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Are we heading for another Mass Extinction?

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I had been researching Lord Vishnu's 9 Avatars for months now. No particular reasons, it all started with one of the forums which I was active in, suddenly opening up a Hindusm column and not many Hindus are around. So, I thought it could provide me with challenge to research them.


You can say I made some remarkable findings - like linking Cambrian Explosion to Kumar Avatar, Pangaea Continent to Varaha Avatar and such.


During my research, I have taken historical datas and found that during the past 3 Billion years of Earth's history, the Planet had underwent mass extinction for about 5 times. Reasons for it was unknown.


Question now is ... are we heading toward another Mass Extinction? Is Mass Extinction is a sign that Lord Vishnu was about to take birth on the World?

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That's the main question ... if we are heading for Mass Extinction, what is the Cause for it? My answer - the Reversal of Magnetic Field on the Planet itself.


Source :



Based on measurements of the Earth's magnetic field taken since about 1850 some paleomagnetists estimate that the dipole moment will decay in about 1,300 years. However, the present dipole moment (a measure of how strong the magnetic field is) is actually higher than it has been for most of the last 50,000 years and the current decline could reverse at any time.


Source :




And :



You can watch interactive scene on how a Magnetic Reversal could occur.

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Some scientists says Yes, some says it is nothing to worry about. But, the implications of a Reversal IS a serious one. That much, everyone agrees.


Some of the implications include, birds unable to navigate - possible extinction of bird species, especially the long migrating types.


Magnetic field could reduce to a dangerous level in some places - allowing dangerous radiations from the sun to breach in and effect the world below - possible global warming, especially if the greenhouse effect still in place.


The extra heat absorbed by the Planet could be trapped within the Planet itself, thus heating it to a dangerous level. Can cause skin disease and skin cancer among humans, increase of ocean level by melting the Polar caps - flooding smaller islands which cause death and lost of habitats for millions of species.


Also, increase in water levels will most likely kill off Coral reefs as they require sunlight to survive. Without coral reefs, dozens of species of marine life will die off.


Communications and Satellite could be jeapodized (depends on what is the severity of the region).


There is a possible danger of permanent enlargement of ozone layer in some areas of the world, like the already enlarged one in Greenland.


And we are yet to research what effect it has in our food supply - agriculture, fishing and such, especially considering our food supply now is not even enough in some parts of the world.

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