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Krsna Meditations

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I got this from a friend:




I believe I confessed last year to having started collecting early editions of Srila Prabhupada's books and early ISKCON memorabilia. My collection is small by

most measures, but it includes some real treasures. The latest edition arrived

this afternoon, a 1974 LP recorded by Srila Prabhupada, "Krishna Meditations".

Appropriately, the front and back cover show Srila Prabhupada in contemplative

moods. The Lord's pure devotees are always meditating on Krishna through their

desires, thoughts, words and actions.


Krishna tells Arjuna in

Bhagavad-gita (8.7),

"Therefore, Arjuna, you should always think of Me in the form of Krishna

and at the same

time carry out your prescribed duty of fighting. With your activities

dedicated to Me and your mind and intelligence fixed on Me, you will

attain Me without doubt."


Lord Caitanya taught His followers to chant the Hare Krishna mantra as

our primary form of meditation. “One should chant the holy name of the

Lord in a humble state of mind, thinking oneself lower than the straw in

the street; one should be more tolerant than a tree, devoid of all sense

of false prestige and ready to offer all respect to others. In such a

state of mind one can chant the holy name of the Lord constantly.”


So, then, devotees always meditate upon Krishna. But what does Krishna

think about? While in Dvaraka, Krishna carried out the duties of a

perfect householder. He would rise each morning, bathe and perform

meditation. Because He wanted to set the example for human beings whose

duty is to meditate upon the Supreme Lord, Krishna meditated upon

Himself! But is that what He's really thinking about? Who would want to

worship a God who is self-absorbed, who only thinks about Himself?


Earlier in the Bhagavatam, we get some insight into the real object of

Krishna's meditation. As children, Krishna and His brother Balarama

would create all kinds of mischief for the housewives of Vrindavana. The

boys would sneak into the neighbors' homes and steal butter, yogurt and

milk. The monkeys would often join Them on these adventures and the

Lords would feed the monkeys so much butter, yogurt and milk that they

couldn't stand anymore. The gopis would try to hide their stock in a

dark room or hang it high overhead, but the self-effulgent Krishna and

Balarama would almost always find it. The few times They were foiled,

Krishna and Balarama took revenge by pinching the babies in the house, or

sometimes they'd spit or urinate on the clean floor.


If any of our children ever did this at a neighbor's home, there'd be

hell to pay. But the gopis experienced the highest bliss witnessing and

speaking of Krishna and Balarama's mischief! Sometimes the neighbor

ladies would go to Yasoda and Rohini to lodge "complaints" in front of

little Krishna and Balarama. The gopis relished talking about Krishna's

bad behavior, and they loved drinking in Krishna's innocent smile as they

described what He had done. Krishna and Balarama were not at all



Srila Prabhupada reports the gopis' statements in Krishna, the Supreme

Personality of Godhead, "'All day He simply makes arrangements to steal

our butter and yogurt, and now He is sitting just like a very silent good

boy. Just see His face.' When mother Yasoda thought to chastise her boy

after hearing all the complaints, she saw His pitiable face, and smiling,

she did not chastise Him."


The gopis herein reveal the Lord's greatness, "All day He simply makes

arrangements to steal our butter and yogurt..." In other words, Krishna

is always meditating upon His devotees and how to increase their love for

Him!! Krishna says that He reciprocates with His pure devotees who

always think of Him, “The devotees are always in My heart, and I am

always in the hearts of the devotees. The devotee does not know anything

beyond Me, and I also cannot forget the devotee. There is a very intimate

relationship between Me and the pure devotees. Pure devotees in full

knowledge are never out of spiritual touch, and therefore they are very

much dear to Me.”


Krishna is called madhu, sweet. The sweetness of a person is exhibited

by their submission to the affections and desires of their loved ones.

Krishna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, is so sweet that He becomes

a butter thief to bring pleasure to the cowherd ladies of Vrindavan.


But what about us? We are trying to cultivate remembrance of Krishna,

but we are easily distracted: pressing deadlines at work, family

obligations, illness, world events divert our attention. Will Krishna

remember us?


