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I stumbled across the following website:




It looks to be perhaps the official site for Gita Nagari farm.


Related to cows (though not the website), what are the different kinds of cows? There is one in particular that I really like (perhaps I'll search for a picture). Basically this cow has big floppy ears, and kind of looks like a deer (though much bigger). It always looks so beautiful. There is also another type of cow (I think the Vrndavan cows, from pictures I've seen) that look like they are wearing cajol (sp? you know, that eyeliner that women wear). They too are very beautiful.

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Taht was a good description. I knew what cows you were talking about before I saw the picture. It is the same cow from that early picture of Gopal, sitting on the rock, flute in hand, deer-looking cow beside Him. It was a dark toned sort of sepia painting, a classic, that Muralidhar prabhu also painted.


[This message has been edited by JRdd (edited 03-07-2002).]

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Originally posted by Gauracandra:

One of my favorite paintings - with the deer looking cow Posted Image

Posted Image

Are you sure that the deer looking cow is a cow? To me it looks like a deer. All the time I pass the painting in my living room, I look at it many times trying to figure out, cow or deer? Anyhow, it doesn't matter, it is a lovely painting.

A devotee told me years ago that Srila Prabhupada said that Krsna in that painting resembles the Lord the most because He looks very young and without big muscles, just like a trascendental 16 years old boy.

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I always thought it was a deer. But a few years back I decided it was a cow that just looked like a deer. This painting is one of my favorites.


As for not having big muscles, you just reminded me of a funny story that Mother Jadurani told on a "Memories" video. She wanted to paint really nicely so she studied all the great master painters like DaVinci etc... So she painted a picture of Narada Muni, where he was this muscle bound individual, with tight cheek bones, puckered lips, among Redwood trees, and wearing a very short cloth (like Jesus in the crucifixion pictures). She showed it to Srila Prabhupada and he didn't like it at all. He said "This is the meat eaters conception of beauty. Big, hard muscles. The Vedic conception of beauty is soft skin, and sweet lips." Then Srila Prabhupada told her not to study these other artists. This is all paraphrased, but it was something like that.

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I think this is same as ISCOWP. If so, then this is a wonderful organisation. They take excellent care of cows. They are also very transparent. Every year they send out their P&L statement and account for every dollar donated by each donor and how that money was used. Once you donate even a small amount, say $21, they send regular newsletters with details and even actual photos of the cows and their bio-data. I request every member to help them protect cows.

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Thanks, Kartik. I was really wondering about that. I keep finding out more and more ways you can engage in service even if you are homebound and sick. Like you can give as little as $11 to the Food Relief program in Orissa, and feed more than fifty people prasadam. This is lovingly cooked and excellent, from what I read. Everyone involved is a volunteer so every single penny goes to the purchase of bhoga. You can find the link on the homepage of this site, and use Pay Pal or any number of ways to donate. This is a great way to engage in prasadam distribution if one is unable to participate directly.


All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

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You are very right JRDD. I met J N Das, the person behind Foodrelief, once in India. He is a yound American and unbelievably committed. The kind of austerities he goes through should be seen to be believed. He spent a few months in rural Tamilnadu sleeping on where ever he can find a place and going on foot from one village to another, teaching the kids to sing Hare Krishna and surviving on milk and bananas.

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