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Nectar from Brother Lawerence

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There are many societies the university where I study (National University of Singapore) and sometimes they hold bazzars to raise funds.This week is "Catholic Awareness Week" which is of course organized by the Catholic society,and they have put up a mini-exhibition about the life and mission of Lord Jesus Christ.They are also having a bazzar selling books,rosaries and other devotional paraphernelia.


I bought a book from their bazzar entitled Practice of the Presence of God, a 17th century spiritual classic by Brother Lawerence,and a lapel pin of Saint Therese of Lisieux,("The Little Flower") who is one of my favourite Catholic saints.


Brother Lawerence (1611?-1691) was a lay brother of the Discalced Carmelites of Paris.He had been a soldier,a footman and a hermit before the Carmelites had accepted him.


I haven't really had time to read through Practice of the Presence of God, (Translated by Donald Attwater and published by BETTER YOURSELF BOOKS, Bandra, Mumbai 400 050 in 1997) but already I've found some nectar.I'd like to share some in this post.


"To be with God is not necessary to be always in church.We may make a chapel of our heart whereto we may escape from time to time to talk with him quietly,humbly,lovingly." (FOURTH LETTER To a Woman in the World)


"I look upon myself as a leper,full of corruptions,the most wretched of men who has done all sorts of wickedness against his king.Seized by remorse, I confess all my evil deeds to Him,I implore His pardon,I cast myself into his hands that He may do what He wills with me.But this king is full of loving kindness and mercy.Instead of punishing him,He caresses me lovingly,He makes me eat at His table,He serves me with His own hands,He gives me the key to His trasury,He treats me as a favoured child.He talks with me,and His delight is to be with me in a thousand ways;I am forgiven and my iniquities are taken away without talking about them.The more I pray to be acceptable to His heart,the more weak and despicable I seem to myself,and the more I am beloved of God.It is thus that I look upon myself from time to time in His holy presence." (FIFTH LETTER To a Religious)


"I only know that God protects me and that I am so tranquil that I fear nothing.What is there to fear when I am with Him?I cling to Him as much as I am able.May He be blessed by all." (SIXTH LETTER To a Nun)


A little lifting-up of the heart is enough;a short rememberance of God,an interior act of worship,made in haste and sword in hand,are prayers which,short as they may be,are nevertheless most pleasing to God;and far from lessening a soldier's courage in moments of danger,they increase it." (SEVENTH LETTER To a Woman in the World)


"I advise you to avoid much talking in prayer;long speeches often induce distractions.Hold yourself in prayer before God like a dumb or paralysed beggar at a rich man's gate;rivet your attention on keeping your mind in the presence of the Lord.If it wanders away from Him,don't get upset;to worry about it serves rather to distraction than recollection:let the will bring back the mind quietly.If you perservere in this way,God will have pity on you." (EIGHT LETTER To a Nun)




[This message has been edited by leyh (edited 02-18-2002).]

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Here are some more drops of nectar from Brother Lawrence:


"One way of becoming recollected easily at the time of prayer,and of remaining so,is to keep the mind under control at all times---that is,keep it strictly in the presence of God.Being accustomed to think of Him more often,it will then be more easy to remain undisturbed in prayer,or at any rate to recover from distractions." (EIGHT LETTER To a Nun)


'We cannot avoid the perils and snares of which life is full without the actual and unceasing help of God;we must then pray for it unremittingly.How can we pray to Him unless we are with Him? How can we be with Him unless we are always thinking of Him?And how can we think of Him often unless we make a holy habit of so doing?You will tell me that I keep on saying the same thing.It is turue.I do not know any better or easier way;and as I follow no other myself I recommend it to everybody.We must know before we can love;and to know God we must often think of Him.And when we love Him,we shall think about Him all the more,"for where thy treasure is,there is thy heart also."Just consider it carefully.'(NINTH LETTER To the Same)


"Do remember what I have advised you:that is,to think often of God,by day,by night,whatever you are doing,in your duties,even in your amusements.He is always near you and with you;do not neglect Him.You would think it rude to leave a friend,who came to visit you,alone;why then leave God alone? Do not then forget Him,think about Him often --- to do so is the proper business of a Christian:if we do not know our calling we must learn from it.I will help you with my prayers."(TENTH LETTER To a Woman in the World)


I wish you could realize that God is often nearer to us in time of ill-health and weakness than when we are well.Seek no other physician but Him,for to my mind He wishes to heal us Himself;put your whole trust in Him.Whatever remedies you make use of they will only succeed so far as He allows;when pain comes from God,He only can cure it,and He often sends disorders of the body to cure those of the soul.Comfort yoruself with the all-powerful Physician of both bodies and souls." (ELEVENTH LETTER To a Nun)


"Sometimes I looked upon myself as a poor criminal before his judge;at other times I looked on Him in my heart as My Father and My God,worshipping Him as often as I was able,and recollecting myself whenever my mind was distracted from His holy presence.I found no little difficulty in this exercise,but I perservered in spite of my failures,not worrying or blaming myself when my distractions were involuntary.I did this not only at my set times of prayer,but at all times driving from my mind everything that could displace the thought of God,every hour,every minute,even at my busiest moments." (TWELFTH LETTER To a Nun)




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