Srila Prabhupada states (Srimad Bhagavatam 8.3.17 purport) that the Lord

is looking after the welfare of all beings, devotees and nondevotees:

"Only Krishna can deliver us from this material existence. Indeed, He is

always trying to deliver us. Isvarah sarva-bhutanam hrd-dese ’rjuna

tisthati [bg. 18.61]. He is within our hearts and is not at all

inattentive. His only aim is to deliver us from material life. It is not

that He becomes attentive to us only when we offer prayers to Him. Even

before we offer our prayers, He incessantly tries to deliver us. He is

never lazy in regard to our deliverance. Therefore this verse says,

bhuri-karunaya namo ’layaya. It is the causeless mercy of the Supreme

Lord that He always tries to bring us back home, back to Godhead. God is

liberated, and He tries to make us liberated, but although He is

constantly trying, we refuse to accept His instructions (sarva-dharman

parityajya mam ekam saranam vraja [bg. 18.66]). Nonetheless, He has not

become angry. Therefore He is described here as bhuri-karunaya,

unlimitedly merciful in delivering us from this miserable material

condition of life and taking us back home, back to Godhead."


When the soul somehow turns to Krishna, the Lord remembers (Adi Purana):


sraddhaya helaya nama

ratanti mama jantavah

tesam nama sada partha

vartate hrdaye mama


"O Arjuna, listen attentively! When the living entity chants My name,

whether out of devotion or indifference, then his name will remain

forever in My heart. I will never forget such a soul."


Thus we can be assured that Krishna is always thinking of us. The more

we meditate upon Krishna, the more He will meditate upon us, nurturing

our devotion.






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I'm simply amazed that this thread has not received even one reply after four days! Just think for a moment of the other subjects discussed instead... Does this sweet post from atma prabhu not inspire any personal feelings/realizations at all from any of the devotees here, or is everyone simply reluctant/fearful to reveal themselves?


Of course, I have plenty to share, although I'm not an initiated devotee myself and, quite frankly, am tired of taking so much flak or just plain being ignored by the esteemed vaisnavas present on this forum. I may be foolhardy, but I'm certainly not a masochist!


Anyway, thanks atma, but you might have included your own personal thoughts, etc. along with the nectar from Srila Prabhupada. I'm always ready to break the ice by exposing myself more personally, prabhus, but I can't keep hoping others will be encouraged to come out of hiding as well. Not that I blame you after my own experiences here...


valaya RR




[This message has been edited by valaya (edited 10-13-2001).]

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Yet another wonderful opportunity to share Krsna-katha with all the Gaudiya vaisnava devotees on this forum... What, still no takers? Isn't this the `higher taste` that devotees `take great satisfaction in` and `always enjoy discussing amongst themselves`? Is anyone out there?


Maybe the preferences of devotees here lie elsewhere, or are they simply unable to relate Krsna's pastimes to their personal lives? Methinks they are selfishly keeping the real nectar to themselves! Then again, perhaps the `higher taste` is just not there at all! Anyone casually looking into this forum might be forgiven for thinking so, wouldn't you say?


My humble opinion is that many are intimidated, because they know from past experience what happens to those who share their hearts here. I had hoped that my own fumbling attempts might encourage and inspire the devotees, but it seems I've only opened myself up as a target for criticism if not outright demonizing.


Since I am still not an initiated disciple of any guru and do not consider myself a Gaudiya vaishnava, perhaps that makes me fair game for those who are always anxious to faultfind, while remaining fearful of committing apaRADHA by offending those whom they define as devotees.


If I should sound bitter and even disgusted, yes those feelings are certainly there; but mostly I'm disappointed by how this amazing internet forum facility is being used, when I know in my heart how it could be and what we should be for each other. Guess it's all only another computer video game to play with, eh? It could be called `Fun With Fools`, `Wittier Than Thou`, `How Clever Are We`, `Watch Me Now` or maybe `Virtual Masturbation`, anything but `Audarya Fellowship`...


Anyway, I'm hoping against hope that this post will be taken as a serious challenge for us all to become more real with each other, as opposed to philosophical/political or whatever other means we employ to distance ourselves from the true reality of discussing our Krsna-consciousness and establishing a deeper, more meaningful level together. Nor do I mean merely tossing out quotes without including at least some relevant personal realization as well, personal being the keyword.


valaya RR




[This message has been edited by valaya (edited 10-21-2001).]

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Could it be that the devotees can relate to Krsna katha but not to valaya katha? Could it be that there is a difference between the sweet pastimes of the Lord and the bitter outlook of valaya? Could it be that devotees read the original post which spoke for itself and there for they chose not to make comment? Could it be that devotees did not see this thread? Could it be that valaya needs to spend less time speculating about others' motivations, realizations, personal relationships with guru and Krsna, and levels of advancement, and spend less time too, criticizing the general group here and more time contributing nectar himself or better yet shut up altogether?


