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Srila Promode Puri Gosvami writes in "The Heart of Krsna." http://bvml.org/ SBPPG/hok-intr.html:


"THE ETYMOLOGICAL development of the word aparadha is radhat arthat aradhanat- apagatah, which means `to be distanced from worship.` Offenses committed at the lotus feet of Vaishnavas, the Devotees, distance one from devotional service to the Supreme Lord. But in a higher sense it means to be removed from the service of Sri Radha. All divine service to Krishna is being conducted under her direction. To offend her servitors is to make one unfit for her divine service. The whole aim of Krishna consciousness is Radha-dasyam, the divine service of Sri Radha, and offenses at the lotus feet of Vaishnavas make one unfit for such service"



Radhe Radhe always Radhe!


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Found this on another forum, Does anyone have any info about the devotee who wrote it? valaya


our confession and request


OH RADHE ! HEAR the crying of Your naughty quarrlesome children !

We have made a terrible mess of the beautiful home that you prepared for

us ! We have ruined everything, but we are dishonest and proud and blame

each other. We are envious and all claim to be YOUR FAVORITE. We

think that we can abuse you because you are so mericful, and Father is not

watching ! We are so deluded by Your own spell of Maya ! Please forgive

our terrible behavior and our vices and remove the veil of prideful ignorance

that we have earned by our offences unto You, (our APARADHA). Please

remove your veil from before our eyes and let us see you once again ! We

have willfully wandered away from Your Motherly Protection into the dark

night of a cold entropic cosmos, and we are weeping and shivering without

Your Consolation and Your warm embrace. Show us again the soothing

Golden moon-like luster of Your Smiling Face that lights and warms the

Three Worlds and the Heart of Sri Hari ! Enlighten us ! Oh Radha Mata Devi !

We are dirty, destructive and disobediant. Please cleanse us, mend us and gently

bend us to YOUR SWEET WILL for our good, and the good of all creation,







offered this Holy Radhastami by your troublesome, immature, rascal son,


Bhakti Ananda Goswami



Radhe Radhe always Radhe!



[This message has been edited by valaya (edited 01-27-2002).]

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