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And in that day will I make Jerusalem a burdensome stone for all peoples

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"...And in that day will I make Jerusalem a burdensome stone for all peoples..." [Zechariah 12.3]


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So here is a quote [following biblical quotes] from the ancient vedic text known as 'manu-sanghita' -or - 'the law-book for mankind' - it is well and good to see the importance of these vedic manu-sanghita quotes and these quotes from the Bible:


"'Go and tell My servant David: {S} Thus saith the LORD: Shalt thou build Me a house for Me to dwell in? " [2 Samuel 7.5]


"Even them will I bring to My holy mountain, and make them joyful in My house of prayer; their burnt-offerings and their sacrifices shall be acceptable upon Mine altar; for My house shall be called A HOUSE OF PRAYER FOR ALL PEOPLES. " [isaiah 56.7]


"I will not reprove thee for thy sacrifices; and thy burnt-offerings are continually before Me.


I will take no bullock out of thy house, nor he-goats out of thy folds.


For every beast of the forest is Mine, and the cattle upon a thousand hills.


I know all the fowls of the mountains; and the wild beasts of the field are Mine.


If I were hungry, I would not tell thee; for the world is Mine, and the fulness thereof.


Do I eat the flesh of bulls, or drink the blood of goats?


Offer unto God the sacrifice of thanksgiving; and pay thy vows unto the Most High;


And call upon Me in the day of trouble; I will deliver thee, and thou shalt honour Me.' [Psalms 50.8-15]


So now we have a basis to understand this:


"He that killeth an ox is as if he slew a man; he that sacrificeth a lamb, as if he broke a dog's neck; he that offereth a meal-offering, as if he offered swine's blood; he that maketh a memorial-offering of frankincense, as if he blessed an idol; according as they have chosen their own ways, and their soul delighteth in their abominations;


Even so I will choose their mockings, and will bring their fears upon them; because when I called, none did answer; when I spoke, they did not hear, but they did that which was evil in Mine eyes, and chose that in which I delighted not. {S}" [isaiah 66.3-4]


"Before she travailed, she brought forth; before her pain came, she was delivered of a man-child." [isaiah 66.7]


"For I [know] their works and their thoughts; [the time] cometh, that I will gather all nations and tongues; and they shall come, and shall see My glory. [isaiah 66.18] [masoretic translation]


Now look at two quotes from manu-sanghita:


"If he has a strong desire (for meat) he may make an animal of clarified butter or one of flour, (and eat that); but let him never seek to destroy an animal without a (lawful) reason.


As many hairs as the slain beast has, so often indeed will he who killed it without a (lawful) reason suffer a violent death in future births."


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[i first posted this over the web two years ago]


[This was emailed to world leaders as well]


Alas it's been long "published" -- and as suspected it falls more than somewhat short - the "Road Map" is seemingly unrealistic - FIRST; it's 'time-lines' aren't 'timely' enough - SECOND: there's the document's overt focus on the Palestinian's latest 'Uprising' - it thus places far too many of the responsibilities on the Palestinians - for the provocation, the violence, and - its end - before steps to resolution of the causative issues themselves - [the Road Map Plan avoids a delving 'deeper' into the underlying issues themselves!].




---- Thus the 'semi international' "Road MapPlan" does NOT outline in any detail its purposed [resolution] methods - nor even present 'suggestions' on how the parties are to going to deal with these issues - [really it's a plan - without a plan!] - all we are told is that 'later' in a projected "phase three" [in 2005] there will be convened - an "International Conference", to decide the issue of Jerusalem and 'final borders' for both States [just see the pointlessness of a Plan which speaks of 'final borders' which we already know are going to have to be [as far as possible] a non fragmented 50/50 cut - and that's it, that's all!?].




---- The "Road Map" Plan reads: "...a negotiated resolution on the status of Jerusalem that takes into account the political and religious concerns of both sides, and protects the religious interests of Jews, Christians, and Muslims worldwide...".




---- This Road Map is sounding like it's navigating into the general direction of a FAILED [in theory and practicality] U.N. Resolution - (#181) [drafted in 1947] - certainly not withstanding everyone's best intentions - an 'International Jerusalem' city-state will not be a workable 'Regional' entity!




---- A logical and fair solution - as outlined within our Peace Plan [in this string] suggests looking at these issues - within a timely manner - with a realistic regard to the Rights of ALL the peoples in THAT Region - i.e.: the Middle East Region - specifically, Rights of the the Middle East populations - to a 'peace and security' - certainly has precedent over ANY - "religious interests" [centered on the region] of 'others' residing "WORLDWIDE"! It seems a simple logical point?




