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A joke...

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One day a Vrindavan pujari was visiting the Pope in Vatican city. The Pope invited the pujari into his personal quarters to discuss various spiritual issues. During the conversation the pujari noticed a small red phone with a single button in the middle.


The pujari asked: "What is that little red phone with a button in the middle?"


The Pope responded by saying that it was his direct connection to God. If ever he had a question that he couldn't resolve he'd press the button and would be put through directly to the Lord.


The pujari had some spiritual dilemas he had been pondering for some time and asked if he could use his phone. The Pope obliged.


After talking for perhaps a half-hour the Vrindavan pujari hung up the phone and asked the Pope how much the charge would be. The Pope said that at the going rate a half-hour would be 100,000 Lira.


The pujari paid this amount and then the two parted.


Several months later the Pope was embarking on a trip around the world. On this trip he stopped off in Vrindavan to meet with his old pujari friend. The Pope met with the pujari and was brought into his private quarters. There they continued their spiritual discussions from where they left off some months before.


During the conversation the Pope became curious as he saw a solitary red phone with a single button in the corner of the pujari's room.


The Pope asked: "By the way, what is that little red phone with the single button?"


The pujari responded that, like the Pope, he too had a direct connection to God, and when he had philosophical questions he couldn't resolve, he would call up the Lord for the correct answer.


The Pope asked the pujari if he could use the little red phone. The Pope explained that he had a number of serious philosophical questions that needed answering, and being on his world trip, he hadn't had access to his red phone in Vatican City. The pujari obliged.


After about a half-hour conversation, the Pope hung up the phone and asked: "So how much do I owe you for the phone charge?"


The Vrindavan pujari replied: "Oh, about 5 rupees".


The Pope was surprised and replied: "Only 5 rupees? Why so little?".


The Vrindavan pujari humbly responded: "Oh, its a local call"


I hope you enjoyed that.



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