Could it be that valaya has wrecked yet another great thread with his useless, envious, speculative, and bitter commentaries? Cute like a little boy someone said? More like a tantrum throwing egocentric little twit.




[This message has been edited by gopal (edited 10-21-2001).]

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Originally posted by M-dd:

ps. great thread!

This thread has been here eleven days without a single reply other than mine, which don't count, except in a negative way of course.


Methinks Her `Highness` was too busy elsewhere, with venom not nectar, but that seems to be her nature, doesn't it? I'd be more than happy to be proven wrong in this regard...at no point did I criticize Her personally, and certainly not in such a maliciously vindictive way, until she zeroed in exclusively on me, even threatening to use all her powers to cast destructive spells, etc. etc.


Her words and mine speak for themselves. The one big difference, though, is that I am not an initiated disciple of Srila Prabhupada, nor do I claim to even be a devotee, so it is not I that should be expected to act like one.


If anyone disagrees with what has been said here by anyone else, the choice is always there to ignore the post or discuss it in a rational manner.


Vicious vitriolic personal attacks and demonizing should not be an option on `Spiritual Discussions` threads within a devotee forum. A very few here appear to know no other way, unfortunately. They should therefore not be surprised when their no-holds-barred down-and-dirty tactics lead to direct reciprocation in kind.


Feigned indignation and pointing of blame on the one originally provoked, with the sole intention of exposing so-called `anti-Prabhupada demons`, really won't cut it here. We've seen it all before, Priestess and I doubt if any of the regular posters here can be fooled by such antics anymore.


valaya RR




[This message has been edited by valaya (edited 10-21-2001).]

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Originally posted by gopal:

Could it be that the devotees can relate to Krsna katha but not to valaya katha? Could it be that there is a difference between the sweet pastimes of the Lord and the bitter outlook of valaya? Could it be that devotees read the original post which spoke for itself and there for they chose not to make comment? Could it be that devotees did not see this thread? Could it be that valaya needs to spend less time speculating about others' motivations, realizations, personal relationships with guru and Krsna, and levels of advancement, and spend less time too, criticizing the general group here and more time contributing nectar himself or better yet shut up altogether?


Could it be that valaya has wrecked yet another great thread with his useless, envious, speculative, and bitter commentaries? Cute like a little boy someone said? More like a tantrum throwing egocentric little twit.


[This message has been edited by gopal (edited 10-21-2001).]

I have to agree with this post.


Valaya: what you don't seem to realize is that most of us don't have all day to sit at the computer and reply to a multiplicity of threads. As pointed out by gopal, some of us are content to contemplate and appreciate various posts with HAVING to reply to them. After being away from this forum for a while, it is glaringly evident to me that instead of a forum for devotees of Radha and Krishna and Lord Chaitanya to come together to discuss and share topics relating to Them, everywhere one looks it is Valaya RR. It's called overkill, feeling the need to put 'your mark' on everything that is said here. Quite frankly, it's a real turnoff. As is your "I'm the best devotee and only appreciator of Radharani". Please, can't you just shut up for a while? As someone said, you are not the centre of the universe, Krishna is. And His love for Radha is what we're interested in, not hearing of your's over and over and over and over again!

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This is a potentially wonderful thread. I'm also disappointed that there haven't been any responses--real responses in the same mood, where the writer tries to share some appreciation for Krishna's name, form, qualities and pastimes. I was hoping to drink some nectar. Instead, I'm getting something else when I click on this thread. That means I'm going to have to take time out from thinking I'm a teacher act as if I were a devotee by bringing some Krishna meditations of my own to the table. How dare you folks put me in such a position? Posted Image

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Taking stonehearted's advice, I woke up early the next morning and read through the Krishna Book, volumn one. Wonderful Krishna, Whose pastimes soothe the troubled mind and fills the heart with joy. Reflecting on how these stories are not confined to a time in the past, but are relevant to the here and now (eternal pastimes), I found renewed inspiration reading about the cowherd boys fearlessly entering into the mouth of Agha, knowing that Krishna would save them in any circumstances. Even though Agha swallowed them up and they fell into a state on unconsciousness (what happens to devotees when they forget Krishna), Krishna expanded Himself inside the demon's head, forcing Agha's lifeforce to burst out of his head and into the Brahmajoti. Then just by glancing mercifully over His dear friends, the gopas became revived and ready to go off on another adventure with the Lord.

