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iskcon = hare krishna?

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A couple of questions to Satyaraja dasa [or anyone else].


1. Do Iskcon and Hare Krishna mean the same organizations?


2. Satyaraja Dasa, sometime back you said that you have nothing to do with Hare Krishna. Yet you recognize Prabhupada as an acharya in your line. That is very confusing. Is there a separate line from the Gaudiya Math through Prabhupada which has nothing to do with Iskcon?



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Prabhupada it Bhaktisidhanta Sarasvati?

Bhaktisidhanta Sarasvati has told to preach in the countries of West.

He wanted to see organization. Why are not connected with Gaudiya Math? Very well

Are connected, but what all this to understand, is necessary to be inside.

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Dear Shvuji, pranamam


You made some very nice questions, thanks. We will try to answer them according our guru-varga explanations.


Sri Caitanya's bhakti tree have hundreds of branches. Sri Nityananda's tree also, and also Sri Advaita Acarya's tree, and Sri Gadhara's tree.


One of these branches in Sri Caitanya's tree of bhakti is named Rupa-Sanatana branch, and it is the 42th branch, besides many others. The mood in that branch is mañjari-bhava, a kind of feeling that is property of Sri Radha's intimate maidservants called mañjaris. This mood is the sadhya (aim) in this line. There are countless other moods and therefore countless other sadhyas (aims) in the whole field of Gaudiya-vaisnava's bhakti.


In modern days a very powerful acarya named Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura had reorganized this 42th branch of Sri Caitanya's tree of bhakti, by giving some modern concepts of sadhana, siddhanta, tattva, bhajana-pranali and so on following the same line established by Rupa-Sanatana Goswamis.


Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Prabhupada was his son and disciple, and he had made arrangements to spread these concepts far and wildly. This task never has done before. He organized the Gaudiya-math to be a preaching mission in this line, and some of his learned and advanced disciples kept the tattva, siddhanta, and deep and confidential realizations safe from ordinary missionaries' primary understanding.


Srila A C Bhaktivedanta Swami Goswami was in the same line, i.e., in the 42th branch of Sri Caitanya's bhakti tree, and he was Srila Prabhupada's disciple. His mission was to preach the basic premises on savisesa-abheda-tattva, bhakti-tattva and rasa-tattva to beginners, outside India, people with different samskaras, karma, and so on. A very difficult and risky task.


He was successful, his teachings and books are in the same line, but there are strong adaptations according people, time, circumstances, and so on. The deep and confidential subject matters are very camouflaged, and only under the proper anugatya one is able to understand them.


Iskcon was Srila Swami Goswami's tool to fulfill his mission. An institution is like a tool, as a hammer, for example. In a skilled hand a hammer may built a nice house, but in a uninhabited hand the same hammer may be a lethal weapon. We now consider Iskcon as a deteriorated institution, far away Acarya's original mission, and a lethal weapon. They are following so many apa-siddhantas, have no tattva and no bhajana-pranali, and are converted into an apa-sampradaya, with no credit inside the sampradaya. Now they are to be placed into the rank of any Hindu sect.


Recently, at the last Pope's visit to India, members of the nationalist government were to complain to Pope about the proselytism employed by Christians missionaries in India. They complained that poor and ordinary Indians were converted to Christianity due this malpractice. The Pope was very humble and tolerant, and has heard their criticism crestfallen. What he could do? Do you imagine that some Evangelic, Jeovah Witnesses, and so many other fanatics really are representing the Pope? Or the Christianity? Or even Jesus Christ teachings?


We imagine that nowadays a real Gaudiya-vaisnava Acarya would have to face the same situation at any West country. What are these missionaries really doing?


dasa dasanudasa

Satyaraja dasa



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A.C. Bhaktivedanta Svami Prabhupada that acaria on all kali yugu, His(its) books will be a management(manual) for 10000 years and they not for beginning. Gaudiya-vaisnava

Follow in the steps Lord Caitanya and top of race is the mood of separation.

All kinds of races are submitted in the books Prabhupada, allocation of one mood

Also is activity of a sect. Mahabhagavata devoted is described in the comments on BG, therefore we well imagine everything, as to this subject. Bhaktisidhanta Sarasvati Prabhupada was not glad and who is happy when or began to reason concerning rasa - " they have become overripe in sahadjii, let in the beginning will understand lila Prahlada ". You have sufferred a defeat from shivu, because do not know simple things what to speak about more raised? The fidelity develops gradually from the lowest steps to maximum, it is asserted(approved) by(with) all authorities. " Nobody comes to me passing santa race, in øàíòà to race devoted realizes successfully all attitudes(relations). There is no difference between a kiss Krisna and games three Visnu. B ÈÑÊÊÎÍ much qualified devoted, but neophit were always glorified by that that considered(counted) itself above others, it ýêçàëüòèðîâàííîå vision neophit. AC Bhaktivedanta Svami Prabhupad nitya-siddha and His(its) name, mission and the qualities are described in one of Puranas and in one sacred ïèñàíèè. In ÈÑÊÊÎÍ there are a lot of people and quantity(amount) of the casual people therefore as large. You assert(approve) what you are qualified in rasa? In any case you should not do(make) the applications about apa, sect and mission Prabhupada. All yours ýçîòåðèêà will be scattered in rasa bhase, as soon as you will begin to write from itself, to whom is necessary gyana? Show vigyana having opened understanding of intermediate steps bhakti yogy. In what on yours tatva, about what does not guess ÈÑÊÊÎÍ? Do not overestimate itself and underestimate others. Try to not get in a category apa, of time you have undertaken whom that to judge.

Thank for a question Shivu.


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