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Namaste everyone,


Next year I have my final exams and finish school. But first I have to write about any topic I want( of course the school has to agree) and I´ve a full year time to do my work which should be according the school authorities minimum 50 hours.


Now I´ve chosen to write about "hinduism" and especially clear some major misunderstandings, and indian history. The content of my work would probably look like this :



- Definiion of Hinduism ( it´s not only polytheism and idol worship, original name is sanatana dharma. there are many paths which lead to the same destination, self-realization)


. Aryan Invasion Theory ( AIT is a joke)


."Caste System" ( varnasrama-dharma) : caste is not given by birth, but by gunas, one´s nature.


- Sati- burning of widows ( has nothing to do with hinduism)


probably also :

- yoga is not only gymnastics, it has a spiritual meaning

- Many things have been manipulated


Now my question is if somebody could suggest some books or links , especially on the AIT.

(I´ve to order the books through the internet and it´s very expensive, that´s why want only the "good" ones)


what about these books here ?


-The True History and the Religion of India by Swami Prakashanand Saraswati

-Aryan Invasion Theory by Shrikan G.Talageri

-The Myth Of Aryan Invasion of India


Thank you very much

Jai sri krishna


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what is it for? undergrad college grad or highschool?


u should also write about why Hinduism answers all the questions thru logic and science and NOT belief. you MUST drive home the point that hinduism is NOT a belief system that is shoved down its ppl's throats (like other religions). u must say that hinduism is most unique in that it encourages ppl to ask questions and is suported by pure logic, reasoning and science of thinking.

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It´s for "high school"(I am 17)


sure I will that hinduism is like a way of living and every aspect has been explained and there is not only one way to "reach god".


But first I want to make clear that hinduism is not a bunch of fairy tailes and unlogic rules etc. You know the people here don´t know much about hinduism. They think hinduism is absurd especially because of the caste system and sati.



jai sri krishna


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