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I did see Lagaan and it was really good.I was also in the mood for some escape and a long matinee filled the bill.


The movie never felt long which is a good sign unlike the one I saw yesterday,The Fast Runner.He may have been a fast runner but it was a slow movie.Skip it but see Lagaan.


Takes real talent to make a fine film without sex, violence, special effects, etc.Also Radha Krishna Murties make an appearance and accept some worship.


Have fun.



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Lagaan was good for this lazy Sunday afternoon. The last cricket part was a little bit to long but I never was a cricket fan. What a boring game! Theist, wicket are the 3 stumps that are behind the batman.

I'll recommend the movie because show you rural India and is very much the same way now. What a hard life to be a farmer in the 3rd world countries.

The songs were nice and sweet and the worship of Sri Sri Radha-Krsna was good.

Even for our material desires we have to depend in the Lord if we're not exalted enough to surrender completely.

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Can I ask a stupid question? Not related to this movie in particular, but Indian movies in general. Are they all the same? I can't honestly say I've ever watched one all the way through, just parts here and there. But I just don't get them. There is just a complete cultural disconnect where they all seem exactly the same to me, atleast style-wise. They are like music videos, but look like they are all directed by the same person. I have the same issue with Japanimation (the art style looks the same to me, even if the story might be different).

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I know what you mean.I have wondered if it isn't the same female singer in all these flicks.Lagaan is different though.atma is right about the criket scene though.Too long & too slow, meaning too realistic.


But "progess" for the entertainment industry there may not be a good thing.


They now have some guy doing Gunda Rap.Like a black gangster rapper down to the gold chains.

Sorry India.Please don't copy the West too much.We have a lot of garbage to export.Be discriminating.

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I didn't get in the beginning what Gauracandra meant for 'japanimation'. I thought he meant chanting japa in a mechanical way or something like that Posted Image. I hate the japanese cartoons too, they all have the same faces and expressions.

For me too,it seems the same lady singing in the Indian movies, I didn't like in Lagaan when the British girl sang (with the Indian voice) but in general the songs and lyrics were ok. The high pitch is a little bit too much for my ears.

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