When the Kaliya serpent polluted the waters of the Yamuna River, causing distress to all the residents of Vrndavan, Krishna was so cool that he adjusted his belt before diving into the poisonous waters to subdue Kaliya. Just to increase His devotees love for Him, He allowed Kaliya to capture Him in his coils for 2 hours. Everyone thought that Krishna was finished, Mother Yasoda tried to enter the waters to save her boy, and all the residents had to hold her back. Krishna is the life and soul of all the Vrijbasis, of the cowherd men and women, the gopas, the gopis and the cows. For a tense moment in time, they felt as if their lives were finished, if Kaliya succeeded in defeating Krishna. Then, just as it seemed all was lost, Krishna not only broke free from Kaliya's coils, but began to dance on the sepent's heads, until Kaliya was the one who was about to be finished. Because of the prayers and tears of the wives of Kaliya, Krishna never killed his body, but told him in no uncertain terms to leave, to go away and pollute the Yamuna or disturb the residents again. I thought of how, as people of the Earth become more conscious of the sacredness of Mother Bhumi, Krishna in the hearts of all will give strength and wisdom to insure that major polluters will cease and desist pouring dangerous chemicals into the rivers, lakes and oceans and in time they will become pure and pristine again.

And who can forget the time the cowherd boys became hungery, and Krishna saw it as an opportunity to favor the wives of the brahmans, (who were so wrapped up in ritualistic ceremonies, pronouncing mantras perfectly and offerring all the articles of worship in the precise order, yet couldn't understand the Divinity of Krishna and Balarama, or the cowherd boys). He gave meaningful instruction to all when He told the gopas to ask for charity in the name of Balarama, because Balarama was born of a ksatriya family, whereas Krishna (as the son of Nanda and Yasoda) was from a vaisya family. A sublte dig towards the caste system, long before the 2 brothers appeared as Chaitanya and Nityananda and embraced Haridas Thakhur and the Nam Acharya.

Krishna's flute playing, attracting all living creatures, causing even the deer to stand still and shed tears, the gopis to leave their household duties, husbands and religious principals to meet with Him in the dead of night. Krishna, hiding from the gopis and stealing Radharani away to a secret place, carrying Her on His shoulders.

Krishna with the shark-shaped earrings, the garland of fresh flowers, the kaustuba necklace, the mild smile and side-long glances that reassure His devotees of His loving protection.

Krishna, bewildering Mother Yasoda when she looked into His mouth to see if he had eaten dirt....only to discover the entire cosmic manifestation inside her child's mouth! Showing His boundless mercy on her by withdrawing the vision and appearing again as an ordinairy child.

Krishna, stealing the garments of the unmarried gopis, who worshipped goddess Katyayani for the benediction of having Krishna as their husband.

Krishna and Balaram returning home after herding the cows, the dust from the hoofs of the cows covering their faces and hair.

Krishna expanding Himself during the Rasa Dance, so that there were as many forms of Krishna as there were gopis, while in His original form He never leaves the side of Radha.

Wonderful, wonderful Krishna. May we never forget Him.


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I was thinking recently about Brahma's stealing Krishna's friends and calves. Every day, as the boys headed out to care for the calves, Yashoda would admonish Balaram to keep His little brother out of trouble. However, one day Baladeva stayed at home for His birthday rituals. That day, Brahma stole the boys and calves, and Krishna replaced them with Vishnu-tattva duplicates. Baladeva, intrigued by the increased affection the cows and parents of Vraja showed for their offspring over the next year, guessed that Krishna must be up to something. When He finally asked Krishna about the wonderful events, Krishna explained everything to Him. A year later, with Balaram again staying behind for His birthday, Brahma came to see the results of his mischief. When he realized the truth of Krishna's position, he fell at Krishna's feet and bathed them with tears of ecstasy.


Krishna is very playful, very cool.


Babhru das

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Tonight I can't get it out of my mind, so it must mean something. The image of Krishna''s friend, was it Subala, 'tricking' Krishna by asking Him to close His eyes, that Subala would pop a sweetball in His mouth. Instead Subala, or was it Madhumangal, popped a flower in His mouth. Krishna made face, everyone laughed. The Omniscient Lord AGREED to suspend His mystic powers of all-knowing, all pervasiveness, just to please His friends. Let them think that they actually pulled on over on Him.

That same Krishna, Who appeared time and time again to 'save the planet and make the gopas laugh' is the object of my meditation tonight.

Radha wouldn't mind. I don't want to steal Him away, don't want to Kiss Him on the lips (necessarily.) Just want to see Him do His Thing, if you know what I mean.



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