---- Further the most important religious "interest" of - "...Jews, Christians, and Muslims worldwide..." - should be REAL PEACE for those living in the Region - otherwise 'what' is the meaning to their ideas of a far-away 'Holy Land'?




---- When looking into the past and future of these issues - we can see 'continuous adjustments' have been made by these parties [Palestine and Israel] to cope with each other - thus having at least 'that' as a positive commonality - here is a simple arrangement for them to consider serving as a basis for a fair concession:




---- "...part of the 'Justice' here naturally demands that Jerusalem is going to have be [again] a fully Israeli City...Palestine must receive [without debt] as *'instantly*' as possible - a comprehensive new "State of the Art" Capital City...". [*a "right of return" concession may be bridged through this Plan!*]




---- So within 'that' simple 'concession' - we see the 'direction' to a proper 'resolution' on this Jerusalem issue - of course our Peace Plan [which was sent to various World Leaders] clearly outlines 'how' this HISTORIC "move" should be undertaken - we see no point in suggesting a Plan without practical methods to meet its end!




---- We sincerely pray to God that these realistic ideas can take hold within the portfolio's of those leaders in all the right places - because if they are to employ any 'Road Map' to peace - there better be a Factual Destination...


Your Servant,




Lest one continue through with:


"Thou hast devised shame to thy house, by cutting off many peoples, and hast forfeited thy life.


For the stone shall cry out of the wall, and the beam out of the timber shall answer it. {P}


Woe to him that buildeth a town with blood, and establisheth a city by iniquity!" [Habakkuk 2.10-12]


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Here are series of postings I have made over the last few years - one site [arabia.com] where they were all housed seems to be stuck in time - November 2004 [u.S. election] so in any case here are some important related ideas to the title post of this string.


NOTE: The person to whom this post was directed "ACTS10" is a evangelical who was stalking me on line for over a year.



Quote: and bhakta_don (MUNTEAN) has made a plan...but God has made an unbreakable covenant and His will be done ---- Reply: HARE KRISHNA - Well "MY" so-called "Plan" follows a simple Logic and Dharma - [prove it doesn't!] - as outlined within the many clear 'Orders' of God, and within 'context' - as outlined within all scriptural traditions everywhere - of course 'you' are in a Stark Defiance against the real 'Orders' of God - you - [with blatant stupidity and/or calculation] - push-on yer sick and twisted evil CULT - one which has 'EVERYONE' - not "born again" - (sucked into your cult) - suffering in an - 'eternal' hell-fire with yer - FICTIONAL SATAN - [and with a calamitous global war before sending them there?] - We do know why YOUR CULT twists only a slight hand full of - 'out of context and misinterpreted' - "bible verses" into your 'Maledicted Performance Sermons' - we've discussed some of these points already and you've admitted it - Prophet Isaiah WAS speaking of a PAST king of Babylon and Prophet Ezekial WAS speaking of a PAST king of Tyrus - not your FICTIONAL Persian "Satan" - oh and yet again - them 'Garden of Eden' stories (which are oh so 'central' to 'your' salvation theory) [interpreted as an allegory by Hebrews] are a Mesopotamian interpolation - there are no REAL biblical connections to your FICTIONAL Persian "Satan" - in fact your Cult's doctrines of a 'mankind infected' with a congenital "original sin" - isn't an original Hebrew doctrine either - It is not even a Hebrew doctrine that the Hebrew's future "Messiah" 'should/would' 'die for mankind's< sins' - NO - the messiah will have a 'sacrificial mission' - to 'redeem' the children of Abraham of their 'sacrificial sins' - nope - all >YOUR< doctrines are Fabrications based on Misinterpretations - [your Cult's "doctrines" are a long time Generational Scam!] - your whole 'sacrificial lamb' connection to Sri Yeshua - is a very dangerous thing indeed - In Isaiah chapter 53 - which 'is' well accepted as a discussion of the future "Hebrew Messiah" [not Jesus!] we see that the Prophet has stated NOTHING about messiah's - 'death on a cross' - or - 'state execution' - [it does speak of a 'prison' stay - but 'where' this is - was not mentioned - we can be sure it 'will' be in Jerusalem] - In chapter 53 the Prophet is speaking of the Apostate Sacrificial issue - when reflecting on the 'future' Messiah [who's a mortal man - a Prophet of the Prophets, as it were - he's not 'God' in the flesh!] - it appears the children of Abraham's collective situation will come 'full circle' - by the time he 'appears' - i.e.: their collective 'test' [temptation] and final experience with him - will become like that of their original patriarch Abraham and his son Isaac - One can see from a clear reading of the Texts - that they will try to - "Sacrifice" - HIM - Text 7: - "... he is brought as a lamb to the slaughter, and as a sheep before her shearers is dumb, so he openeth not his mouth." --- We MUST look at WHAT leads to THAT situation - and we can; from the clear perspective of the Prophet Jeremiah - as recorded in 7.19-26: - "Do they provoke me to anger? saith the LORD: do they not provoke themselves to the confusion of their own faces? - Therefore thus saith the Lord GOD; Behold, mine anger and my fury shall be poured out upon this place, upon man, and upon beast, and upon the trees of the field, and upon the fruit of the ground; and it shall burn, and shall not be quenched. - Thus saith the LORD of hosts, the God of Israel; Put >your< burnt offerings unto >your< sacrifices, and [instead] eat [the] flesh. - For "I" spake NOT unto your fathers, NOR commanded them in the day that "I" brought them out of the land of Egypt, concerning >burnt offerings or sacrifices<: But this thing commanded "I" them, saying, Obey my voice, and "I" will be your God, and ye shall be my people: and walk ye in all the ways that "I" have commanded you, that it may be well unto you. - But they hearkened not, nor inclined their ear, but walked in the counsels and in the imagination of their evil heart, and went backward, and not forward. - Since the day that your fathers came forth out of the land of Egypt unto this day "I" have even sent unto you >all< my servants the prophets, daily rising up early and sending them: Yet they hearkened NOT unto 'me', NOR inclined their ear, but hardened their neck: they did worse than their fathers." ---- CONTINUED NEXT >>>>


