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Norwegian student needs help with central questions about Hinduism.

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I have been given a task from the school to write 15 pages about hinduism.

If someone would help me i would be very glad /images/graemlins/smile.gif


I need this questions ands tasks answered:

-Where does hinduism people go to pray?

-Wich sacred places, items, animals and similaer things does exist within hinduism?

-Write some about the new religious ways of hinduism who has its origin from the east.

-What sacred scrifts within hinduism do you know?

-What do you know about these scrifts?

-Write name on all world places hinduism exist


Please help me.

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-Where does hinduism people go to pray?***



Wich sacred places, items, animals and similaer things does exist within hinduism?***

Everything is sacred.


Write some about the new religious ways of hinduism who has its origin from the east***


All religions (including capitalism, communism), east and west, are mere derivations of Hinduism.


What sacred scrifts within hinduism do you know?***


There are too many of them, assuming you mean scripts.


What do you know about these scrifts?***


Too superior for Semites to comprehend.


Write name on all world places hinduism exist***


As an official (state religion), it exists only in Nepal. But its presence is felt throughout the world, most commonly in India, which is the land of Hinduism, the greatest of all civilizations.





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"What do you know about these scrifts?***


Too superior for Semites to comprehend."


That is not the way a true Hindu behaves.



There are many Hindu texts considered sacred. The Vedas, Upanishads, Bhagavad-Gita, Mahabharata, Ramayana, etc.


All these texts go into the glory of God, about the laws of karma, dharma, proper living, the history of God's incarnations on Earth, history of India, etc.

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just what is advised of a Hindu. And that too is varied, because there are so many customs. Hindus can pick those that he or she finds fitting to follow.


Hindus pray in their homes, outside in temples, or anywhere. They can do yoga, meditate, etc.


A lot of them fast on certain holy days.



There are no particular rules that are common among Hindus, that I can think of.

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Jai Ganesh



(-Where does hinduism people go to pray?)


Devalaya or Mandir.

Deva means divine being Alay means place.

Place where the mind finds the resting-place. Most Hindu prays at home almost all will have a shrine of some short where they offer their prayers. Then of course we have Deval sthan where the deities are offered worshiped in line with Vedic tradition.




(-Wich sacred places, items, animals and similaer things does exist within hinduism?)


Whereever the lord resides, that becomes sacred of course we have many pilgrimage places. Char dhama (4 Places) is a well-known place like Haridwar in North, Rameshvara in south Dwarka in the west and Jaganath puri in the east. Vridavan Mathura, Ayodhiya, Kasi and Tirupati are very famous pilgrimage destination. Ofcourse there are many rivers, which is held very sacred, every Hindu would like to have a dip in the Ganga.

Other four dham which in the olden days was very difficult to accomplish but many did that bare foot in the Himalayas namely Jamnotri the source of the river Jamuna, Badrinath, Gangotri where Bhagirath performed Tapasaya to bring mother Ganga to earth and Kedarnath one off the twelve jyotirlinga.

there are so many places. Every town and village has a special connection that it would be impossible to list them all.

All life is considered sacred from plants and tree to animals. The worship of mother cow takes a special place. How can some one not love the most gentle of all the creatures? Every thing of the cow is beautiful, she nourishes the human being by simply eating the grass, her dung is the best form of fertilizer, also the dung is used for fuel, urine is also used for purification and when she dies the hyde is used for shoes and making drums.

The cow for its nourishment is revered as mother and the bull as father for tilling the soil.

Both lord Krishna and lord Shiva are associated with this most beautiful soul.



(-Write some about the new religious ways of hinduism who has its origin from the east.)


Hinduism is an age-old tradition nothing changes accept the people who follow it, some package it with new warping but the concept remains the same.


(-What sacred scrifts within hinduism do you know?)


I am an old student lost with so much to learn.



(-What do you know about these scrifts?)


Very little.



(-Write name on all world places hinduism exist)


Hinduism is a science of the soul and the super soul. Souls are Jillian the super soul pervades all.




(Please help me. )


Only the lord in your heart knows all seek him and you will find out the help is not far.


Jai Shree Krishna


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"Wich sacred places, items, animals and similaer things does exist within hinduism?"


Sacred Places: Vashnavi Temple, Tirupathi, Kasi, Himalayas (Kailasagiri, Manasarovar), Puri Jagannath. There are more than 1000 places within India. Each of these considered to be very sacred.


Also many rivers like Ganga, Godavri, Krishna, Yamuna, Tungabhadra etc


animals: Cow, King Cobra(Snake), Elephant, Peacock, Monkey


-What sacred scrifts within hinduism do you know?

Geeta, Ramayan, Mahabharat, Upanishads .........


At many places people came up with Keerthanaas(Devotional Classic prayers) like Annamacharya Keerthanalu (Mostly practiced in Southern Part of India), Abangas (Poetry) (Maharstra etc) and lot more.

-What do you know about these scrifts?

All these scripts have been written in Sanskrit. Overperiod of time a great effort been made to translate into various Indian Languages (14 languages). But still people would prefer to follow the Sanskrit version (Especially Geeta) with heart/devotion.


-Write name on all world places hinduism exist


Majority India, Republic of Mauritius, Nepal,


Minorities in Srilanka, Indonesia, Bangladesh, Hongkong, Malaysia, UK, Republic of South Africa, USA, Canada


the following link may be helpful

http://www.atlapedia.com/online/country_index.htm (This is not an official web site, but may be good place to start with)


Hope this helps you. let me know your in case you have any questions. I would also request to post similar kind of information of your religion


God bless you


Hindu Savior


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with hinduism there is the common practice, and then there is the correct ideal. modern hinduism is not the same as original, pure hinduism. one is the amalgamation of mythology and culture, the other is not.


-Where does hinduism people go to pray?


a hindu can pray anywhere. god does not put limits. it's considered more ideal however to pray in a place where it is quiet, or near a holy place where ones mind is not influenced by negativity. a holy place can include mosques or churches.


-Wich sacred places, items, animals and similaer things does exist within hinduism?


the cow is sacred, for its agricultural importance. mythology shows the mythical depictions of gods who may right the cow as transport, or tend to the cow. the snake is not considered evil as it is in judaist belief. the temples are sacred. all life is sacred, because of the ideal of ahimsa.


-Write some about the new religious ways of hinduism who has its origin from the east.


hinduism and zoroastaranism are the oldest religions in the world, unless you perhaps want to include the 'dream time' religion of the ancient aborigines. they are the origin, they were not influenced, but they did the influencing. the gnosticism is evident in christianity, however it is numbed down considerably. and buddhism stems from hinduism, and contains essential concepts of hinduism, bar the direct belief in God.


-What sacred scrifts within hinduism do you know?


upanishads, the vedas, the bhagavad gita, the puranas. please note the kama sutra and tantric scripts are not considered sacred or spiritually related.


-What do you know about these scrifts?


the basis of the vedanta teachings is that there is an absolute reality: GOD. mankinds goal should be to dispel materialism on this world, and seek the truth of GOD.


-Write name on all world places hinduism exist


india, southeast asia. i believe there are some in russia.

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