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The Radha-Krishna Mystery

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Of worship and devotion, Radha-Krishna is

the best. Why?

I`ve came to realized this when I became

a frequent visitor of Sri Sri Radha Mandir

Temple in Washington DC. USA. From Dec.1999

to the present, I had been contributing

my points of view on the Temple`s message


On June 2000, when I started contributing

to Indiadivine.com`s discussion forum, I

realized that this web site is in fact Sri

Krishna`s Temple.

Hence, there`s no difference between con-

tributing your points of view to the Sri

Radha Mandir and Indiadivine.com for if

a devotee visits Both, it as as good as

devoting your time to the service of

Radha-Krishna. Isn`t it? That is the

realization Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu has

been trying to tell His devotees to

achieve in one`s lifetime, that we are

able to visit Sri Radha-Krishna simul-

taneously in this age of virtual reali-



All glories to His Divine Grace A.C.

Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada!


Hare Krishna


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Indiadivine allows a sort of cyber-association among people interested in spiritual matters. While philosophically we may not always agree, I have found the discussions on these forums very cordial and informative. I have found that the Internet in general is very quarrelsome (typical of Kali Yuga). Technology is neither good nor bad. Its the people who use it that are. I like the fact that Indiadivine brings together people with relatively common interests from all over the world together. Thats whats fascinating to me. Even a few years ago this could never have been done. Now Melvin, Viji, Shvu etc.... can all connect from all of the different points of the world. Haribol.



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Dear Gaurachandra,

At first, I thought negative of you. I`m

sorry. I should have answered your views

but because of pride, I did not join you.

But you are never lost to me because I

think I know you. Not because we have

met in person but because of the books.

You see, when I got interested in the

Krishna consciousness movement 12 years

ago, it was made complete when a child

hood friend, Mr. George Martinez, talked

me into joining ISKCON. But I refused

because of my Catholic upbringing. Cecil,

my wife would have none of it either

since she is a devout Catholic. Thus, I

just kept this to myself, not involving

my family, resulting to living a double


Mr. Martinez, in short, lent me his books,

Srimad Bhagavatam. His spiritual name is

Gaurasundara das. Thus, those books I have

with me( Mr. Martinez is in New York) carry

the names Gaurasundara das, books which I

always treasure until my next life. Your

name I`ll never forget because of the books.

May you be my best friend.


Hare Krishna


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We are all infected with the virus of God. Let the God be Vishnu, or Rama or Krishna or Hari. All of us are benefited from Him. All of us are learning & sharing our ideas with others from different part of the world. It is also His grace! My only doubt is why there are two groups or cult under same Chaitanya Maha Prabu , one group worshiping Lord Krishna & other group worshipping Radharani. In my opinion Krishna & Radha are inseparable.

Hari Bhol!

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There`s no one more dear to Krishna than

Srimati Radharani. When They become sepa-

rated, a gloomy atmosphere follows, of

sadness and grief. It`s called Mohana. And

when They again are re-united, the world

rejoices, the gopis of Vrajabhumi sings

and dances, bountiful prasada are offered,

brahmanas and their students go back to

the classrooms to study Srimad Bhagavatam

and the Bhagavad-gita. Hence, everything

is auspicious. Thus, it is called Madana.

In Radha-Krishna there`s joy and bliss.

But in Their separation there`s sadness.

Whichever we may want Them to be is a

choice we alone is responsible. Either you

love Radha-Krishna to dominate your life,

or Krishna-Balarama your guide. It`s a mat-

ter of choice. In other words,we can`t have

the cake and eat it, too.

That`s why chanting the Hare Krishna mantra

is the most logical choice in this age of

duality and quarrel.

Hare Krishna is transcendental and the wor-

ship of Radha-Krishna, or Krishna-Balarama,

is made perfect when Hare Krishna is sung

with pure devotion and love.

There`s no other way, really, to please Sri

Govinda but chant with devotion the Hare

Krishna maha-mantra.


Hare Krishna


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  • 2 weeks later...




Why Radha-Damodara is called as such can be

traced to the Lord`s playing the part of a

subordinate in His transcendental sporting

where he puts Himself under the care of

Yasodamata for His protection. But sometimes

for being naughty, His mother ties Him with

a rope. This transcendental lila therefore

is called Damodara, the rope tying punish-

ment Lord Krishna received from His Mother,

Yasoda, for stealing together, with His bro-

ther, Balarama, and His monkey friends,

Their neighbors clarified butter hidden in-

side the jar placed on the shelf where the

two naughty cowherd Boys of Vrndavana could

not reach.

Damodara, in other words, is that basic

principle of transcendental exchange between

the Lord and Radharani, or with His Mother,

Yasodamata, so Both can enjoy the transcen-

dental bliss derived from this pastime, to

which there`s no comparison, even up to, say

the level of brahmananda.

Imagine, Lord Krishna, the wonderful actor

crying and trembling in front of you, as a

mother, while tying Him with a rope for be-

ing a naughty Boy. This transcendental feel-

ing therefore is called Damodara.

It is our joy that the month of October, in

Vaisnava Almanac, is dedicated to Sri Damo-

dara who is no other than Lord Krishna Him-




Hare Krishna!


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Dear Mevin, Hari Bol, I do not think you can equate suffering with the various moods of our Srimati Radharani. This just does not sit well with me. Neither does equating suffering and devotee. Such mixing of terms is like rasa bhasa. It is better if you don't understand a particular mood or feeling to ask your Guru about it. I can tell you that what we see as suffering of advanced devotee is in fact Lila. Any Lila serves only to increase ones love for Krishna. If you are materialy suffering then you are not yet a devotee, its just that plain simple. If you have not envisioned what is the true nature of the soul then you have not really begun to be a devotee. How can you devote yourself to God if you do not know what self is? Suffering is simply ignorance and only breeds more suffering.If somebody is suffering then CHANT HARE KRISHNA! and your suffering will fall away!

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