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appropriiate english version of RAMCHARITRAMAANAS

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Haribol viji ,


I dont know , but I find it so heartining...so pleasing when I realize how every devotee tries his/her best to help the other, with whatever resources he/she has.

Perhaps " This is Association of Vashnavas "

Thanks for info. regarding your site.

I have visited it and also you will find my signatures in your guest book.

I will certainly post my doubts as they come along but regarding my taking part in forume , I have to confess that I am a fool and don't have any knowledge to discuss spritual things.And I mean it .But considering the limited resources I have ,yes, I am fortunate enough to have association of the devotees like you,shvu ,jndas,animesh ,gouracandra prabhu and the rest on whom I depend to get some knowledge and association.


Thanks a lot !!


Hare Krishna !!




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Hi Ajay,


Not knowing is not foolish. It is just that one is ignorant of something. Thomas Alva Edison would not have known about Krishna. That does not mean that he was a foolish person. He simply did not have the means and the inclination to know. So he was ignorant of Krishna.


A devotee doesn't necessarily have to discuss spiritual things. All he needs to know is Krishna [in your case], a means of worship and he is set for life !



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Hare Krishna Shvu ,


You are absolutely right !! IGNORANCE ...


You see when a person does not know that he is ignorant,even at that time he is ignorant but that feeling of being ignorant is not there.Only when either somebody has pointed it out to him/her , or he/she realizes

it in some company or association of intelluctuals --- only then that sense and feeling of being IGNORANT hurts him and in my case I just seem to have realized that I have wasted quite a lot of time and that is why I refer to myself as a FOOL.

BUT as i did mention in my previous communications ,I consider myself

lucky that I have somehow been blessed with the association of learned Vaishnavs.

Thus I will be always looking out for more and more info. from you and the devotees like jndas ji,gauracandra prabhu ,animesh, viji and the rest.


Hare Krishna !!



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