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how to worship Mahadeva?

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Dear Matajis Prabhus.



I live far away from India.

My life is very misarable and unsuccessfull.

Long time ago I have decided to worhsip Shiva,

as I believe he can bestow me good luck on material

and spiritual path.

Also I would like to offer my respects to all other

Devas, because I understand importanse of their services

to Sri Hari.


My problem is that there is no bonafide Shiva temple

so there is noone I can consult about how to properly

do this. Hence the querstion:

How can I worship Shiva in everyplace where I am?

Maybe there is some mantra or some simple process

with which I can begin?

Recently I have prayed to Shiva, Devas and the Supreme personality -- Sri Hari for good luck and in just few hours

later I received a wonderfull answer (one very good and long awaited situation).

Now as an honest person I would like to do something in return to them.

But how? Can anyone advice?

If this would take too long then could you please be as kind as to just tell me titles of the books where I can find bona fide information? (or maybe links if they are available online)


Thank you in advance.

your servant


my email is: ( removenospam-yg108@softhome.com )

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Just chant


Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare

Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare


This mantra is the Mahamantra of all mantras and is assigned for this age of Kali!


Chant this mantra 108 times on a bead everyday. Lord Siva will come to you seeing your sincere chanting!





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where do u live?


are there no temples of any sort around you? usually, some temples will be able to redirect you to otgher temples or places where you can perhaps buy a shiva linga or some statues or something. then you can take it home and worship by yourself.

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I live in Ukraine, its to the South of Russia, on the banks of the Black Sea.

Everyone around is christian.. only churchers..


I am agree to worship on my own, but I am afraid to commit aparadhas (ofenses), so I am looking for some basic guidance\advice.



your servant


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Dear Anand,

thank you very much for your preaching of Vishnu-bhakti


Harer nama Harer nama Harer namaiva kevalam

kalau nastyeva nastyeva nastyeva gatir nayatha.


The Name of Sri Hari, The Name of Sri Hari, The Name of Sri Hari is the only path of age of Kali.


Yes, I know this.

You address me in the such a way as if I would be a sudha-bhakta, akama-bhakta (pure devoti), but the truth is that at the current state I am sakama-bhakta.

Lord Sri Krishna is very dear to me. Although I have no good qualities nor devotion nor strong faith to attract Him.


Sakama means that I still have material desires and considering my ~14 years experience with Vaishnavism I would like to say that suppression of my material desires resultet in the same suppression of my spiritual progress.

I sincerelly tried to renounce all worldy pleasures and concentrate on Spirit only, but I was not properly prepared nor had any strenght to do that.

As far as I remember it was Rupa Goswami who said "Renounciation without proper preparation will only bring disturbances for others"

So that is my case.

I have chanted the Mahamantr for long time. I even spent a year in Vaishnava asram, trying to renounce the world and in the same time trying to be happy.. that was in 1997-8

The result is that for last 6 years I do not chant Mahamantra at all. Well, sometimes.. just a few rounds on my japa beads.

Trying to surpress my material senses I only incresed my deppression and have lost any enthusiasm for spiritual advance.


This is the reason why I have turned my face to Devas in my humble attempt to balance my spiritual and material needs and in this way achieve _relative_ peace of mind, elevate my consciousness to be more in Sattva guna and from that paltform I believe to revive my service to Vaisnavas and Sri Sri Radha Syamasundar


By the way chantin Holy Names (Mahamantra) in order to fulfill material desires is one of the nama paradha (ofenses towards Holy Name). So when I chant the


Hare Krsna Hare Krsna

Krsna Krsna

Hare Hare

Hare Rama Hare Rama

Rama Rama

Hare Hare


I am trying to do this just for spiritual sake.


This is why I have asked about worshiping Sriman Rudraji Mahadeva. Because it is not offensice to offer him something and expect to receive something in turn.




your servant


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Hare Krishna!


All glories to Srila Prabhupada! I offer my humble obeisance unto him!


It is like this, i try to keep things very simple in Krishna Consciousness and not get too deep into semantics.


I will talk about me, i have lot of anarthas or mental impurities. However, i chant daily.


This is how i see it, chanting will help purify me of my mental impurities. Also, i do not expect anything to happen to me good or bad as a result of chanting. In other words, i chant because Srila Prabhupada wants me to chant. Simple, i dont chant so one day i will go to Krishna or something like that. I chant only with the thought that i want to clean myself and one day serve Krishna properly in some capacity.


