha initiation can be rejected if the initiator

has shown to be fallen.


otherwise the important role of Guru is that of instructor.

The shiksa(instructor) guru is the important guide

to the follower, so if you have no faith in your initiator guru, and have more faith in another then the answer is simple, you do not neccesarily need to be re-initiated,

the important connection to the devotee is to the

instructions of godhead, not to the person who gives diksa, so if you have no faith in one's instructions,

and faith in another i think the path should be clear for you to see.


simply ask the siksha for guidance, explain the situation,

and if he is bonafide ,he will instruct you in how to please Sri Caitanya and the parampara.

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