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Some people believe that Christianity copied Krishna's life story and created Jesus Christ. Also the idea of Hindu trinity is believed to have been duplicated. Another similarity would be belief in reincarnation. Christianity originally taught reincarnation, but formally renounced it in the twelfth century. I think it's completely possible, but christians consider it blasphemous to even suggest. I have some interesting website links that led me to the same conclusion.




Reincarnation in Christianity

Question Two- about reincarnation(scroll down a little bit)




Krishna/Jesus link






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i do believe that there was actually a man who lived about 2000 years ago in israel who fits the description of jesus and his deeds. but what needs to be understood is that the stories of people frm the past, esp[ecially those people that are important to a vast array of groups, tend to be intertwined with falsities. this is true to every culture everywhere.


jesus himself is said by many to have fled israel for egypt to escape persecution and retured only after growing up. for those that know history, egypt at the time was the middle man in the very profitable trade between the malabar coast of india and the roman empire. goods were taken accros the indian ocean, floated up the nile into the mediteranean and into rome. alexandria at the time was known as the center of philosophy in the western world. the oldest buddhists temples of africa are all in alexandria, some dating to around and before the time of christ.


it is very likely that jesus could have picked up the ideas of peace and change from priestly judaism from the buddhists in egypt that preached of change in india from priestly vedism. from there, he took these teachings back to israel. over time, the racists europeans took this aspect out of christian teaching and made jesus into a blond haired blue eyed white man. it is well accepte that jesus was heavily influenced by the essences, a group of ascestics who themselves are thought by many scholars to be influenced by buddhism and eastern religions.


it is entirely possible that the stories of christ and his birth are reflections of the buddhist stories of buddha's birth, which were written at an earlier time than the christian stories. the stories are very similar, in terms of the star in the sky, the 3 wise men with gifts, virgin birth, prophecy of his greatness, etc.


it is taught in the bible that jesus mediated for 40 days and 40 nights, which is also what the buddha did, for the same amount of time.


perhaps there are also elements of krishna's life in there also, seeing as how the buddhists were the original teachers. actually it was the indians, which although were majority buddhist at the time, could also have included groups of hindus as well.


perhaps there wasnt even a fleeing to egypt, seeing as how that story reflects the story of krishna fleeing to escape persecution shortly has his birth.


in conclusions, basically, i do believe that as a human being, the figure of jesus/yeshua existed. but much of the stories may have and probably have been corrupted over time to fit the needs of the catholic church, which was very much against the idea of jesus and his teachings coming out a "barbaric" pagan religion.


look at christmas and easter. it is pretty well accepted that dec 25 is not the actual birthdate of jesus. for the first 200 or 300 years after his birth, the birthday was celebrated in february. as a conversion method, the church changed the celebration to dec 25 week because there was a massive pagan festival then. i believe it was a mithraism festival celebrating the winter equinox. by allowing the celebration to continue and only changing what is being celebrated, the society is still able to change and accept christianity as a creed while maintaining their traditional lifstyle.


same thing for easter. easter was originally a germanic festival ostre, celebrating the spring equinox. it celebrates the revival of life, symbolic of the spring coming back, bringing life back to the trees and plants. thats why we have easter eggs today - eggs have long been symbolic of life. and now look, christians celebrate the return of the life of christ, his resurrection. on the same day. coincidence? maybe, but i doubt it. the vatican church is too coniving in its ways for it to have been mere coincidence.

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yes, mithraism was the religion celebrating what i believe was the winter solstice, not the equinox. it was celebrated on the 25th and the church changed jesus's true birthday celebrations to then to help the conversion process.


jesus wasnt in fact based on a charachter of mithra mytho, however.

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mithraism and its literature was burned by the christians.


there is still mitra worship today


they will enter a cave and make snake sound and mitra will appear before them like a 15 years old kid


the christian , muslim , together to destroy world other religions and unite . on the way on their conquest the got disorganized



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