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ISKCON dhama

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ISKCON this concrete GBC first of all, system of joint management. Srila Prabhupada did not speak that one person should operate a society, He did not speak as that later GBC will cancel. He as did not establish GBC êàêò simply certain administrative structure, though it is understandable as administrative functions he bears(carries).


There is a widespread similar opinion, that the love to the God it is direct questions of race, but it is similar materialisic the approach, as the devoted service is absolute, therefore all his(its) compound parts as are absolute. The god is complete whole and that who serves, object of devoted service and as direct process of the offer, all this is at one level.


Way of spiritual life it development sraddha, as writes Srila Prabhupada. In the beginning devotee should learn the basic situations about a material nature, soul and Supreme Person of the God. The ambassador devotee learns about various aspects of devoted service and at devotee as there is a taste in a spiritual variety. And only at such development devotee adequately comes to understanding of maximum aspects of the God, repeatedly rising on a level of clearing.


Serving the God, for example in mood dasya of race, for devotee and direct process of service this embodiment dasya. If devotee builds a temple for example, the construction of a temple and is an embodiment of spiritual emotion devotee, whereas materialisic devotee sees in it material action. Such materialisic devotee can not understand that construction, for example, this action of internal energy, not external. Materialisic devotee thinks that the attitudes(relation) should be expressed only directly. He does not see, that any aspect of activity in Krisna Consciousnesses is absolute also he can not work in such consciousness, for him there is a large difference between direct by the attitudes(relations) with the God and activity in "external" devoted service, as he thinks. For him the devoted service is not absolute, therefore it at all level madhyama adhikari, it is a level kanistha adhikari in the greater degree. Kanistha adhikari owing to unstable sraddha aspires to a recognition in the material world, that probably naturally. Madhyama adhikari aspires to enable all to receive spiritual knowledge. But all activity uttama adhikari is His race, the temple, sermon or varnasrama is unimportant -, it is him bhava of fidelity to Supreme Lord. As against kanistha adhikari and madhyama adhikari, uttama adhikari increases the spiritual emotions and rule(situation) even in case of relative "defeat" from the material point of view. Whereas kanistha adhikari tests crisis sraddha in this case, and madhyama adhikari simply increases the spiritual experience. Uttama adhikari at all circumstances the God not on Goloka, for him the God everywhere is shipped in spiritual life, for him, therefore all details of devoted service for him as are always connected to the God.


The general principle of fidelity does not consist in the "direct" relations with the God. Though such aspiration naturally also makes a basis of fidelity, nevertheless spiritual relations are absolute. Whether there is no large value I am connected personally to the God or for example person helps anothers to contact to the God, this one and too. Whether I am connected directly or who that another is connected, at absence of envy, the person receives all spiritual fruits, where they would not be. Mine, for example, the relation not so are important, actually, in general mood of spiritual life. The principle of the spiritual world does not consist in direct fidelity devotee is more happy by the relations others with the God, than own. Actually spiritual world it is simple reflection of the relations Sri Sri Radha Krisna. Devotee "does not aspire" itself to establish the relation with the God devotee is happier by the relations of the Supreme Person of the God and qualities others, than own. In the material world what to be happy, I should have all directly, but the spiritual world is free with envy, in the spiritual world the soul is more arranges to the relations Krisna than tries to take something personally for itself in this or that form.


The soul does not belong to a category Visnu tattva, therefore she be not capable to serve at a level of categories Visnu tattva and Supreme sakti tattva. The spiritual world is involved(attracted) with activity of the Supreme Person of the God, centre of the spiritual world not my relations, the centre is the relation of the God and His internal energy. Therefore if to search or to try to express a principle ISKCON, it and is.


- To use all in devoted service to the God. It was established Srila Prabhupada and as by(with) He uttama adhikari, He not correctly and did not allocate any special aspects. I think what much better to participate directly in activity of internal energy, than constantly only to speak about it. Srila Prabhupada has occupied all from a platform uttama, as the inquisitive observers can not understand.


- Srila Prabhupada has protected all from gamble on subjects " of great personal fidelity ". Great devotee it is the one who helps anothers in their fidelity. Great devotee it is the one who sees that devoted service absolutely, who appreciates devoted service others from this position. But great devotee never will go on the compromise in true, great devotee will never try to manipulate others or public opinion. Some duality ISKCON is good protection from " great devotee ", only really great devotee works in the material world accepting the pain, as the ecstasy.