The truth is this bloody burnt sacrifice activity is NOT required - NOT desired - NOR EVER "Requested" from God - as we can clearly see - God states that these animal sacrifice practices come from - "...the counsels and the imagination of their evil heart..." - [and some lowest spectrum ancient pagan interpolations too!] - and 'that' is not hard to understand when looking at this sacrificial activity - so with the figure of 'Abraham' we see that God tells [tempts] him to - 'offer-up his Son as a Sacrifice' [as a 'test'] - which he then prepares to do - then God sends his agent - to intervene at the 'last moment' - then next comes a 'ram' caught up in the 'bushes' near-by - he [is tested (tempted) yet again] and he [fails*] and he 'offers' that 'animal' instead (*he failed only due to his simplicity - he must have misunderstood God's intent in his awe of the request) - so in 'this' we see the start of some interesting points - Did a spirit in fact 'TEMPT' him to provide his son as a burnt offering - to 'test' him? If so - 'was' it really God or 'someone' else? If it was God - what was the 'real' purpose of this 'test'? - The fact that this Abraham was living in an area where this false worship [through animal sacrifices] was very prevalent IS revealing in this context - we're told that God wanted to 'make a pact' - wanted to work with him -- he saw something 'good' in this man - YET God >needed< to teach him that "HE" would NOT accept the all too prevalent FALSE worship - centered about animal sacrifices - We also must think and consider possible latter revisions made to these early Texts - to support the Temple and its 'sacrifices' and of course its Rich and Powerful Temple bureaucracies? etc. etc. etc.,? -- So in any case we see that God does 'everything' to 'discourage' them out of this activity - yet some Prophets - like Moses made grave errors in 'this' regard - in his case - we see that Moses [as a leader] really ticked him off - I don't think it was because Moses claimed that he himself had brought - 'the water from the rock' - no - it 'was' the 'flesh eating' and 'sacrifice' activity - recall they even complained to Moses over their eating only Miracle Manna [instead of un-holy flesh like in Egypt] - Moses knew 'why' GOD took them 'off the flesh' when they were led out from Egypt - we can thus read [chapter 11] in the Book of Numbers to see the terrible 'plague' from God - following their Desert Flesh Feast of Quail - [there were nearly 'mountains' of Quail falling from the sky!] - and then the subsequent 'brazen serpent' narration - now think - does 'not' God say through Prophet Jeremiah - [that they've been doing these terrible things] - "Since the day that your fathers came forth out of the land of Egypt" --- We can also see that in many cases some of the [unrecorded and minor] Prophets were NOT respected for speaking-out with the TRUTH - like with the case of Jesus - they were 'oppressed' and later in Jesus' case - WORSE - of course we CAN see that God has HIS Plan - "I have even sent unto you all my servants the prophets, daily rising up early and sending them" - We can see that after their Temple was last destroyed - [as directly predicted by the Prophet Jesus] - by the Romans in 70 C.E. - the REAL Hebrews then later [rightly] became focused on only the 'Torah of God' and the 'study' of that 'Torah' - they did THIS in the 'stead' of their too long 'aberrant' sacrifices - do yer study - FIND 'who' is it that said [within the biblical scriptures] - '...the prayers of our lips shall be as Bulls in the last days...'? -- Oh and DO recall Jesus and his angry outburst in the Temple of God - "And Jesus went into the temple of God, and cast out all them that sold and bought (animals for sacrifice) in the temple, and overthrew the tables of the moneychangers, and the seats of them that sold doves..." [Matthew 21.12] - Clearly Jesus' major angry out-burst was in the 'Temple' - directed RIGHT at this animal sacrifice activity! You need to look at the REALITY of the things you read - No Jesus is 'not' the Hebrew Messiah – however, Sri Yeshua IS - a dear-most Servant and Prophet of GOD - who GOD himself dispatched - to warn of the impending destruction of their Temple and their system of things [status as a State] - it quickly happened as warned - in 70 C.E. - YES - the TRUTH is the TRUTH - neither you nor anyone can change it - NOT with ANY amount of Apologetics and Interpolations... Hare Krishna!

