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how it will end and restart?

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well, i understand here that there is no end to anything here.Only the energies will convert from one type to othere.But when the "Satya yug"will come and "Kali yug" will end, all of the universe and solarsystem nad evrything will be recreated or what exactly it is going to be.I heard people talking baout the end is near.But could not give me answers, i found the forum here is a well indepth knowledge source.so can naybody here help me out?

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the passage from kali yuga to satya yuga is not all the times an armageddon then genesis affair..


kalki is sufficient to kill all the undesidered population and to clean up the planet for the coming back of devotees and sages

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the change from armageddon to genesis is the same principle as kali to satya yugas. armageddon is basically an end of time where great catastrophes change the world and genesis is basically birth or in this case re-birth of culture and people.


my question though is this - is there a purported genesis after armegeddon from the perspective of western religion? i thought armageddon signaled the end, the final end of ebverything.


in this same way, change from kali to satya yuga is the same change. an intense time when evil builds up and vishnu's kalki avatar will lead people to truth. evil building up can signify catastrophe while the era of satyam that will follow will be the time of genesis, when the cultures of the world rebuild itself on a path of goodness and virtuosity.


but personally, i think the transition will be along the lines of war, destruction, famine or diease epidemic. many will die and few will live and the few that live will count their lucky stars and live good after in an effort to repopulate the world,, since most poeple's personal evil actions come about due to over exposure to people and a lack of outlets to let out anger and frustration.


but without too many people, this overexposure wont be there and people wont be as frustrated in others, thereby making it more nice to eachother. but i dont wanna sound like a prophet or a crazy person. this is just my view based on rationality and psychology.

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First of all, don't speak according to Christian/Muslims' perspective and expect to understand Hindusm. That is faulty way of understanding anything in Hindusm.


my question though is this - is there a purported genesis after armegeddon from the perspective of western religion? i thought armageddon signaled the end, the final end of ebverything.


There is NO final end to anything. christianity/Islam was written in a fairy-tale method of storytelling where there is a beginning, a middle story and an happy ending where the faithful shake their legs in Heaven for all eternity.


Personally, while studying Science and History, I believe that the "Armageddon" as described by Hindusm had occured 5 times in the past 500 million years. In each end of Kali Yuga, new species emerged and dominanted the world.


And this is accordance to Hindusm which stated that Lord Vishnu had came down to the world at least 6 times (5 times to make war, once - to MahaPali - to make peace). Sri Rama and Sri Krishna came in between the last 10,000 years.

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ur prejudice for western religions clouds your rationality. calling them faulty just because they are christian or muslim with no proof of why their beliefs are faulty borders of illogic on your part.


in my opinion, i dont think that western religions believe that there is a genesis after armageddon. it ends there. but i dont agree with this. in my opinion, satya yuga comes after kali yuga and brings a time reflourishment among human society. this can be equated with the western concepts of armageddon and genesis, destruction and birth.


therefore, conceptually, they are the same. to dismiss them as faulty or wrong simply because they are held up people who look at the world from a perspective different from your own is very discriminatory on your part. i hope you can see through his and love all human beings and try to understand their beliefs before condemning them outright.

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ur prejudice for western religions clouds your rationality. calling them faulty just because they are christian or muslim with no proof of why their beliefs are faulty borders of illogic on your part.


Wrong ... I have proof that their religions is not from God but copying each others' beliefs and adding Arabic traditions into it.


When Moses took Hebrews out from Egypt, there was a battle in Sea of Reeds, north section of Egypt where the delta is today. Hebrews were chased down by Egyptian prince and his men who intercepted them at the Sea of Reeds. Of course the Hebrew won. Today's Scientists have managed to find the remains and proof this account.


Now, when Paul came to the picture around 1,200 years after alleged Jesus's appearance, he rewrote the Bible according to what he understood.


In the episode regarding the battle between Hebrews and the Egyptians, Paul mistakenly wrote "The Red Sea" instead of "Sea of Reeds". Present day Bible still holds this account as true, despite of Science proving it wrong.


And, when Islam comes into the picture, Muslims took the account from Christianity about Moses opening up the Red Sea and swallowing up the Egyptians as true.


Now, if Islam comes from God, could God make the same mistake as Paul did 400 years before Muhammad? By stating the Sea of Reed as the Red Sea?


in my opinion, i dont think that western religions believe that there is a genesis after armageddon. it ends there. but i dont agree with this. in my opinion, satya yuga comes after kali yuga and brings a time reflourishment among human society. this can be equated with the western concepts of armageddon and genesis, destruction and birth.