So, it is important, while chanting, although we are impure which is ok because that is how anybody starts, but, we should never EXPECT ANYTHING for ourselves from GOD.

Remember, what you get is based on Karma and has nothing to do with chanting. Ofocurse, chanting will give you a higher state of mind that even if somehting goes wrong your reaction to your misfortune will be mature that you will not care for it.


Srila Prabhupada said as long as we are in this material world, there will be problems so we cannot take away the problems but what we can do though is by chanting seek the protection of the Lord. In other words, we are guranteed even though we are in trouble facing problems, we know we will be protected at the end.


Depression or frustration occurs because one feels nothing is going for that person and that everything is around him is not happening as per his desires.


But, if you chant only for the sake of chanting and not for something to happen to you, you will see you will be releaved. Iam not saying your problems will be soleved. Iam saying you will have peace of mind even among the problem.


Krishna says in the GITA to surrender to HIM abandoning all varieities of religion and HE will protect you, then why you are assorting for Devas. You have to show your commitment and surrender to Krishna out of love and not out of expectations.


If you love someone will you quit on them if they dont meet your expectations? We have to show commitment and surrender to strengthen our faith. Srila Prabhupada says faith can only be strengthened by service and practice of KC. So clearly it is a cyclical and growing process and will not happen overnight. We have to practice daily so one day we have strong faith. The practice is by daily chanting inspite of mental and physical and external troubles.


So, i request, please continue chanting but only this time

whenever you chant, DO NOT EXPECT ANYTHING FROM OUTSIDE and FROM YOURSELF. Just chant to purify yourself and everytime you chant ask the mercy of Krishna. Dont expect things have to change just because you are chanting. Nothing will change but what will change is the ultimate place where you will go after death. That is important-not this temporary world which has suffering 24/7, so please dont waste time solving your material problems as suffering is always there in this material world. Try to seek peace within by just chanting for love of God.


My personal life experience has taught me this. So, hope you continue chanting and not seek help from devas for ultimately it is through Krishna the Devas get help.


The decision is yours!


Ask Guru and Krishna to help you with all your heart!


Iam sure they will!





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Jai Ganesh

Namaste Yuriy


So far all the advise you got is keep on chanting, but no one has actualy answer your request as how to worship Mahadeva.


one simple method is to chant his names

Om Namah Sivayya


there are so many different way one may worship the Lord if you search the net you will find many prayers.


but chanting Om Namah Sivayya is the best and simple


Jai Shree Krishna

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read and understand the concept of dharma and righteous action. understand the relationship between atman and brahman and if what you search is moksha, understand how to attain that.


in the end, god will not be offended by any action that wasnt intended as offensive. if you keep your mind on god and be genuine in your heart, there will be no problems. worhsip god with a true mindset and god will not fail you. Dont fear

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  • 1 month later...

Thanks to all! By the mercy of Lord Siva I have found everything I needed. All my desirec came true and this mirracle continues!! I was seeking for Rudraksa-mala (japa beads) but I was not willing to buy it rather I liked to accept it as a gift and -- here it is! One saiva bhakta has sent me them as a gift! And I live thouthands miles from India! My busines has increased, my depression has gone! I am in excellent mood! My personal life has improved everything is going up just by sometimes chanting this sacred vibration OM NAMAH SIVAYA

I am unbelievable astonished with this promt reply from the Lord! I feel great inside and outside as well. I chanted mantra and I have seen in my mind Lord siva sitting on somthing like little rock and sining and over him I sought Govinda in triangular light and one of the bigger rais was comming and lighting the palce where Lord Siva was sitting.

I do not understand the meaning of this vission, it was only once but I am very happy that there is some kind of movement in my spiritual life.

Meditation with this grat mantra OM NAMAH SIVAYA gives me feeling of absolutelly another reality, like all this world is conditional, not true, not absolutelly real.


Ok, hence the question -- Who is Him? Who is Lord Siva? Why He answers ways faster than Sri Krsna? I have been with Krsna for so many years in ISKCON, well, yes, of course I never been anyhow pure devotee nor at least any sort of good devotee but I tried my best, sometimes I was not enthusiastic but that is only becase I had no sign from Supreme that my practice, my effort has any meaning, has any answer. And now I did nearly nothing toward Lord Siva and I have so immediate answer in all branches of my life!