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QUOTE: Oh and DO recall Jesus and his angry outburst in the Temple of God - "And Jesus went into the temple of God, and cast out all them that sold and bought (animals for sacrifice) in the temple, and overthrew the tables of the moneychangers, and the seats of them that sold doves..." [Matthew 21.12] - Clearly Jesus' major angry out-burst was in the 'Temple' - directed RIGHT at this animal sacrifice activity.


--- We should note the connection of what Jesus said that day - to prophet Jeremiah in ch 7. 7-11 [whom he quoted]:


"But here you are, putting your trust in deceitful words to your own loss!


Are you to steal and murder, commit adultery and perjury, burn incense to Baal, go after strange gods that you know not,


and yet come to stand before me in this house which bears my name, and say: "We are safe; we can commit all these abominations again"?


Has this house which bears my name become in your eyes a den of thieves? I too see what is being done, says the LORD."


Question why evangelicals tell you an interpretation of Matthew 21.12 that says Jesus was responding the cheating money changers.


Of course we know that when one went to the Temple in roman occupied Jerusalem to sacrifice - one could not use roman coins [or others] in the Temple - only the coinage of Tyre could be used for the purchases - all other money had to be exchanged for that. So naturally - there were people who exchanged it for them.


The evangelicals actually teach a subtle anti-semetic idea of them 'cheating'.


In their interpretations they want you to ignore that Jesus was quoting Jeremiah ch 7.11 - and he and his contemporaries knew the 'context' of that quote - it was all to do with a form of - false worship.


"And Jesus went into the temple of God, and cast out all them that sold and bought (animals for sacrifice) in the temple, and overthrew the tables of the moneychangers, and the seats of them that sold doves..."


So in fact the second part of that is a confirmation - 'the seats of them that sold doves' - by turning over these tables - so no one could exchange their coins - meant interupting the 'sacrificial business'.


That says it all!


We should also note that he saw it as an exploitation of the poor - as the doves were for those who could not afford a more expensive sacrifice.


Indeed it is also conveyed by the Prophet 'and' Jesus that it is a 'thieving' from God - to think one can engage in sins and later expiate them - by killing animals.


Their interpretations aren't true to the whole and original context of the narration.



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[i first posted this two years ago]


Alas it's been long "published" -- and as suspected it falls more than somewhat short - the "Road Map" is seemingly unrealistic - FIRST; it's 'time-lines' aren't 'timely' enough - SECOND: there's the document's overt focus on the Palestinian's latest 'Uprising' - it thus places far too many of the responsibilities on the Palestinians - for the provocation, the violence, and - its end - before steps to resolution of the causative issues themselves - [the Road Map Plan avoids a delving 'deeper' into the underlying issues themselves!].




---- Thus the 'semi international' "Road MapPlan" does NOT outline in any detail its purposed [resolution] methods - nor even present 'suggestions' on how the parties are to going to deal with these issues - [really it's a plan - without a plan!] - all we are told is that 'later' in a projected "phase three" [in 2005] there will be convened - an "International Conference", to decide the issue of Jerusalem and 'final borders' for both States [just see the pointlessness of a Plan which speaks of 'final borders' which we already know are going to have to be [as far as possible] a non fragmented 50/50 cut - and that's it, that's all!?].




