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The real reason for the decline of Hinduism

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It is so vast it become impossible to organize. The result: Hindus are divided due to differences in ideology. Take the hindu society at the moment. People say caste, regionalism, different languages are the real causes of division. Let's see. Whenever there is crisis, hindus, irrespective of castes, languages and regionalism, unite and fight.


During riots, we see that happening-hindus forgetting their caste and fighting together. So caste is not as big a problem as they make it out to be. Regionalism is not divisive either. Sankaracharya is Tamil, but we witnessed more number of protests in north India and other parts of India, than in TN. Once again, it proves that so-called north-south divide isn't the factor. Hindus are capable of uniting.


So what is it that weakens the Hindu society? Too many ideologies. Think about it. Hindus come in different hues and colors. Secularists, pacifists, commies, socialists, nationalists and so on. Even amongst secular hindus, there are 2 types-those who favor real secularism, which is the separation of religion from state and those who practice p-secularism, as our politicians do, bashing majority and baiting the minority. Amongst pacifists, there could be many types like Gandhains who advocate selective ahimsa...such as, only hindus should follow the path of peace even if Muslims plunder, rape and murder. Whereas other variety of pacifists believes in total and absolute pacifism.


The same with nationalist hindus. One breed advocates secular nationalism, whereas the Hindutva brigade propagates religion-based nationalism. As you can see, there are differences, plus differences within differences. Even that isn't the problem. These people refuse to come under one banner, namely Hinduism, and fight for a common cause. That is the real problem, not the differences themselves. Differences are inevitable, it happens in all countries, but they always come under one banner whenever threatened. Sunnis and Shias may fight each other, but they're ready to forget their differences in times of crisis. The same with christians and others. But hindus, even when they're facing the greatest of dangers such as repeated terrorist attacks and so, are content to fight amongst themselves, arguing which ideology is better, whether we should be secular or nationalist, pacifist or socialist, diplomatic or violent etc. etc.


With such an attitude, it is impossible to succeed. That's why Hindus have always been losers. Think freely, have any number of differences, be secular or nationalist, socialist or whatever, but do all these things in the name of Hinduism, so irrespective of differences in ideologies, we could unite for a common cause.

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Your Qoute :

Hindus come in different hues and colors. Secularists, pacifists, commies, socialists, nationalists and so on. Even amongst secular hindus, there are 2 types-those who favor real secularism, which is the separation of religion from state and those who practice p-secularism, as our politicians do, bashing majority and baiting the minority.


Hello ... I just wish to ask you something, which I found odd.


Why do Hindus have Secular and Non-Secular fractions? :hmm:


In the last 3,000 years of history, both Religion and Politics have been together in India, where Kyastrias rule, Brahmins guide and others contribute what they can to the society.


In another word, Religion continued to become backbone of Indian Society which later influence and brought forth great progresses to the society AND the world.


Yet now, Hindus themselves fight to separate it away from Politics, almost disregard their own history. WHY is that so?

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Real hindutva can have a positive influence upon politics and nationalist responsibilities. Rama Rajya or BG can only have positive influence.


The problem is the brand of journalism. Our journalists are itching to be recognized with international press. The international press can consider any non-christian press for religious fundamentalism. This may be true for islamic reports, if one were to listen to a friday Jumma in Pakistan or kashmir or palestine.


This may not be true for hindutva at all. But our press wants to gain more international recognition. So they have to consider it just like Islamic fundamentalism.


I don't regard hindus as divided. I regard the press trying to divide the views of the people. This is true for any country, is it not.


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IF International Press couldn't give the respect Hindusm deserve - REJECT them.


IF Westerners do not give respect Indians and their beliefs deserves (due to 10,000 years of culture, heritage and history) then REJECT them.


What did Mahatma Gandhi taught Hindus? That they are weak and need to be supported by Western idiots to survive? NO ... that Hindus CAN and WILL once again survived on their own.


Hindus did before Europeans comes to India and plunder the country and Hindus did it under leadership of Mahatma Gandhi, they can do it again.


Hell, even Japan has done it. It rejected American values and glorified its own culture and heritage. Japan now a strong country which becoming a backbone to Asian. We need another if we are to break from Western influence and I believe India is the best place.

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Instead of reject, I think we should encourage a new brand of journalism and intellectualism.


We are fed up of the sensation of the exploiter & the exploited, the culprit & the victim. We are fed-up. This doesn't seem to be apparent thought. In india, the crime news are gaining popularity, with competition between TV channels. This shows that our press continues to spiral in the -ve pit of international journalism.


When is the day going to come in india, when the press could discuss on a murder of a christian preacher in a village, and not mix it up with religious findamentalism. But talk about an updated version of 'best practices' for NGO, missionary organizations & volunteers helping Indian villagers.


Our press is mad.

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Say what you wish, I say Reject anything which do not hold importance to Hindusm in general and India in specific. Only then, Hindusm will survive.


That includes NGOs who talk about liberal and at same time bribe poor people into their religions, terrorists training in your backyards and people pretending to be your friends only to riddicule your believe. Reject them all.



In US, they planned to convert 1 Million a year, which means 1/10 of those newly converted could be heading to India to convert Indians. Think about that.

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