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religion in a changing society

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religion i guess is now not practised as it ws before. with the advent of the electronic tools, less time is being spent on rituals and prayers, or rather it s not conducted as it was supposed to be before. in this aspect what is the importance of religion in todays world? wht role did it have in the earlier time and what role does it hav 2day.

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Originally posted by vinay:

religion i guess is now not practised as it ws before. with the advent of the electronic tools, less time is being spent on rituals and prayers, or rather it s not conducted as it was supposed to be before. in this aspect what is the importance of religion in todays world? wht role did it have in the earlier time and what role does it hav 2day.

Religion or to be more precise Spirituality i.e., the urge to know the ultimate present itself differently at different times. Earlier the general level of dispassionate thinking among people was relatively low and it was necessary to spend more time in rituals and prayers. These past efforts have now slowly showing results by raising the general level of unbiased approach to things and reducing sentiments. I believe this has enabled man to enhance his capabilities and bring about the complex environment -- multinationa coporate organisations, high tech and complext communication facilties etc. Whle we are yet to reach higher levels we have definitely raised above the ritulistic and highly religious environment. That is why it is said the in Kaliyuga just chanting of God's name is sufficient and will bring about the same benefits of earlier rituals. As we progress I believe we will one day reach the summit when the gap between the creator and created will narrow down and perhaps at the ultimate level it will disappear.





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The process may differ according to time place or circumstance.


The goal is the same.

Self realization is the awakening of our consciousness to our full potential.


This is the same today as it was 1000 years ago.


Whether you are a stockbroker or a cowherd,the natural state of consciousness is still necessary for self fullfillment.


Whether you live in Manhattan or Botswana, true happiness is available to you through the transcendental process of Bhagavat sanga.


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in this aspect what is the importance of religion in todays world? wht role did it have in the earlier time and what role does it hav 2day.

This is an important question. I’m not really sure of the answer though. I think in the past religion provided a certain stability, or homogeneity. People had a certain approach to life that helped to guide them. Today there are so many different points of view available. Geographic borders no longer hold people together, and I think a common consensus of what is right or wrong is breaking down. In this respect we might be seeing the dissolving of religions into many more fragmental parts. The “cultification” of society perhaps. Everyone will have their own little group that they are a part of rather than being part of a greater whole. That is one possibility.

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Originally posted by Gauracandra:

The “cultification” of society perhaps. Everyone will have their own little group that they are a part of rather than being part of a greater whole. That is one possibility.

Dear Chandra,

I agree with you. Time has witnessed the great change from monorchy, communism to democracy indicating that "each one for himself and God for us all". Considering that every man is unique in himself and has his own individual spiritual development religion should also be individualistic or personal. I feel that we are not far from the day when all religious cults and mass groups will dissolve.





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My own view is that this will be a bad thing. I've said it before and I'll say it again "Diversity is a weakness". I have no doubts about this. This is not to say there aren't strengths to having some diversity. But the benefits are outweighed fairly quickly I think.


I believe that religion is in many ways the social glue that holds society together. I fear that this cultification of society will lead and is leading to a society that doesn't know what it believes. I realize that it sounds a bit odd since I belong to a minority religion. But I think it is better for a society to have one religion that has a strong ethical system, than to have many religions which have many different ethical systems (some good, some bad, many incoherent).

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The purpose of religion as manifold,

simply attaining self realization by oneself,is not recommended in this day and age.

Due to the influence of our weak minds and selfish desires.


A higher state of consciousness in this day and age is best achieved through the social interaction in the community of like minded individuals.


This is the better way,living a social life with others interested in the highest aspiration of the soul.


With such association one is actually living on the highest plane,instead of trying to enter into some phantasmagorical

concept of divinity.


In the highest realm there is a society of self realized souls,interacting socially for the pleasure of each other and God.



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