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The Universality of Krsna Consciousness

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Yesterday evening I attended a program at a devotee's apartment graced by a Banu Maharaja, a sannyasa in a Japanese material body.The host was a Peruvian devotee (I think his name is Akachakra Prabhu) who I had met once while he was selling books and incense in Serangoon (known as Singapore's "Little India").The Maharaja resembled a Hong Kong actor Kenneth Tsang and he sang kirtana very nicely.His class was on the following verse from the Srimad Bhagavatam


nivrtta-tarsair upagiyamanad

bhavausadhac chrotra-mano-'bhiramat

ka uttamasloka-gunanuvadat

puman virajyeta vina pasughnat


"Glorification of the Supreme Personality of Godhead is performed in the parampara system; that is, it is conveyed from spiritual master to disciple. Such glorification is relished by those no longer interested in the false, temporary glorification of this cosmic manifestation. Descriptions of the Lord are the right medicine for the conditioned soul undergoing repeated birth and death. Therefore, who will cease hearing such glorification of the Lord except a butcher or one who is killing his own self?" (Srimad Bhagavatam Tenth Canto, Chapter One, Text 4)


Maharaja spoke for about more than an hour about how the pastimes of the Lord was the cure for all suffering and how important it is to hear these pastimes from someone who is free of material desire and at the same time attracted to Krsna.Maharaja said that it is useless to hear the pastimes of Krsna from those professional reciters who recite the pastimes of the Lord for a fee,and it is also useless to hear the pastimes from a Mayavadi who doesn't believe in Krsna or have attraction for Him.


After the class,Maharaja sang kirtan.I had to leave early but not before paying obeisances before him and receiving some prasadam from his hands.I left with two of my friends and the host's wife gave us each a plastic bag filled with delicious prasadam.


Actually, the thing that struck me the most about the program was not what the Maharaja said,or the kirtan.It was the diversity.The host of the program was a Peruvian.The Maharaja was a Japanese who spoke English in an American accent.Most of the devotees present were Indian.I am a Chinese and I saw a Caucasian man (A friend told me that he was Amogha dasa, a Srila Prabhupada disciple who had preached in Singapore) and woman attended the program.In this diversity,I saw the universality of Krsna Consciousness.


Btw,who is Banu Maharaja? Is he a disciple of Srila Prabhupada?



[This message has been edited by leyh (edited 02-08-2002).]

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All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

Dear Prabhu,

That was very nice.I tasted the nectar of devotion and felt bliss.While many non indians are taking up to Krishna conciousness very seriously,it is such a misfortune that people who are in India are falling down due to intense materialistic desires.I know it,I was born in India and grew up knowing very little about God conciousness.People only respect a wealthy man and from childhood one is expected to become an IAS officer or some rich big man.I think in the next few centuries conditions may improve.

Prabhu please accept my humble obesiances at your lotus feet.


Bhakta Joy

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Originally posted by bhaktajoy:

All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

Dear Prabhu,

That was very nice.I tasted the nectar of devotion and felt bliss.While many non indians are taking up to Krishna conciousness very seriously,it is such a misfortune that people who are in India are falling down due to intense materialistic desires.I know it,I was born in India and grew up knowing very little about God conciousness.People only respect a wealthy man and from childhood one is expected to become an IAS officer or some rich big man.I think in the next few centuries conditions may improve.

Prabhu please accept my humble obesiances at your lotus feet.


Bhakta Joy

Dear Bhakta Joy:


Please accept my humble obeisances.All Glories to Srila Prabhupada!


It is not just in Inda,but practically all over the world,people are ensnared in material desire.I am certainly one of them.I have no desire for chanting the holy names of God,managing only a few rounds (usually 1 or 2)on my japa mala a day and entertaining all kinds of lustful,wrathful and envious thoughts.I do not take Krsna Consciousness seriously and this is my misfortune.


Still,I keep coming back to Krsna.There is this quote from Sri Aurobindo which is so inspiring:"The spiritual journey is one of continuously falling on your face, getting up, brushing yourself off, looking sheepishly at God and taking another step." I have been falling down so many times and sometimes I have this dreadful thought that Krsna might even be impatiently snearing at me...


But a part of me thinks that ultimately Krsna will triumph.You wrote:"I think in the next few centuries conditions may improve." Why next century? By Krsna's grace the impossible becomes possible and the difficult becomes easy.So we should keep praying for grace from Him and Srimati Radharani.We have to be patient,though and not lose faith...


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Bhanu Swami is a disciple of Srila Prabhupada and he normally stays in Chennai, South India.


Do you have contact with Ekachakra and his wife Indulekha? I know them very well from India and Singapore. I lost their e-mail address and I would like to contact them again. Tell them to write to Gauri from Calcutta, they know where to write.

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Originally posted by atma:



Bhanu Swami is a disciple of Srila Prabhupada and he normally stays in Chennai, South India.


Do you have contact with Ekachakra and his wife Indulekha? I know them very well from India and Singapore. I lost their e-mail address and I would like to contact them again. Tell them to write to Gauri from Calcutta, they know where to write.

Atma mataji:


Please accept my humble obeisances.All Glories to Srila Prabhupada.


I think the Ekachakra Prabhu that you are referring to is the Peruvian devotee who hosted the program graced by Bhanu Maharaja.I'm sorry,but I do not know their address or telephone,but I will try to get the word to them that you would like to contact them again.




[This message has been edited by leyh (edited 02-10-2002).]

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