Why is it so?




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I am a devotee of God Shiva also, He is the best!!!


I read that you have had experiences with ISKCON. They are okay, but not for everyone. Everyone has different vasanas, tendencies, personality traits. Some people do not like Bhakti, so they will not fit w/ ISKCON. They do bully people around, Prabhupada insulted the jnanis and the yogis. The main problem w/ ISKCON is that they do not know that all paths lead to Truth.






therefore your choice of following Shiva is perfectly ok! do not get disheartened by Vaishnavas who think differently.





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This is about Om Namah Shivaya...


"The underlying secret of the mantra, Namah Shivaya, when chanting the five syllables which are the five elements of the body , these five elements then become purified. Each syllable corresponds to one of the elements: the syllable na to the earth element, the syllable ma to the water element, the syllable shi to the fire element, the syllable va to the air element, and the syllable ya to the ether element.

Each syllable purifies its corresponding element. Om is not considered a syllable but the seed of all letters. Repeat the mantra silently, at the same speed at which you speak. Repeat it once with an inhalation an once with an exhalation. Listen to it as you repeat it, and in that way your mind will become permeated with mantra. Repeat the mantra when you breathe in and breathe out, it will circulate throughout your body, permeating every one of your blood cells. Mantra is a living force. If you repeat it one pointedly and for a long time, it will permeate your whole environment.

If the mantra vibrates continually in your heart, then you have no need to perform austerities, to meditate, or to practice yoga. You need no rituals, no ceremonies, nor must you repeat it at an auspicious time or in a particular place. This mantra is free from all restrictions.

When the entire body becomes permeated by the mantra we experience the supreme Truth.

Repeating the mantra your Shakti will unfold very quickly, so that soon you will began to experience the Self."


Om Namah Sivaya.

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Hi and namaste!


First of all -- Glory to Swamiji Prabhupada!

He is all right -- the Govinda is the sweetest entity in the entire Universe, but.. but I am not pure enough to follow Vaisnava path. This is why I turened to Lord Siva for protection and guidance and so far I am very happy with it. Step by step my life improves in all areas.


I am very gratefull to Swami Prabhupada for he brought vedic scientific philosofy to western word. So even here in distant ukrainian town I have Bhagavad-gita and can do some progress according to my gunas and karma.


Ravi, thank you very much for your hearfull posts.


If you have some more time please tell me something about Ganesha and his mantra





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Well, not all path lead to the same goal. There are a lot of cheater who pretend that they are God's messengers while they aren't.


It better to say that the Absolute Truth is one and there are several paths leading to it.




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yes yuyri, thats what i meant when i said all paths lead to Truth.


Siva can give you the SAME self-realization as Krsna can, do not worry. Krsna may say He is most supreme but he never said other were NOT most supreme.

Vaishnava puranas say Krsna or Visnu is supereme. Siva puranas will say Shiva is, and other puranas will say other Forms are supreme. therefore follow whichever form you want, it will lead you to same Truth as any other form. Jesus will give u same self-realization as Shiva, Krsna, Devi. They are One.


Know that god with form will lead you to God without form.

"Quite often the yogi in his deep internalized state may see in vision the feet or form of God Siva before he begins to blend into the mind of God Siva, called Satchidananda. It is God and Gods in form that help us to find the formless God." - Satguru Sivaya Subramuniyaswami




Om Namah Shivaya

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Hare Krishna,


"Siva can give you the SAME self-realization as Krsna can, do not worry."


BG 7.23: Those who worship the demigods go to the planets of the demigods, but My devotees ultimately reach My supreme planet.


Note: worshippers of demigods go to different planets than Krishna's planet therefore it is different self-realisation.


"Krsna may say He is most supreme but he never said other were NOT most supreme."


BG 7.23: Those who worship the demigods go to the planets of the demigods, but My devotees ultimately reach My supreme planet.


Note: By describing His planet as supreme, Krishna suggests that the other planets are inferior.


"Siva puranas will say Shiva is, and other puranas will say other Forms are supreme."


Please give the verse and translation. Many assume that this is what the the Siva purana says, but I beg to differ.


"therefore follow whichever form you want, it will lead you to same Truth as any other form."


BG 7.23: Those who worship the demigods go to the planets of the demigods, but My devotees ultimately reach My supreme planet.


Note: Each demigod will have a different planet, therefore a different 'truth'.


