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What is dvaita philosophy?

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Does it means that every body has a soul in it or the same soul is in everyone?***


No, it means the same soul which is in everyone is a different soul which is in no one, yet similar and dissimilar to the original soul in everyone, which is in no one. Simple, eh?

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like.. advaita means "not two"... means absolute non-dualism... the highest truth. example: everything is God and God alone is real.


and visithadvaita is "qualified dualism" which is like... everything has God "inside it"


and dvaita is just dualism which is like christianty... God and world and jiva are always different.


dvaita is where everyone starts out... then they move up to visitadvaita and then they move up to advaita.


here is a excellent quote by Sri Ramakrishna to explain:

-A poor devotee points to the sky and says, "God is up there."

-An average devotee says, "God dwells in the heart as the Inner Master."

-The best devotee says, "God alone Is and everything I perceive is a form of God."

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like.. advaita means "not two"***


What is not two?


everything is God and God alone is real.***


Even tables, chair, dragon flies, roaches etc. are all God? Is this what advaita is all about, giving divine status to dragon flies and roaches? This is a funny philosophy, please tell me more, so I can learn...and have fun. Thanks in advance.

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ok, dont mean to be demeaning in any way, but i really DID say aww when i read yyour post mr.guest. my apologies.


advaita means everything is Brahman. everything... all this duality, all this mulitplicity we see is just MANIFESTATION of Brahman.


so it seems that there are all these differnt things going on, but it is all just the Infinite Brahman. and the crowing achievment of Advaita Vedanta is saying that - Tat Tvam Asi - you are That, you are Brahman - that is your TRUE nature!


its sorta liek this:

you go into a dark room and see a rope. but you dont see the rope, you see a snake! and AHHH you RUN AWAAAY!!!!!! really fast!! and get a stick or a gun to kill it! but then you come back and turn on the light and its only a freaking rope, not a snake! so no use for that M16 rifle you just popped outta your closet.


so this world... we are precieving it to be a snake and we are looking at it falsly. we are looknig at it in ignorance... the darkness of the room. we are looking at it as if it is a snake and falsly reacting that way... reacting as in.. we go around and do all these infinite activities trying to get happiness but we just suffer... b/c we have not switched on the light... we do not know that this world is already prefect, that it is already Brahman - satchitANANDA!


but advaita means that this world is already perfect, that we dont need to go around looking for 100% everlasting happiness... IT IS ALREADY THERE!!! we just dont know. that is advaita. "Sarvam khalvidam brahma" .. all this is just Brahman.


isnt that the most awesomest thing ever????


but realizing this One-without-a-second Truth is quite hard...


anyways g2g eat! SUBWAY - Veggie delite!


Om Namah Shivaya

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Dvaita is the only Hindu school of thought that believes in eternal hell, like the concept of hell in Christianity. All other Hindu schools do not believe in eternal hell.


Advaita believes everything is a manifestation of Brahman. It is a very deep philosophy that most people would dismiss before trying to understand it. In Advaita, Brahman is God in principle, something that is beyond definition so that even the term 'God' is a limitation. It can be compared to the idea of 'the force' in the star wars films. It is not a personal God (Ishwar) like in the other Vedanta schools, though it provides room to accomodate the idea of a personal god.

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ok, dont mean to be demeaning in any way, but i really DID say aww when i read yyour post mr.guest. my apologies.**


Dont worry, the feeling is mutual.lol.


Tat Tvam Asi - you are That, you are Brahman - that is your TRUE nature!***


Did you tell that to your pet cat, waht was its reaction?


you go into a dark room and see a rope. but you dont see the rope, you see a snake***


So you can see a rope and NOT see a rope and at the same time see a snake? Wow!


and AHHH you RUN AWAAAY!!!!!! really fast!! and get a stick or a gun to kill it! but then you come back and turn on the light and its only a freaking rope, not a snake! so no use for that M16 rifle you just popped outta your closet.***


Very interesting but is this advaita or trailer of jurasic park part 4?


so this world... we are precieving it to be a snake and we are looking at it falsly.****


So brahman is perceiving brahman falsely, is that it?


we do not know that this world is already prefect, that it is already Brahman - satchitANANDA!***


Brahman doesn't know he's brahman?


anyways g2g eat! SUBWAY - Veggie delite!***


Brahman is hungry and wants to eat brahman. Great!






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Dvaita is the only Hindu school of thought that believes in eternal hell, like the concept of hell in Christianity***


So dvaita believes that anyone who doesn't believe in christ will go to hell? That's news to me. Also someone told me that advaita believes in Brahman, which is similar to the concept of god in islam. Is that true?