---- The "Road Map" Plan reads: "...a negotiated resolution on the status of Jerusalem that takes into account the political and religious concerns of both sides, and protects the religious interests of Jews, Christians, and Muslims worldwide...".




---- This Road Map is sounding like it's navigating into the general direction of a FAILED [in theory and practicality] U.N. Resolution - (#181) [drafted in 1947] - certainly not withstanding everyone's best intentions - an 'International Jerusalem' city-state will not be a workable 'Regional' entity!




---- A logical and fair solution - as outlined within our Peace Plan [in this string] suggests looking at these issues - within a timely manner - with a realistic regard to the Rights of ALL the peoples in THAT Region - i.e.: the Middle East Region - specifically, Rights of the the Middle East populations - to a 'peace and security' - certainly has precedent over ANY - "religious interests" [centered on the region] of 'others' residing "WORLDWIDE"! It seems a simple logical point?




---- Further the most important religious "interest" of - "...Jews, Christians, and Muslims worldwide..." - should be REAL PEACE for those living in the Region - otherwise 'what' is the meaning to their ideas of a far-away 'Holy Land'?




---- When looking into the past and future of these issues - we can see 'continuous adjustments' have been made by these parties [Palestine and Israel] to cope with each other - thus having at least 'that' as a positive commonality - here is a simple arrangement for them to consider serving as a basis for a fair concession:




---- "...part of the 'Justice' here naturally demands that Jerusalem is going to have be [again] a fully Israeli City...Palestine must receive [without debt] as *'instantly*' as possible - a comprehensive new "State of the Art" Capital City...". [*a "right of return" concession may be bridged through this Plan!*]




---- So within 'that' simple 'concession' - we see the 'direction' to a proper 'resolution' on this Jerusalem issue - of course our Peace Plan [which was sent to various World Leaders] clearly outlines 'how' this HISTORIC "move" should be undertaken - we see no point in suggesting a Plan without practical methods to meet its end!




---- We sincerely pray to God that these realistic ideas can take hold within the portfolio's of those leaders in all the right places - because if they are to employ any 'Road Map' to peace - there better be a Factual Destination...


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Lest one continue through with:


"Thou hast devised shame to thy house, by cutting off many peoples, and hast forfeited thy life.


For the stone shall cry out of the wall, and the beam out of the timber shall answer it. {P}


Woe to him that buildeth a town with blood, and establisheth a city by iniquity!" [Habakkuk 2.10-12]


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Peace Plan for the Middle East...

Tue, 18 Mar 2003 18:45:58 -0600

don <djkm@imagewireless.ca>

pm@pm.gc.ca, webmaster@kingabdullah.jo, thomas.klestil@hofburg.at, press@president.bg,

vouli@..cy, INFO@FIJI.GOV.FJ, office@presidpress.gov.ge, minfor@sdnp.org.gy,

info@president.lt, webmaster@admin.ch, webmaster@primeminister.ministry.se,

ambsec@bahrainembassy.org, mail@primeminister.gr, postur@for.stjr.is,

miniszterelnok@meh.hu, posteingang@bundespraesident.de, presidentti@tpk.fi,

webmaster@aras.irlgov.ie, mofi@uae.gov.ae, info@gov.ps,

Apostolische_Nuntiatur@t-online.de, ioniliescu@presidency.ro, amghar@pm.gov.ma,

beeldrecht@cedar.nl, stm@stm.dk, cumhurbaskanligi@tccb.gov.tr, poi_sug@rb.nic.in,

saham@neda.net, paavo.lipponen@vnk.fi, inquiries@un.org, kfb@saudinf.com,

embassyofpakistan@hotmail.com, dip@mid.ru



[Note: if your receive this message more than once I am sorry - I have had some issues with this mail out - it

seems that there is someone who does not want this message sent!]


Please accept my full respects:


Forgive my bold nature and PLEASE forgive me in re sending this Message to all your addresses in 'one'

mail out!


We are on the Eve of global changes which are being improperly directed - as the "U.S." President - George

W. Bush CONTINUES with his ever so FORGED - 'Coalition of the Willing'.


We must gravely 'note' this tossing around of various RED FLAG Innuendoes within the "U.N." and the

global Media - we must 'note' HIS pushing what amounts to global 'Veiled' Threats - that Bush and Co. -

can and will without due consideration of the U.N.'s and the world's reactions - put aside the 'authority' of

the "U.N." and gamble on - "going it alone" - with an 'unprovoked attack' on matters which are a clear

'diversion' away from the urgent and real Middle East crisis issue - all this leads to another dire point:


It IS so very disturbing that the 'option' which Bush and Co. 'lords over' the "U.N." Security Council - nay -

the world - is their myriad of weapons and wealth!