Srila Prabhupada was not mistaken for one second, having established GBC. The devoted service is those, that restrained devoted it is not difficult to get under protection internal energy, but it is difficult for making, having it is too much ambitions. The ambitions why that do not pass, person to accept such protection that can, but ambition is not present, the ambitions do not belong spiritual nature. For ambitions it is necessary to build separate Goloka, special " Goloka ". I can not understand one, if ISKCON it Space organization, would serve to itself and served, Space you see? But that that understandably to me as not Space that it(he), I personally know only one ISKCON and some similar organizations, with good structure, not for the fans materialistik of race. Srila Prabhupada has established ISKCON very wonderfully and that who sees that as a mistake, it is simple fidelity by His Divine Grace and His some lessons. ISKCON is simple, in ISKCON it is difficult keep own greatness. ISKCON is more intended for spiritual work and all this "work" is simply embodied bhava, if who searched for her though, trinad api sunicena slightly. ISKCON just also gives a pulse what really to be cleared. ISKCON and works really and at real activity very difficultly to support that or not natural, is exact as well as difficultly to not have reactions, preaching. Srila Prabhupada writes - " remaining the eternal diciple, you should teach, the mission Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu " is those.


Srila Prabhupada was pleased with the , He probably and searched for such, those who is not interested in own greatness, simple, looking true, eternal diciples for eternal mission. Prabhupada probably did not interest those who searches for clearing, He searched for those who wants to serve now, who on simplicity can accept the plan uttama adhikari and work in real time. Anyone, who works under a management(manual) uttama adhikari, works as uttama adhikari, he should not pass still what that of a stage, it and is the basic principle of devoted service. The person in this case though is possible and not uttama, nevertheless she(it) is authorized, it and is ISKCON. For this reason not looking that ours ISKCON it not Space ISKCON, some all will not be restrained in any way that there is this ISKCON with his structure, which to not bypass in any way. On that she(it) also is created, the dear friends, that all and adjusts both in philosophy and in administration and on other parameters. Srila Prabhupada well all saw and has put the diciples by all to operate. Srila Prabhupada is so skilled, that just now (!) who only begins that to understand that it He and works. And who else? It Krisna works, but from for materialistic as always, all that successfully coincides with our plans, we think that it is the God, and that does not coincide, we can think that it maya, but not always it maya, is much more often it again Supreme Person, Sri Krisna. Srila Prabhupada does not interest whose that personal greatness, He is interested by the plans Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu. As well as 20-30 years back now Him are interested by(with) distribution of His books, sermon and all rest, nothing has changed, because anything and should not change. We do(make) one and too from year to year, simply deepening spiritual understanding. Thus right now we also establish our connection with the Supreme Person of the God and we should not search for it where that still. But not this main. For us "problems" of our spiritual teacher and Krisna are more important, than our personal relations, especially they already are by and large. And how many at us them is, so much us and arrange, we are quite happy by it, about what as His writes Divine Grace. Ours laulyam is the sermon in all forms.


Lord Sri Caitanya it is the Supreme Person of the God, He does not concern to concrete ñàìïðàäàéå the Lord Brahma. He has come in this sampradaya, but also all others sampradaya follow Him - Sri, Kumara and Lord Siva. If who sees that thus Space ISKCON, so it and is. ISKCON it as spiritual knowledge, actually problems only in it, in distinction of the concepts. Srila Prabhupada very clearly has explained the basic rules(situations). Even belonging to Space ISKCON, nevertheless concrete ISKCON it first of all spiritual concepts. To keep spiritual organization it first of all to keep and to understand spiritual rules(situations), IT PARAMPARA, parampara transfers knowledge and her basic quality, this absence of distortions. It is difficult to present that having mistakes in the basic initial rules(situations), as that is possible to not be mistaken in more raised. Probably fidelity as such can be submitted thus, it is possible as the separate aspects can be submitted, but Srila Prabhupada has presented all aspects, it and is real parampara, it and is ISKCON.




- Books Srila Prabhupada

- Basic rules(situations) of philosophy and spiritual life

- Concrete organization with a joint management

- Concrete activity under His instruction

- Certain mood in the sermon and spiritual life


And as varnasrama it is the plans ISKCON as Srila Prabhupada would want that all had an opportunity to spiritual life, instead of the small sect struggling for a rank advanced. Only varnasrama can bring simultaneously material well-being, which we so aspire and spiritual life. Without varnasrama only sermon has what that chances of existence, all rest it will be only beautiful name, one or another it as a matter of fact will be not so important. The sermon is important and varnasrama. But to construct varnasrama it not so it is simple, that is great, who undertakes this task, though it is understandable that not business of several years or even of decades. All kinds of the relations in this case are supplied and probably even and much more. All demigods will be happy, I so think, all pure devotee and all great kings blessings varnasrama. From what actually in Bhagavatam is written about varnasrama so much?


Therefore for ISKCON it is more important to work in spirit sankirtana in all senses, than to engage eternally in finding - out who above and who below on that business. And who to what ISKCON belongs. Srila Prabhupada it sakti avesa avatara and the understanding of His situation completely depends on our own situation in spiritual life. As to ISKCON that it will be union of ALL spiritual organizations and all various moods of spiritual life will be combined in him, therefore if to speak about such ISKCON, it can be taken into account, instead of to deduce(remove) by mechanical constructions, who to whom is connected and that it means actually.


Thank, kailasa.

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