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San Francisco Ratha Yatra...

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I just got back from this years San Francisco Ratha Yatra and must say it was an ecstatic event. Its been many years since I attended the SF Ratha Yatra but it was great seeing hundreds of devotees performing Harinam through Golden Gate Park. Lord Jaganath, Lord Baladev, and Lady Subhadra blessed all those in attendance. It was a bit chilly and foggy (as San Fran usually is)but this didn't dampen the mood. If any thing it got people more fired up (to keep warm :)). Anyways, I just wanted to share my quick thoughts. Srila Prabhupada introduced the Ratha Yatra festival to those outside of India 34 years ago in San Francisco. It was great to see it still going on today. I hope one day to see the Jaganath Puri Ratha Yatra.



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Yes, I agree. Srila Prabhupada noticed this and was very much disturbed that many Indians were giving up their culture in favor of Western materialism. He has stated that it is especially the duty of those born in India to share the Vedic knowledge with the rest of the world. He once said that his strategy was that since many of the young in India were taking up Western practices (like meat eating...) he would go to the west and give them Indian culture. Then when the young Indians saw Westerners respecting their traditions, following regulative principles (no meat eating etc...) then they would turn inwards back to their traditions and culture.


Jai Jaganath, Jai Baladev, Jai Subhadra.



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Indian culture in India is loosing its value.It is very saddening to note that Brahmins who are supposed to be the leaders of Jnana have started eating meat. In the age of Kali yuga all negative qualities are developed by learned persons in the name of culture. Only God should help them.

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