Mr. Bush has been very openly 'mis' leading a "Peace Process" - he's been 'manufacturing' - [through

intrigue and vote buying, etc.,] a very weak attempt at a 'Forced Unity' - one which will NOT hold...


His approach to Global Peace is not without its - 'egocentric' duplicity - obviously this ill-push by Mr. Bush

and Co. - in what amounts to a - 'manufactured policing role' - is a most ill-declared [to the world]

unilateral position.


Their actions indicate that the estimation of the Bush administration is that the "U.N." is now - "a useless

debating club" and - "irrelevant" - what hope can there be down the road for the "U.N." and those Nations

who DO honor it?


Will Bush and Co. with their - "Coalition of the Willing" - accept that now ANY Nations can [and some

will] claim that the "U.N." [and the Rules] - have become "irrelevant"?


In light of this motivated 'diversion':


The "real issues” which prevent concrete movements to resolution of our collective bad karmas within the

Middle East are centered about - "Jerusalem" and its "Temple Mount" - in direct connection to 'this issue' - is

the ignored criminal "Occupation of the Palestinians" - for the last - 20018 days.


We must immediately get on with the fact that a REAL end to this Occupation must come NOW -- the

State of Palestine has been too long 'stalled' over this point.


Resolution must and can move forward – but how long do we evade this noted fact -- logic dictates -- if it

takes Israel's new third Temple Site to make them settle these injustices - then so be it.


HOWEVER - instead of “clearing” the mutually holy site of the ancient and Sacred “Dome of the Rock” [and

compound] with a so-called "Errant’ Rocket attack... [in a soon to manifest urban war] – Israel, Great

Britain and America [the original 'partners in this partition'] should 'rightly' and “instantly” pay out

the Billions of Dollars needed to move the 'Dome of the Rock' and Mosque Compound -- ‘Stone by Stone’.


HERE IS THE CLINCHER -- to move them onto the “*Judicious and Auspicious” border of *Jordan* –

‘there’ the Palestinian peoples must be - “Empowered by the World Community” [and (in real time)

financed by the above mentioned three States - with 'other' international help] to create a NEW

‘State of the Art Capital City’ - THIS must be done for the Palestinians - they must now get their

deserved New State.


A State whose “borders” must NOT be marginalized into “a few miles” or into a “city-state”.


Thus - if old Jerusalem is going to EVER see her new third Temple – then this honorable “move” is the first

step – if it be a so-called ‘Errant’ Rocket [with more peoples displaced in a "Transfer"] which gets their

Temple “building process” underway -- then material nature and common sense logic dictate: NO amount of

Diplomacy or Political Maneuvering shall promote “Resolution” - what to speak of “Peace” and “Security”.


In our world we are now seeing Mr. Bush and Co. needlessly attacking Iraq [who next?] - and thus he will

be 'forcing the world' to spend billions and billions of dollars to "rebuild" Iraq - all the while the urgent

creation of a State of Palestine will be ignored - because [in part] the World will then have not enough

cash [and resolve] to solve a 5+ decades long Palestinian Occupation.


Can we thus trust his "road map" to Palestinian Statehood - and Global Peace?


When the State of Israel was 'declared' in 1948 -- there was a great deal of Wealth channeled by Americans

[and others] to ‘Fortify’ this State - even unto the present day.


There is NO doubt that our world must soon admit that “Security” is NOT measured through -- Power and

Weapons -- but by the ‘Qualities’ of those Possessing them.


A new ‘trend’ must emerge amongst those so "possessing"…If the truth is admitted – this global war karma

– unchecked -- will very soon bring the worst calamities - to the whole planet – which some are “waiting”

for and will call “Armageddon” - with serious intentions of cheating the innocent masses into thinking that

a so-called ‘God predicted’ “end times” scenario is taking place.


This will create even bigger disturbances as many people become [as planned?] suspicious of the “Providential World Administration" - soon to emerge! [no it's not the new world order!]


There are many propagandists who neither understand nor follow [biblical] Scriptures - yet - they have entered the public/political scene with 'political motives' and intentions of manipulating [through these Scriptures] world politics [and peoples].


These propagandists will lead so many more people - who may be even less inclined to search for truth -- to fight against a "Providential World Administration” - all based on false representions of so-called [biblical] “end times” predictions!


