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Crown and cross stay on police badge

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Here's my perspective on these sorts of topics. Basically I side with tradition and culture. We have a whole group of people spending their energies trying to take religion out of society. But our culture (in this case England's culture) is founded in many respects on certain religious traditions. We must remember it is majority rule with minority rights. Instead we have the majority of people having to put up with so much nonsense so as not to offend the "minority". Its ridiculous.



Crown and cross stay on police badge

Generations of officers have worn the badge


Plans to allow non-Christian officers to wear a badge without the traditional crown and cross insignia have been dropped by the Metropolitan Police.

Commissioner Sir John Stevens decided to abandon the plan after informal talks with other police groups.


The badge incorporates the St Edward's crown topped with a Christian cross.


But the London force had considered providing an alternative badge for officers who objected on religious grounds.


A tiny cross rests on top of the crown on the badge

The proposal followed an employment tribunal claim for race discrimination brought by a Muslim traffic warden.


M'Hammed Azzaoui had said he could not wear the symbol of another faith, but later dropped his claim.


It had been hoped the alternative badge would attract more officers from ethnic minorities.


But traditionalists attacked the scheme as "political correctness gone mad".


The groups consulted "informally" about the change included the Metropolitan Police.



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