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The Anti-Bush-Twins Media Burried Gore's Daughter's Underage Drinking

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<center>Liberal Bullies</center>


The national media exploited the fact that 19-year-old Jenna Bush did what many

college kids do: she used a false ID to order a drink. However, on October 1,

1995 CNN buried a similar story about then Vice President Al Gore s 16-year-old

daughter, Sarah, near the end of their News Briefs section. The story, entitled "Vice president's daughter caught drinking," only

consists of three sentences, has no picture, and is the fifth of the seven news



<blockquote> <blockquote> President Al Gore's 16-year-old daughter has been

given a citation for underage possession of alcohol.


A spokeswoman for the Gore family confirmed Saturday

that Sarah Gore was cited for holding a beer outside a

Washington area party Friday night. The maximum penalty she could

receive is a $500 fine. (CNN News Briefs, October 1, 1995) </blockquote></blockquote>


It seems Sarah's story was largely ignored by the national media that now finds

Jenna's story so newsworthy. Jenna's story received timely coverage in the New

York Times, and substantial coverage The Washington Post, USA Today, and The Los

Angles Times.


According to Howard Kurtz's June 1 article: "Jenna Bush Gets No Pass From Press

This Time" that appears in the Washington Post: "The Los Angeles Times ran a

substantial inside-the-paper piece, while The Washington Post put the story on

its Style section front. USA Today ran a front-page picture of the twins,

referring to a story inside." (Kurtz C01)


The Jenna Bush story was covered by ABC and NBC news as well as the morning and

Sunday broadcast and cable news shows. When it was the daughter of a Democratic

Vice President, there was no attempt imply that she was corrupted by bad

genetics or a bad upbringing. The same cannot be said for the Jenna and her

Republican father George W. Bush. For example, ABC's national, hourly, news

radio broadcast milked the story for two days, and on the second day an

"expert" was telling us that Jenna Bush has a genetic drinking problem.

However, they did not mention that there is no evidence that Jenna has an

alcoholic problem, no evidence that she has a defective gene, and no evidence

that George W. Bush is an alcoholic.


Evan Thomas of Newsweek is now trying to dig up more dirt on the twins, though

Newsweek ignored the stories about the Gore children.


According Stephen Robinson's article "America's elite closeranks over Gore

son's suspension" which appears in the March 22, 1996 issue of England s

Electronic Telegraph, "THE crusading American media and Washington's political

elite have closed ranks to protect Vice-President Al Gore from embarrassment

over his teenage son's indiscretion." Robinson explains:


<blockquote> <blockquote> Albert Gore, 13, was last month suspended from St

Albans, the capital's most exclusive private school,

after teachers discovered him, another boy and two

girls drinking alcohol at a school dance.


The White House and the school refuse to provide any

details of the incident but young Albert was also found

to be smoking a herbal substance, described by sources

as either marijuana or oregano seeds. The other boy was

expelled from the £10,000-a-year school, while Albert

was let off with a suspension and severe reprimand.




Why was this story hidden from the American public? According to Robinson:


<blockquote> <blockquote> both of Washington's daily newspapers decided not to

publish the news. The Washington Post had researched

the story and was preparing to publish when a

high-level decision was taken to protect the privacy of

the Gores, who have a clean-cut image in the American

media. (Robinson) </blockquote></blockquote>


In addition, Robinson cites the Weekly Standard which claims that "senior

Clinton administration official" requested silence from the media and got it (Robinson).


Furthermore, in their June 1, 2001 Cyber Alert, the Media Research Center (MRC)

points out that the same Networks that pounced on Jenna Bush "ignored the

speeding and reckless driving citations issued to Albert Gore III for going 97

mph in a 55 mph zone" (MRC). The MRC points out:


<blockquote> <blockquote> The network fascination with the initial investigation of Jenna Bush for

using another person's ID to buy an alcoholic drink at an Austin

restaurant Tuesday night contrasts with how the networks last summer

ignored the speeding and reckless driving citations issued to Albert

Gore III for going 97 mph in a 55 mph zone. While Gore was 17 at the time

of his offense on an August weekend before the Democratic convention, and so

still a minor, and Bush's daughters are now 19, the media-applied standard

has been that offspring are only

off-limits until they make the police blotter. (MRC)



The MRC also points out that those papers that did report the story, gave it

minimal coverage until after the Democratic convention in which Gore was

portraying himself as a family man:


<blockquote> <blockquote> the Washington Post and New York Times held themselves

to one edited AP dispatch on the incident a week after

it occurred. The Washington Post reported in full on

page A6 on Sunday, August 20, three days after the

Democratic convention. (MRC)



Many Americans do not realize that the mainstream media is dominated by liberal

activists who consistently show a clear double standard in their stories about

Democrats and Republicans. Liberal news outlets engaged in self-flagellation

for invading Bill Clinton s private life when they had to cover the fact that

52-year-old Democratic President broke the law when he lied in a sexual

harassment suite and then again when he lied to a grand jury. These same news

outlets now argue that it is public news when a 19-year-old, college kid, who

happens to be the daughter of a Republican President, tries to get some booze

with a fake ID, or actually imbibes. What keeps the Democrats powerful are the

media, and what keeps the media powerful is their credibility. I believe the

liberal media is extremely vulnerable now: Americans hate to see girls being

bullied around. For example, when Rick Lazio simply walked over to Hillary and

asked her to shake his hand on campaign finance reform during the first debate,

the liberal media were able to spin it as if Lazio were actually bullying around

a helpless girl. In the case of the Bush Twins, the liberal media is actually

bullying around two teenage girls. If the public can be convinced that these

news outlets are doing this for partisan political purposes, their credibility

and, therefore their power, will be extremely undermined.



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