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Forms of Lord Nrsmhadeva

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Dandavats dear devotees,


Here is some nectar about the various forms of our eternal protecter Lord Nrsmhadeva.


your insignificant servant,

Vinod-bihari dasa


Vag isa yasya vadane laksmim yasya ca vaksasi

yasyaste hrdaye samvit tam nrsimham aham bhaje


"Lord Nrsimhadeva is always assisted by Sarasvati, the goddess of

learning, and He is always embracing to His chest the goddess of fortune. The Lord is always complete in knowledge within Himself. Let us offer obeisances unto Nrsimhadeva."


"I worship Lord Nrsimha, within whose mouth reside the great masters of eloquence, upon whose chest resides the goddess of fortune, and within whose heart resides the divine potency of consciousness."


Prahlada hrdayahladam bhaktavidya vidaranam

Sarad indu rucim vande parindra vadanam harim


"Let me offer my obeisances unto Lord Nrsimhadeva, who is always enlightening Prahlada Maharaja within his heart and who always kills the nescience that attacks the devotees. His mercy is distributed like moonshine, and His face is like that of a lion. Let me offer my obeisances unto Him again and again."


Samsara cakra krakacair vidirnam

Udirna nana bhava tapa taptam

kathancid apannam iha prapannam

tvam uddhara sri nrhare nr lokam


"O Sri Nrhari, please deliver those human beings who have suffered all kinds of torments and been ripped apart by the sharp edge of samsara's wheel, but who have now somehow found You and are surrendering themselves unto You."




(also called Sri Varaha Laksmi Nrsimha Ksetra in Skanda purana)


Meaning of Jiyada sadhus, sannyasis...



Forms: Nija rupa, Nitya rupa


Nija rupa: Varaha Nrsimha, who performs "candana lila"


(Sri Rangam sayana lila; Jagannatha Bhojana lila; Badarinath Japa lila; Tirupati Jagra lila; Mangalagiri Pana lila).


Skanda purana mentions that Nrsimhadeva had manifest Himself here in a graceful form before appearing to protect Prahlada.

Sthala purana (local history) of Simhacalam mentions 32 forms of Nrsimhadeva.



Forms in General:


Kevala Nrsimha Nrsimhadeva alone (with 2 or 4 hands) Standing.


Girija Nrsimha coming out of a mountain cave. Seated.


Yoga Nrsimha In yoga asana, sometimes with yoga patta around legs.


Stambodbhava Nrsimha (Sthauna Nrsimha) coming out of the pillar.


Yanaka Nrsimha riding on Garuda or lying on Ananta sesa


Laksmi Nrsimha (peaceful or fierce. Fierce form described in Naradiya Mahapurana: five faces (each with 3 eyes), garland of entrails, yajnopavita made of a serpent.


Yogananda Laksmi Nrsimha ("yoga" and "bhoga" combined; very rare)


Varaha Laksmi Nrsimha rare. mouth of varaha. Laksmi on lap


Prahladanugraha Murti blessing Prahlada with His hand. rare, not mentioned in agama sastras.


Narasimha and Chencheta


Narasimha in Hari Hara aspects Visnu/Siva aspects


Tandava (Nritta Narasimha) dancing. No sanction in agama sastras.


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Hello nitai,

Have you observed in Lakshmi Narasimha Murti Lakshmi will be holding Him not Narasimha holding Lakshmi as in other Varaha Murti ,Hyagrivar etc?What do you understand from that? In my opinion after killing Hiranyakasapu His ugra(anger) did not go. Only when Lakshmi comes to Him & holds Him He becomes santaswarup again, indicating that if Mother of universe is with Lord Hari He is more dina dayalan. As such Lord Hari is very merciful to His devotees , He becomes more merciful if Lakshmi (Mother of Universe) is with Him. You should read Daya satakam written bySwami Desika on Lord Balaji. If you get a chance also read Kamasika Ashtakam written by Swami Desika on Lord Narasimha. It is so beautiful. May Lord Hari pour His blessings on all of us!

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Dear nitai,

Swami Desika had written slokas called Desikar StotraMala in Sanskrit. This book is available in India. You may search this in some Vaishnava site. You may get it. Many slokas are replication of Naalayira DivyaPrabandam written by 12 Azvars in Tamil. At Desikas time Most of the people did not know Tamil to enjoy the DivyaPrabandam, so Swami Desika wrote them in Sanskrit. I am sure you will enjoy it.HariBhol!


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