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vipralambha rasa

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Krisna searches of this mood of separation and "becomes" Lord Caitanya. He is immersed in separation without any meeting, as it is top of all spiritual emotions. It also is required Gaudiya Vaisnavism. Sicsastaka explains this process stage by stage from sadna to prema.


If the separation is the strongest emotion, Krisna, tests her it is boundless, as the God. About what meeting there is in this case conversation not understandably and as the separation meeting can shade, if meeting is not present.


In the spiritual world (or material), together with Lord Caitanya, goes ETERNAL bhadjana of separation with Krisna.


vande rupa sanatana raghu yugau sri djiva gopalakau


"O Radharany! O Lalita! O son Nanda Maharaja! Where are you?..."


The top mathurya of race is it parakiya bhava, and top parakiya bhava - separation. It seems what to explain even more clearly not so probably. In Krisna lila meeting and separation supplement each other, but in Gaura lila Sri Caytanya Mahaprabhu it is eternal emotion.


"Lord Caitanya is undoubtedly Kåñëa Himself, and He is always nondifferent from Çrématé Rädhäräëé. But the emotion technically called vipralambha-bhäva, which the Lord adopted for confidential reasons...


Lord Caitanya taught people in general the method of vipralambha-sevä, which is the method of rendering service unto the Supreme Personality of Godhead in the feeling of separation. The six Gosvämés also taught worship of Kåñëa in the feeling of the gopés in separation. The prayers of Çréniväsäcärya about the Gosvämés explain these matters very clearly. Çréniväsäcärya said that the Gosvämés were always absorbed in the ocean of transcendental feelings in the mood of the gopés. When they lived in Våndävana they were searching for Kåñëa, crying, “Where are You, Kåñëa? O gopés, where are You? Where are You, Çrématé Rädhäräëé?” They never said, “We have now seen Rädhä and Kåñëa, and therefore our mission is fulfilled.”




Their mission remained always unfulfilled; they never met Rädhä and Kåñëa."




Sambhoga as is favorable, but purpose not sambhoga. After the person realizes the God in what that of a degree, she(it) and begins to test separation with the God. It occurs simultaneously - than more person understands Êrisna, the stronger is the separation. Therefore those who is in parampara, simultaneously are realized themselves and in Êrisna lila and as by(with) the devotee Lord Caitanya. But in maximum sense we follow in the steps Goswami. Therefore by the one who exposes itself by the connoisseurs of spiritual life (some GM) well for the beginning to understand main.


The separation is it not level sadhana, it level nistha and above. It raga - prema bhakti. But in the beginning person should learn(find out) all about the material world, spiritual world, in parampara.

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