"Jesus will give u same self-realization as Shiva, Krsna, Devi. They are One."


Jesus is the son of God (Bible), he is not God. Shiva is the transformation of Krishna for the work of destruction (Brahma Samhita). Devi is the material energy (Brahma Samhita). Therefore they are not all One.


"Know that god with form will lead you to God without form."


BG 14.27: And I am the basis of the impersonal Brahman, which is the constitutional position of ultimate happiness, and which is immortal, imperishable and eternal.


Note: this shows that the impersonal brahman is resting on Krishna.


BG 18.54: One who is thus transcendentally situated at once realizes the Supreme Brahman. He never laments nor desires to have anything; he is equally disposed to every living entity. In that state he attains pure devotional service unto Me.


Note: this shows that after realising Brahman, the aspirant has to progress further by performing devotional service to Krishna. Therefore full impersonal realisation leads to the personal realisation of service to Krishna.


Your aspiring servant.

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*******Jesus is the son of God (Bible), he is not God. Shiva is the transformation of Krishna for the work of destruction (Brahma Samhita). Devi is the material energy (Brahma Samhita). Therefore they are not all One.******



HK's flog their dead concepts.


Please show one verse from Vedas where krishna is param who gives liberation.


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"Siva can give you the SAME self-realization as Krsna can, do not worry."


BG 7.23: Those who worship the demigods go to the planets of the demigods, but My devotees ultimately reach My supreme planet.


Note: worshippers of demigods go to different planets than Krishna's planet therefore it is different self-realisation.




First you are implying Shiva to be a demi god. And second, you do not understand Gita at all.



No one, except you is harmed since, you are simply pushing away That whom Vedas call Bhagwan and one without a second.



Yajur Veda


Vikirida vilohita Namaste astu bhagavaha, Yaste sahasragam hetayo nyamasmanniva pantu tah ||

Namo astu nilagrivaya sahasrakshaya midhushe|



Shiva Mahima Strotra



26. Tvamarkas tvam somas

tvamasi pavanas tvam hutavahas

Tvamapas tvam vyoma

tvamu dharanir atma tvamiti ca,

Paricchinnam evam

tvayi parinata bibhratu giram

Na vidmas tat tattvam

vayamiha tu yat tvam na bhavasi.




The wise hold this limiting view of You: You are the sun, You are the moon, You are fire, You are air, You are water, You are space, You are the earth and You are the Self. But we do not know the things which You are not.




27. Trayim tisro vrttis


tribhuvana matho trinapi sura


Nakaradyair varnais

tribhir abhi dadhat tirnavikrti,

Turiyam te dhama

dhvanibhi rava rundhana manubhih

Samastam vyastam tvam

Saranada grnat yomiti padam.




0 Giver of refuge, with the three letters A, U, M, indicating the three Vedas, three states, three worlds and the three gods, the word AUM(Om) describes You separately. By its subtle sound the word Om collectively denotes You - Your absolute transcendental state which is free from change.





28. Bhavah sarvo rudrah

pasupati rathograh sahamahan

-Statha bhime sanav

iti yadabhi dhana stakam idam,

Amusmin pratyekam

pravicarati deva srutirapi

Priyayasmai dhamne

pravihita namasyo'smi bhavate.




O Lord! Bhava, Sharva, Rudra, Pashupati, Ugra, Mahadeva, Bhima, and Ishana-these eight names of Yours are each treated in detail in the Vedas. To You, most beloved Lord Shankara, of resplendent form, I offer salutations.




Om Namah Sivayya





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Om Namah Sivayya mantra says in few letters what Mandyuka Upanishad explains in 12 verses.


The LORD is A (the manifold waking world which he enjoys), U (the subtle dream world which again he enjoys), M (the Pragnya in which all beings are resolved and who is the Lord and creator of all).


But Lord is OM in entirety and the silence thereafter, as indescribable, benign, advaitam BEING who remains constant through all four states. He is Atman, Brahman, Sarvam, and EKO.



He is Shivo advaitam. Yuri will soon forget all other things.

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i did not say Shiva was a demigod.

and im sorry if i do not have the same understanding of the gita as you.

Shiva is God.

That is my valid smartha choice.

u cannot say anything against that.



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Dear Ravi,


I do not think guest2 wrote about your Gita knowledge. I have checked and it is clear that he writes about Guest (who actually implies Shiva to be a demi god).



Om Namh Sivayya



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