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Definition of "Mukthi"

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My understanding of Mukthi, Moksha , Liberation is the permanent disapperance of the ego. Once there is no I, there is no experiencer, and so nothing to experience.


A feeling of existence is there only when the mind is there. When there is no I, there is no mind, and consequently there is no universe.


Knowledge, what is to be known, and the knower - these three do not exist in

reality. - Ashtavakra Gita 2.15


As I discovered today, this is called as the impersonalist view. And I should add that, I am not providing this for argument. It is just to clarify things.

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Hare Krishna!

You know, I really liked the idea of us

together in this forum discussing any

issue that has a connection with God which

allows every discussant to air his or her

own views related to the issue being dis-

cussed. It so intellectually stimulating

to know you, my dear friends, have minds

of its own. We are therefore like the NBA`s

mythical five, a team chosen to play bas-

ketball in the first half of the game. By

working, as a team, I have this feeling we

could bond ourselves together by searching

for a common window by which could re-invent

ourselves that would benefit those who

themselves think they are spiritually lost

in the sea of nescience and hence don`t have

an iota of being rescued from the sea`s

terrifying giant waves. I like us in other

words to group together and discuss again

topics that sates a soul`s thirst for God

and the liberation these discussions can

offer to one single soul who have already

forgotten his or eternal relationship with

their Maker.

Our being one in discussing God had earned

me the ire of my wife, Cecil, for coming

home very late just to post to you this mes-

sage about God. Because of it, sometimes

I sleep outside our bed. She`s been pissed

as to how I could profit from your minds

when there is the children, Matthew, Marco

Nino, and Melsa Reina, who longed for my

endearing fatherly talks and sweet words

of encouragement that they will always be taken cared of by yours truly who ever

since he discovered the Internet seven

months ago have made it an obssession to

connect from a afar a soul of God hoping

that it would satisfy his desire for the

ultimate union of that one great Mind whom

everyone identify as God, a Supreme Being

with no name, impersonal without a face,

speculating whether He is in the happy mode

or in a mood ready to unleash his wrath

to an significant soul worthy of receiving

this type of benediction. I, for one, may

think I`m infallible because of the way I

explain to you these things, that I am not

afraid of falling from the lofty place I

have placed myself in. No sir, I`m just like

your neighbor next door, trying to eke out

a living so his family could survive the

terrible laws of nature, such as, diseases,

death, accidents, bankruptcy, unpaid bills,

tuitions fees to be settled before the dead-

line, always in anxiety where to get the

extra amount to meet the deadline. If only

you knew how much a government physician in

my mold receives( $400 ) per month. I`m no

beggar for using this forum as my church

collection box. No sir. After I`m through

writing you this message, I will now have

to explain for the nth time to my wife why

I have come home late again, when my day

off was supposed to be 8 hours ago. Why?

It`s because I have been reading again God`s

books so I could write to you something

nice. Yes, it`s true, my dear Prabhus, that

once I get home, war between the silence of

the lambs is waiting. And that`s where I

begin to start believing that this Melvin

who is married to Cecil is not her hus-

band`s body, but an eternal servant of God.

Servant of God? Who? That is how I can

describe to you the meaning of Mukti, or

liberation of the soul or mind from your

wife`s continues fire of negative energies

repeatingly hitting your numb body until

both of your energies, negative and posi-

tive, exhaust itselves until there is no-

thing left from her to shoot and nothing

left from you to shield from the negative

energy`s effects thrown at you from your

material partner for life. When everything

has died, it`s when sandman visits, sprin-

kling you the narcoleptic dust he brought

from the Netherworld. As the dust touches your being, the sleeping state is the only

reality by which it can give you comfort,

joy, and bliss you at last deserve. It`s

an event, you and I, experiences everyday,

each moment of our lives, a reality you and

I have to accept, not deny, and be at

peace with, that break in time when it`s no

routine but an ultimate act in itself, the

lowering of the curtain, a point in time

when the Fat Lady sings, when one writes

"30", when the illusory Mukti is realized

finally in the end by the eternal soul as

Krishna`s all-pervading Rudra expansion who

comes to severe the the silver cord connec-

ting the two bodies, the physical from the

spiritual, which we all know as DEATH. In

death, Mukti is realized. Bhakti, however,

is transcendental to Mukti which is rea-

lized by the great souls like Srila Narada

Muni. That`s why he is called a liberated

spaceman because he can travel anywhere in

the universe just to broadcast the glories

of God, Krishna.

How I wish I were Srila Narada Muni once

I finally bring courageously myself into

the loving embrace a disgruntled wife.

Good night, everybody and sweet dreams. I

hope to see you all there in person chan-

ting Hare Krishna.

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