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All glories to Sri Nrsmha who is the protector of all those who love to chant the Hare Krsna Maha Mantra( Hare Krsna Hare Krsna Krsna Krsna Hare Hare/Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare. Please remember the great Tsumani that devastated south east asia on december 27, 2004. And compare what it would be like if Sri Nrsmha really gets mad at the demons and non-devotees who always try to harass the pure-devotees of His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupad.The resultant reaction would be 911 Part II.So, beware don`t ever harm again Sri Nrsmha`s devotees like Prahlada.



From who else, Krsnaraja

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does this explain the many hindus that also died with them? Why would Narasimha kill innocent children who know nothign of Narasimha, God, Buddhism, Hinduism, Christianity or anything else?

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May I ask what stupidity is this?


How could anyone with common sense equalize Tsunami event which killed Indians, Sri Lankans, Thailand people, Muslims (from Indonesia) and several other races from Africa as well, TO Lord Narasimha's actions?


First of all, Lord Narasimha killed ONLY Hirankyashabu. He did not harm ANYONE else. The most wicked of them all is killed and Pralathan is made king of Arakans so he could correct others. That is Lord Vishnu's Judgement.


In Tsunami Event, all were killed - sinners and non-Sinners alike. It is like the event in Bible and Al Quran about the two cities - Sodom and the other one (forgot the name), where sinners and non-Sinners perished totally.


And lastly, 9-11 is done by evil men with evil intents, NOT God or is it His will to implicit suffering upon people who do not worship Him.


Either Vishnu nor Shiva had ever implicit any harms to others who do not believe in Them in ANY of the Puranas. Only those who are directly implicited suffering to believers are punished.

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All Glories to Srila Prabhupada!


Yes I agree - the points in the title post are not correct!


At best - it may be that Mother Earth and the Demigods are sending more bad weather and natural disasters etc., because they are sick and fed-up with humans on this Golam/Earth.




First of all, Lord Narasimha killed ONLY Hirankyashabu. He did not harm ANYONE else...




Not exactly - in Srimad Bhagavatam 7.8.31 it states:


The Supreme Personality of Godhead, who had many, many arms, first uprooted Hiranyakashipu's heart and then threw him aside and turned toward the demon's soldiers. These soldiers had come in thousands to fight with Him with raised weapons and were very faithful followers of Hiranyakashipu, but Lord Nrsimhadeva killed all of them merely with the ends of His nails.


So as we can see - the Lord killed more than just Hiranyakashipu.


Besides that - we have no other information about the Eternal Activities of Nrsimhadeva - to say that He killed only one demon is to ascribe a false limitation on Him.


Just thought you might like to know that.



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I didn't know He attacked others because most websites and story I have read and seen showed that He attacked and killed Hiranskyasbu alone.


Anyway, I will remember the qoute when I post in my own thread (in another forum). Thank you.


BTW, beautiful picture ... mind telling me where you get it from?

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