It is your belief, not the Christians or Islamic belief. Remember that. Question - did you study both of their beliefs in Armageddon? I bet you have not. /images/graemlins/smirk.gif


In Christian belief, Jesus supposed to come the 2nd time, lead the Christians to victory against infidels (which includes Muslims, Buddhists, Hindus and pagans). That is the final battle between good and evil. Winner takes Heaven, losers take hell.


Islamic belief is similar, except the winners are Islamic people. The world supposed to end and everyone (Non-Muslims) included will be brought together in a place they called Padang (Field) Masyar (or something similar). There, the sins, merits and beliefs of the people are calculated and those who had no belief in Muhammad (Muslims) are casted aside to Hell below. World ENDS. Humanity ENDS.


i hope you can see through his and love all human beings and try to understand their beliefs before condemning them outright.


ONLY foolish people who have no understanding of God will say He has all love for humans and such. Love, Hate, Anger, Peace and such is Human emotions ... it has NOTHING to do with God.


Just as Muslims says God has no forms yet make names for Him, house for Him and superstitions for Him, stating He likes this and that - foolish beliefs, you came out with notion that God loves ALL. Love and emotion is just as idotry to God as making idols and worshipping such.


When you make an idol and picture Him in it, the image which you pray to is the one in YOUR mind. A person who prays to the idol in front without putting any form in his heart of God is an unfaithful person, for he is worshipping idols.


Same as a person who says God has this and that, he is actually making idols in his heart of what HE thinks is God. God is beyond petty emotions which governing humans, but Humans still picture Him such because that is the only way you could understand Him. To understand God, you must put Him in human form and worship Him such for there is no other way for you to know Him otherwise.


But don't go and say I have no love for God just because I do not follow your mental perspective of God. Your "idol" is in your mind; I will not worship your perspective, I will worship mine for that is my "idol".


Finally, do not judge me by your perspective. That is immoral act.

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i love god, i love aspects of all religions taht strenghten man's relationship with god. doesntmatter what the religion is. its not the religion i hate, its the follwers of the religion that bother me. some get so caught up in delusional faith that it clouds their rationality and judgement.


It is possible to make mistakes, that is what makes us human. it Paul mistranslated, he is only human and the possibility is always there. the fact that the bible still prints it this way, is a mark upon the editors of the bible. theres nothing i can do to change it, personally i wish they would change it and fix the mistake rahter than teaching a lie.


Islam may come from god but the people who wrote the books are still human and their understanding of what they got from their parent religions (christianity and Judaism) is based on social factors. if they lived in a time when the mistake was taught as truth, its not their fault that they believed that. Allah knows either way that its the sea of reeds, no matter what all the muslims, christians or jews believe.


I did not study these relgions in depth. i am a hindu, not a christian or muslim. that is why i have mediocre understandings of it. i didnt say i was an expert.


as for armageddon beliefs, the muslims and christians differ by not much. obviously they each have their own specific beliefs on what will happen. but its basically the same thing, only substitutig themselves as the victors who go to heaven. Hindus believe that those that are good will go to satya yuga while kalki dev will wipe away those that are evil. to many hindus; not me or maybe not you, or maybe not many in this forum; but to many hindus, being a good person is the same as being hindu. so they suffer from the same pitfalls as the christians and muslims who believe only their religion will be taken to the better place after armageddon.



As for love, i didnt say anything about you lving god or god loving you. i hope you love god, but if not , thats up to you. i agree, god has no emotions the way humans do, people transpose those emotions on god in order to make god more human/understandable.


I was saying that i hope you love PEOPLE, not god. hopefully you can see through your discrimination of the non-hindus to see that they are just sheep born into their fold and many are socially obligated to maintain without having original thoughts of their own. unforunately, thats the situation that society puts many people into and many people are victims of it. i am a student of psychology and i firmly believe that people, ALL PEOPLE, are a product of their environemnt. one should work to align all people's understandings of life and god into one, but dont condemn people if they done do what you do.


to take your own word,s you said its immoral of me tojudge you bsed on my perspective. now u misunderstood, i wasnt judging you based on my perspective. but you are judging christians and muslims as bad stupid people because they dont see things from your/Hindu perspective. that is the immorality that you speak of isnt it?

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