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World Domination

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I have been watching CNN. They advertise that they go after the root of the matter with hard questions. This week they have interviewed several prominent political personalities and they have all agreed that the president has not made his case for emergency response concerning Iraq. They all agree that the Republicans have ignored domestic issues and that the president has snowballed his Iraqi threat issue with the sentiments people have resulting from the terrorists twin tower bombings. They all note how the president is upsurping the power of Congress to declare war.


But besides these key issues, there are some prominent figures that are boldly declaring this to be about oil.


This rings true to me. To install a new regieme is to give them access to the oil. The government has provisions in their new resolutions to declare war on anyone aiding and abetting, etc. That means they could "justify" any attacks against other Muslim nations who may support and assist. Now where might that lead?


Maybe there are relations and trade issues among the Muslim nations - and consequently the flow of oil - resulting from our overseas war on terrorism. Maybe Americans feel they have to secure that oil for their own profit and posterity.


Thus I think this whole pretext of Saddam's weapons is just a lie and excuse for stealing his oil. Now if I'm right about this, it is a small leap to envision a plan for world domination. Oil is energy, and energy is the economy and power. As the world presently exists, to control the oil is like controlling the very blood flow of the national body. I think America is just getting it's foot in the door with this. But the powers that be may be planning to take it all. In other words, they will eventually go after all the oil fields, probably in the name of a Muslim religious war calling all of them terorist or something.


I predict the Americans will leave an army in Iraq - even build a base and stay. If there are disastrous consequences, it is the poor people who will suffer and the suits remain aloof. Such are the plans of mice and men.


Now we can edit! Big convenience. Thanks JNdas.

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