Not intending to be an alarmist - yet - this is poised to become [at some point] the most ‘unfortunate aspect’ of this matter!


Today's 'generation' has a Duty to pass on this Planet to future ‘generations’ - WITHOUT - all the heavy baggage of a "Clash of Civilizations” karma - which is to be 'further complicated' by an "end times" political propaganda scam.


We must know that we have little time left for collective action -- if we expect to even have a so-called “future”

which reflects today's standards.


We must see that now it's the right time – In this World we need *ONE [unified] and ‘Qualified’ *Leader of the Leaders* -- one who is NOT afraid to Rally and Fight for ‘True Global Balance and Justice’ -- NOT a ‘Region by Region’ ‘needs’ ‘MIS’-Calculation...


Through “Providence” -- God will “assist” *this Leader* [who by this ‘proves’ himself] to reconcile all these

issues – to everyone's mutual satisfaction!


All the world's peoples are responsible to see that this Palestinian Occupation injustice is resolved - NOW

-- without further chaos within the region and world -- we all must understand this...


Your servant,

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Peace Plan for the Middle East...continued...

Fri, 04 Apr 2003 04:54:46 -0600

don <djkm@imagewireless.ca>

pm@pm.gc.ca, webmaster@kingabdullah.jo, thomas.klestil@hofburg.at, press@president.bg,

vouli@..cy, INFO@FIJI.GOV.FJ, office@presidpress.gov.ge, minfor@sdnp.org.gy,

info@president.lt, webmaster@admin.ch, webmaster@primeminister.ministry.se,

ambsec@bahrainembassy.org, mail@primeminister.gr, postur@for.stjr.is,

miniszterelnok@meh.hu, posteingang@bundespraesident.de, presidentti@tpk.fi,

webmaster@aras.irlgov.ie, mofi@uae.gov.ae, info@gov.ps,

Apostolische_Nuntiatur@t-online.de, ioniliescu@presidency.ro, amghar@pm.gov.ma,

beeldrecht@cedar.nl, stm@stm.dk, cumhurbaskanligi@tccb.gov.tr, poi_sug@rb.nic.in,

saham@neda.net, paavo.lipponen@vnk.fi, inquiries@un.org, kfb@saudinf.com,

embassyofpakistan@hotmail.com, dip@mid.ru


Please accept my full respects:


Forgive my bold nature - as an ordinary "commoner" - I still have a mind with good insights - PLEASE

forgive me for sending this Message to all your addresses in 'one' mail out!


Seeing all the 'undue' respect that will be [soon?] lavished though Intrigue onto Bush and Co.'s "Road

Map" to Palestinian Statehood - there are some points to bring to your attention now:


Bush and Co.'s 'Road Map' for a Palestinian State cannot be [but most likely is] some little 'revised'

facsimile of the failed and inequitable U.N. Resolution 181 - [u.N. "Partition Plan" dated November 29,



Clearly hindsight and a common sense logic allude that it will not suffice - neither NOW - nor ever - to

offer each party 'a balance of land' - split 50/50' with - 'fewer broken borders' - it must be clearly

understood that the central 'Jerusalem issue' needs redress and resolution - once and for all - it cannot be

"resolved" in a manner that was espoused within U.N. Resolution 181 - as much as they would like to hope

and think that [even for a limited time] an "international" Jerusalem "city state" - is the 'best and most fair

solution' - these same people cannot see [or is it a calculated refusal?] that would be an sure 'untenable'



We are NOT EVER going to see any resolute successes with a so-called; "...Governor of an international

City of Jerusalem [who] shall have the right to...make decisions on the basis of existing rights in cases of

disputes which may arise between the different religious communities or the rites of a religious community

with respect to such places, buildings and sites..." [From Resolution 181]


Everyone can 'predict' the many ill political games that would emerge within 'this' scenario - of course a

"dispute" of "sites" is very a predictable event - as are its 'consequential' dangers and 'irrepressibly' violent



If Bush and Co. calculates that they can [now or ever] deal with the 'issue of Jerusalem' in 'this' manner

they demonstrate little clear foresight - [if they proceed to do so in spite of these facts - it is clear

evidence of a criminality of calculation...] - we must understand that a solution 'this' way cannot happen.


We must face the reality that part of the 'Justice' here demands that Jerusalem is going to have be a fully

Israeli City - will it be - 'need fully' concluded - "Honorably" - and through - "Justice" - or -

"dishonorably" - through the leaders of the World's 'singular' Superpower's inciting of a 'need less'

"Violence and Urban War".


