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What does it mean?

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Dear Cyber-Hindus,


Here is what I have read on a website on hinduism:


««« The true reincarnating entity is the causal body, wherein our karmic impressions are stored. There is not a simple correspondence of one soul or causal body or physical body. It is possible for one soul to take more than one birth at the same time, either high or low. »»»




I don't believe in Reincarnation because there are cases when the previous personality is still alive when the new personality is born. It did not make sense to me.


But what I read now would mean that the same soul can inhabit two bodies at the same time?


Please tell me what the passage quoted means.

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««« The true reincarnating entity is the causal body, wherein our karmic impressions are stored. There is not a simple correspondence of one soul or causal body or physical body. It is possible for one soul to take more than one birth at the same time, either high or low. »»»


This is concept of Rebirth - Buddhist Concept. If the Soul is just one, then there should be one existence.


However, if existence is just physical aspect (no Soul, just habits/karma of pervious existences), then more than one existence is possible.


Imagine a person who has multiple personality. Some personalities have no recollection of other personalities but still conduct on a way where it will not go above the line which will bring direct contact with the other personalities.


We all have two personalities in one body (not Soul but personality). When we are calm and happy, we do one thing and when we are angry, we do something which is opposite to what we usually do when we are calm.

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