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it might sounds a little stupid... brahman preciving brahman falsely... but it is true.


and nothing would happen if i told that to my cat and to u. b/c neither would understand it.


whatever, it sounded like you were making fun of me. thats ok.


anyways if u want more info ask.

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{So dvaita believes that anyone who doesn't believe in christ will go to hell?}


No it's nothing to do with Christ. It's similar but not exactly the same.




"Madhvacharya differed significantly from traditional Hindu beliefs in his concept of eternal damnation. For example, he divides souls into three classes, one class which qualify for liberation, Mukti-yogyas, another subject to eternal rebirth or eternally transmigrating due to samsara, Nitya-samsarins, and significantly, a class that is eventually condemned to eternal hell or Andhatamas, known as Tamo-yogyas."



{Also someone told me that advaita believes in Brahman, which is similar to the concept of god in islam. Is that true?}


No not at all, it's quite different. Brahman in Advaita is not a personal God but beyond the idea of personality, Brahman is best described as the absolute or the ultimate reality. In other schools of Vedanta (non-Advaita) Brahman is worshiped as Saguna Brahman - Brahman with attributes or Ishwar (personal God). This is closer to the Islamic concept but still not the same. Visistadvaita for example believes part of God is within us as the soul.




"In Advaita Vedanta, Brahman is without attributes and strictly impersonal. It can be best described as infinite Truth, infinite Consciousness and infinite Bliss. It is pure knowledge itself, similar to a source of infinite radiance. Since the Avaitins regard Brahman to be the Ultimate Truth, so in comparison to Brahman, every other thing, including the material world, its distinctness, the individuality of the living creatures and even Ishvara (the Supreme Lord) itself are all untrue."



Allah on the other hand is a personal god who has feeling in that he gets angry and is vengeful to those who don't believe in him, the same as the Abrahamic concept of God. Islam believes in duality that man and God is seperate, and the way to God is following the koran.


Advaita believes everything animate and inanimate is a manifestation of Brahman, but Brahman has to be realised. Those who realised Brahman were sages of the Upanishads and these texts are used to learn more about Brahman and how to realise Brahman. Realisation doesn't mean just to intellectualise, it takes the form of spiritual experience, it's like a new awakening.

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It can't be "just a play" because of the enormous amount of suffering. It would be like... Brahman likes to torture himself by giving rise to suffering. Sorry, but that's a lack of respect for Brahman.

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"It can't be "just a play" because of the enormous amount of suffering. It would be like... Brahman likes to torture himself by giving rise to suffering. Sorry, but that's a lack of respect for Brahman."***


only b/c there is avidya (ignorace of Truth)

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No it's nothing to do with Christ. It's similar but not exactly the same.***


Similar? Are you kidding? If this is what you call similarity, then one might as well say you're similar to a terrorist, because you both have arms and legs, drink water, eat nice food etc. One can point to scores of such 'similarities', if you know what I mean.


In Dvaita, this concept is based on an object and its nature and they can NEVER be separated, as fire is not separated from its ability to burn, or water from its liquidity. Meaning, an object always acts according to its nature, which we witness EVERY SINGLE DAY of our lives. It is a fact. Jivas are no exception to this rule and since tri-guna is applicable to all, the jivas too act accordingly and reach different states based on their swabhava, doing which tamo-yogyas are eternally damned.


If one denies this fact because one has a fetish for 'equality', it is tantamount to saying that an object and its nature can be separated, which is why one invents 'suddha satva' and other states to justify the 'everyone will reach god eventually' myth, when there is absolutely no pramana, either in this world through pratyaksha or in the scriptures. Whatever happens, whether a jiva attains mukti or eternal damnation, will be in keeping with jiva swarupa.


It is that simple, and we witness this process every day by observing various objects, including ourselves, act according to our nature. So liberation too, or eternal damnation, will depend on the intrinsic nature and nothing else. This is very, very different from the christian idea which is based on superstition and faith in a myth called christ, and it makes even Buddha a sinner! And people compare the two concepts just because the term 'eternal damnation' gets in the way. Boy, you really are fit for eternal damnation, aren't you?


BTW: wikipedia is hardly a guide to understand Dvaita. It would be better for most illiterates here to get the real deal on Dvaita by reading the appropriate literature.


No not at all, it's quite different. Brahman in Advaita****


If the term 'eternal damnation' is enough to say that dvaita is similar to christianity, then the term 'god' should be enough to convince you that advaita and islam are similar! It is that simple, two people can play this game.

