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Spiritual Physics...

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This post is an offshoot of a comment made by Animesh regarding the Vedic understanding of the universe. Now before I go any further let me state up front that I am not a physicist, nor do I fully understand the theory of relativity etc... but I thought this post might be kind of fun to think about. Now as I understand, Einstein developed his theory of relativity based on a thought experiment. He figured "What would happen if two people were to see each other sitting on two trains running parrallel to each other" (ie. each person is in a separate train and looks out the window to see the other person). His conclusion was that not matter how fast the trains were going, to the two people sitting there the trains would move at a speed relative to each other. If both trains were moving at the same speed it would appear that the passengers were sitting still, even if the trains were in fact moving at hundreds of miles per hour. To cut quickly to the chase, he concluded that as you approached the speed of light, time slows down. If you were to travel the speed of light and returned to planet earth, what seemed like only a moment would in fact be perhaps thousands of years later earth time.


Now comes the spiritual part. Why does the soul not age? Maybe because the soul is moving faster than the speed of light, and as such time slows down, and at some point time ceases to exist. The soul is moving faster than light, and as such time disappears. The argument against things ever approaching the speed of light is that they have mass. With mass comes the pull of gravity (which prevents light travel) as well as friction etc... But the soul is infinitesimal, has no mass and thus is not affected by friction nor gravity.


Now two souls in the spiritual world could still interact with each other. If two souls were moving at the "speed of soul" as opposed to the speed of light, relative to each other they would appear to be standing still, or moving etc....


Thus the soul is beyond time because it is moving faster than the speed of light. Anyways, this is just something to think about. I think it makes sense but really I'm just having fun thinking about something I really could never comprehend.



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Dear Gaurachandra Ji,

I am happy that you found my comment interesting. I was thinking that people would be bored by this. I am also not a physicist as per my profession, but I have knowledge of Physics. From your post, I can say that I know Physics more than you. Ha Ha. (just joking).


It is not necessary for anything to be moving fater than light so that we find that it does not age. Equal to the speed of light is good enough. When I say speed of light, I mean that speed of light in vacuum, because the speed of light depends on medium. In vacuum, this speed is the greatest. It is 299792458 m/sec.

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Hare Krishna

Accept my obesiances unto your lotus feet.


Since people are talking about the Vedic links with modern science I would reccomend that you all go refer to this site for very interesting information on this topic:


ESPECIALLY check out the Mysteries of Sacred Universe.


Your Servant Always



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Respected Sri Sumeet Ji,

Thanks a lot for this wonderful site. I read the overview of "Mysteries of Sacred Universe". It is really very interesting. I am planning to go to a bookshop tomorrow and buy this book. The first step to gain any knowledge is to have curiosity. We find an excellent example of this in Rg Veda:

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<P>Atmosphere was not, nor the heavens beyond</P>


<P>What was concealed? Where? In whose protection?</P>


<P>Was it a fluid? An unfathomable abyss?</P


<P>There was neither death nor immortality then</P>


<P>No distinction of day or night</P


<P>The One breathed without air, by its own power</P>


<P>Other than that there was nothing else</P


<P>Darkness was hidden by darkness in the beginning</P


<P>All this was an indistinguishable sea</P>


<P>That which becomes, that which was enveloped by void </P>


<P>That One was born through the power of heat.</P>


<P>Upon That desire arose in the beginning</P


<P>This was the first discharge of thought</P>


<P>Sages discovered this link of the being from non-being</P


<P>Having searched their heart with wisdom</P>


<P>The line of vision was extended across</P>


<P>What was below? What was above?</P>


<P>There were impregnators, there were forces</P>


<P>Inherent power below, impulses above</P>


<P>Who knows truly?</P>


<P>Who will say whence it arose, this creation?</P>


<P>Even the gods came afterwards</P>


<P>Who, then, knows whence it came into being?<P>


<P>Whence this creation came into being</P>


<P>Whether it was created or not </P>


<P>Hi in the highest heaven, its surveyor</P>


<P>Maybe He knows, or perhaps he knows not.</P>





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