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christian marrying a hindu

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Hi, I am a Christian woman and have been dating a Hindu man for three years now. We recently had a child together. I have been online trying to research marriage between a christian and hindu. I would like some opinions on how this relationship may turn out if we are to get married. Anyone else experienced this?? I am not willing to convert to hinduism and he is not willing to convert to christianity. His parents are totally against our relationship because first of all he was supposed to have an arranged marriage and second of all we already have a child together and are not married---different religions...I could just go on...there is a huge list. My parents do not agree with the relationship and I have to deal with them saying if I marry this man my life will be hell. They tell me indian men are above the women and my father tells me of anything he hears on the news or reads in books about women getting beaten for not respecting her man. I am confused and that is how I found myself here looking for opinions from others. Can someone give me some insight?? Thank you

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The outcome entirely depends upon the two individuals

involved. If both of you are not too fanatical then

things will work out provided both of you love each

other. The main purpose of marriage is to enjoy the

company of each other and to raise a family. This will

work out if you both came together for this.

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I dont think this is the right forum for you.


If I have to give an honest answer, marriage doesnt mean having a child before marriage and then getting married according to rites and rituals. According to Hinsuism, one should have sex only after marriage, and that too under regulated Vedic principles. This is the way to control our senses, which are otherwise like serpents.





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Hi...Im not going to condone or oppose your actions, this is just my view on things based on a personal experience. I am a Hindu girl and my Cousin had a relationship with a devout Catholic woman. She fell pregnant unexpectedly and the two had to make a decision about marriage very fast. Obviously there were many raised eyebrows from both families but they eventually agreed. They now are happily married and have two beautiful children. My cousin's wife has fit in well with the family and takes part in Hindu religious activities - she's even better at making Indian food than I am. The children have both Hindu and Christian names and go to the temple and church. The emphasis is not on religion but morals and family values. No marriage is ever easy and your marriage will be harder to cope with but that’s a decision you have to take - do you love each other enough to make the ultimate compromise? How do you plan on raising your child? As for Indian men - they are no different to western men and I think you'll find that Indian men are among the most law abiding and intelligent men in the world (check the statistics if you don't believe that). Every rule has an exception and an Indian man may have flaws, just like a Christian man, a Jewish man, a Muslim man...

If you need any more advice let me know and I will try and help you. All the best! For those opposing this relationship - don't make judgements and raise fingers, none of us are perfect!


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If you have the opinion those who worship in the Hindu way, or that Hindus will go to hell and you will be saved because you are Christian, or vice versa, you should never have gotten involved with a Hindu man or he should never have gotten involved with you. If you and he are more moderate and tolerant of other religions and people practicing them, then it has a chance to work out.

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You worry NOW about Christianity or Hindusm AFTER you slept with him and have children?


And what sort of Hindu is your lover that he could have children and still do not do the right thing before?


Frankly speaking, I think both of you are ignorant of your own religions. You ignorant of Christianity to extend you willing to have a child out of wedlock and he is ignorant of Hindusm to extend that he didn't do the proper thing from the beginning.


One of you MUST be willing to take a step forward. Either you give up Christianity or he gave up Hindusm. OR you two can just be Buddhist if you want. It's similar to Hindusm and don't have the rituals.


Either way, just do the right thing ... stop listening to other people in making decision for your own lives. Because sooner or later, your child going to grow up confused as hell if you don't make up your mind.

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thank you for your response. I respect his beliefs and he respects mine. He has even gone to church with me. I am not the role model christian obviously and dont expect anyone to follow actions that I have taken but I am human and things happen for reasons. He has good morals about him and so do I. I just dont want our familys to come in between our love for each other and us trying to make a family together. He has great respect for his parents as do I but still...we are in this relationship trying to figure it out and have to do it quick because of the baby. thanks again for your response. I greatly appreciate it.

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Hi, thanks for your post. I am relieved to know someone else is going,has gone through, what I am. It makes me feel more at ease. I love my boyfriend and try to not depict the difference that he is Indian and I am American. We base our relationship on morals and values and try not to let religion get in the way. However, our elders have to give their opinions of course. I want to marry my boyfriend but am afraid he is waiting on the acceptance from his parents. (which I know will never come) My parents have accepted the situation. They may not like it but they do accept it because they know I will do whatever my heart tells me to do. How long did it take for your cousin and his wife to get everyone to accept her or "the marriage" as well as the children. How do they act toward the children? thank you very much for your post. have a great day

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You never got worried of what your parents and your faith said earlier and went your own way so why worry now?


So get married with him and take a seperate house than living with either side of the family(parents).agree to disagree-thats life.

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your should reconsider your faith, hinduism is far superior to chrsitian worship as christ was a hindu and chiristiaty is a pervesion of christ intent and faith. most of what is called christian beliefs is not anything like the teaching of christ. chist was a yogi of a high order and his teachings in the russian orthodox church are eastern ways, wester christianity is not accurate of true to chirst. i believe in most orthodox christian practices beliefs i just ignore the paulist jewish non-sence in the religion but i am a hindu and i feel i am a good chirstian and a ok hindu

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So get married with him and take a seperate house than living with either side of the family(parents).agree to disagree-thats life.


Yeah, agreed with this.


If both parents cannot agree and let you go, then separate yourself from them. Live your own life.


But you should choose a religion and cannot simply rely on Morale Values alone. WHY? Because Morale for some members of the society is different to another and sooner or later, you will again be confused on what is right and what is not.

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It literally took days for my cousin's family to accept. The rest of the family also accepted the situation. What happened wasn't ideal but my cousin did the right thing my getting married to the mother of his child - the woman he loved! You need to make the decision for yourselves, as Ive said before, a relationship is hard enough under 'normal' circumstances-just make sure you're willing to make it work. Talk about it with your partner and think about it realistically. My cousin's marriage has worked but it's been a real adjustment for both parties. Make sure you can create a healthy and loving environment for your children.

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