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{So liberation too, or eternal damnation, will depend on the intrinsic nature and nothing else. This is very, very different from the christian idea which is based on superstition and faith in a myth called christ}


I said Dvaita has a concept of an eternal hell, just like christianity also has a concept of eternal hell and yes I got that information from Wikipedia. Hell or damnation it doesn't matter but according to both they are eternal - that means you'd never get the chance to get out once you're in. I never once said it was just for believers in christ or krishna, that was you jumping to conclusions. Please do yourself a favour and learn to read properly.


{ wikipedia is hardly a guide to understand Dvaita. It would be better for most illiterates here to get the real deal on Dvaita by reading the appropriate literature.}


And who are we supposed to learn Dvaita from...you? If you have an issue with wikipedia misrepresenting Dvaita why don't you raise the issue with them? I don't see many Hindus complaining about their articles. You can do that, or are you one of those cowardly Hindus who's all talk and no action?


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is for illiterates like you. If you want to learn about dvaita, why don't you find an authentic dvaita site, that is, assuming you know how to type the relevant keywords?


eternal - that means you'd never get the chance to get out once you're in***


Statement of a good moron. If one can get out of it, be it mukti or damnation, it wouldn't be the final state, would it? Even if you don't believe in damnation and believe in the advaiti or any other version of mukti, that state too would be permanent and you wouldn't have the chance to get out it. And this final state is in keeping with jiva swarupa. Your question is more a sentimental babble (of everyone not attaining mukti) than a logical inference.


Take my advice, kid. Get an education, learn some prameyas, understand what a pramana means, why they are important to establish true knowledge, and then you can understand dvaita better. If you read wikipedia or listen to sai baba, rk. vivekanda and others to judge the immortal dvaita siddhanta, you're making a big mistake.

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Listen up, take a deep breath and learn to conrol your anger. In Hinduism you learn the importance of controlling anger, though I see you didn't pay attention to that lesson. It's amazing to see how upset you can get with anyone who thinks different to you. It's too bad that you have trouble comprehending simple information. Your ego is so big you don't even like to admit you've made a mistake. You were the one who brought up the question of 'believing in christ'. Now are you someone who really stands up for dvaita or are you all talk? Are you going to take on wikipedia for spreading false information about your beloved dvaita or let them carry on?


{If you read wikipedia or listen to sai baba, rk. vivekanda and others to judge the immortal dvaita siddhanta}


Immortal dvaita siddhanta?...don't make me laugh! I'm sure many learned people here would disagree with you, but I think more people would feel pity for you than anything else.


And by the way, if you want to see a real moron, just go and look in the mirror and you'll see one staring right back at you.

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or rather, your ignorance is. All you've done so far is to retort like a retard because advaita has no pramaanas which is why you're angry you can't prove its alleged greatness. Don't worry, I'll give you one more chance. Consult your mom and come up with pramaanas to support advaiti concepts, assuming you know what those concepts are.

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You really are a nutcase! You need professional help. By the way I'm not an advaitist, thats just another example of you jumping to conclusions, like you did with you christ assumption. I knew you weren't very bright but yet again you've shown that you have the mentality of a toddler. Now go run along and ask your mother to change your nappy!

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and you lose the argument! I suggest you calm down, or you wouldn't be able to think rationally. Assuming you're calm, think about what you've typed: you're a nutcase, aren't bright, change your nappy etc. etc. When you read what you've typed, don't you wanna cringe in shame? Don't you feel guilty? In case you do, I am willing to accept your apology. You have the right to disagree, but you have no right to abuse people in this manner.


It reflects the low standards you've set for yourself but more importantly, your attitude may convince new visitors to this site that all Hindus are of the same variety. THere is a great danger of generalization, so please take my advice and become rational. Do not lose your balance, just because you're finding it hard to debate. Thanks.

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I think it would be better if you loose your arrogance and humbley accept that you made a mistake. And by the way you were the first one with the abuses. Plus you've made so many assumtions about me that are all wrong. As you can see assumtions can make a big mess of things.


There's no point debating with you since you're not interested in a fair debate. I'm reminded of the saying "Never argue with a fool, they'll bring you down to their level". Which fits this occassion.

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There is no point in accusing others when you've made one mistake after another. Don't make excuses, try to learn from your mistakes. This is my advice, and I hope you take it humbly without complaining.


I'm reminded of the saying "Never argue with a fool,****


Thanks for the hint. I'll try not to argue with you.

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