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A few weeks ago there was discussion of an organization called Friends of Vrindavan. It was a environmental vaisnava organization. This got me to thinking about the relationship between nature and the Vaisnava tradition.


Today, environmentalism is considered hip. We regularly see Hollywood, and politicians envoke the need to protect our environment. As such many religions are reinterpreting (IMO) their texts from an environmental angle. But it seems to me that Vaisnavism needs no reinterpretation. We accept the worship of rivers (Yamuna, Ganga), of hills (Govardan), of plants (Tulasi) and of course we accept the existence of a Goddess Earth.


So I was curious about any progress on projects this Friends of Vrindavan may be involved in. Also, what other Vaisnava organizations are out there working to promote a cleaner environment. I have heard that a devotee woman (don't recall her name, but she's the heiress to Patty (?) Duke) was setting up a trust fund to care for the animals of Vrindavan.


Besides the organizations, I'd be interested in your realizations about the relationship between Vaisnavism and the environment.



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I always think about respecting God's creation. It is not ours to disrespect. This includes not interfering the perfect balance He has created, in order for all living entities, creatures tall and small, to live out their lives as God intended. Sri Isopanisad has some relevant verses, and commentaries by Srila Prabhupada. More later, but leaving this open for someone else to step in.


I love this subject. Again, you have come up with a naturally interesting topic.


ys, Jayaradhe

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