There will NOT be any real "peace" without a full and 'honorable settlement' of this 20036 day old

Partition/Occupation - this 'Jerusalem' issue directly prevents this "settlement".


So it begs asking; - where does 'that' leave Bush and Co.'s [yet to be published] "Road Map"?


Seeing that Israel is now demanding "100 + changes" to their [non published] "Road Map" - is an

indication that the 'issue of Jerusalem' has not been dealt with in a 'time sensitive' nor 'realistic' manner.


Further - it must not be Bush and Co. who 'Initiates', 'leads' or 'Administrates' this "Peace Process" [for

obvious reasons!].


When these 'historic decisions' - to bring the two 'equal' States into Secure and Peaceful coexistence are

made [and it must be soon!] - these 'decision makers' must present a Plan to the parties which includes a

FULL CUT AWAY from each other - there must be TWO "Independent" States [not that one is 'provisional'

and the other is not] - with a 50/50 - 'non fragmented' - allocation of the territories [minus the city of

Jerusalem] - a 50/50 share in water and ALL other natural resources - a 60/40 [israel gets 60%] share of

existing national/international market and investment segments/sectors - and Palestinian currency becomes

on instant 'par' with Israel's.


Palestine must receive [without debt] as 'instantly' as possible - a comprehensive new "State of the Art"

Capital City - and proper infrastructure - with international assistance to create full [supporting] Urban

and Rural Communities - for two plus million exiles [in addition to the possibility of one to three million

living within the Capital] - and there must be FULL 'Reparations' in ALL Respects...


There must be an 'instant effort' in this regard - NO more delays - NO more 'false peace plans' - which do

NOT settle Everyone's Rights... Bush and Co. are wasting billions x billions x billions - for an

'unprovoked attack' and 'calculated invasion' of/on Iraq - [after which] - they will expect "the world" to -

'bank roll the rebuilding' - when it was their criminal devastation and calculations of Iraq which 'created'

the 'need'.


So where exactly are the Nations of the Globe going to find resources to [do that and] create this

"Palestinian State" by 2005?


What if Bush and Co.'s - "Road Map" - to 'Statehood for the Palestinians' fails on their - "Plan A" -

scenario - [whatever that plan really is - it will undoubtedly include an Order for 'representatives' from

Bush and Co.'s crew to rule within the "provisional" Palestinian's State's government - it will be veiled as

keenly 'needed' for "training" purposes - this calculation will be to marginalize] - thus one must ask - has

Bush and Co. "invaded Iraq" - as part of its - "Plan B" scenario - is there a future possibility of a NEW

forced 'partition' within Iraq [or perhaps Syria or elsewhere in the arab World?] - where all the

Palestinians will be "transferred without delay" [by force?] - with so-called lucrative 'future' 'monetary

settlements' and "empty promises" etc., - When one looks at probable long term reactions - one must ask

these questions...


I am not attempting to be ignorant or insulting - but we know that Bush and Co. are not now - nor later -

going to solve any of these problems [or other 'global issues'] - to anyone's "mutual satisfaction" - NO -

with full calculation they are now manufacturing and setting into action more and more intrigue -

generations to come will suffer an unstoppable trend of displaced processes and failed resolutions - with

none fewer than all hopes betrayed at each step - already this is the ill history of the last 50 years...


Everyone's feelings of a need to act in "good faith" within these matters - shall indeed fall to all-time

'unreachable' levels.


The "revised" 'New World Order' Bush and Co. has been forging - will become a direct danger to all - it is

a [dis] 'order' of "Power, Wealth and Connections" - you must note that you've evidence of a very central

threat through their intrigue and ill advances - one cannot deny that Bush and Co. are drawing complete

designs to 'manage' 'existing Leaders and Nations' - additionally - they are planning for more -

'representational or "puppet" governments' in third world nations - which they'll control - all this within

specifically 'calculated' global regions - i.e.: they already do have [as evidenced by the realities of today's

world!] a strategic 'military and economic' control of almost all global locations.


Clearly Bush and Co. are 'creating' problems for 'some' today - in order to 'calculate' "everyone" later...


Please - you must all return to the U.N. and under the Wise Guidance of a qualified Leader - seek to restore our 'delicate' International Order [by resolving this real problem now] - which is more quickly dissolving - than is actually apparent...


Your Servant,

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Hare Krishna!


Considering how close mother-earth is to choas - due to issues out of the middle east.


It is interesting that there are no comments on this string - has it really become moot to discuss these things?


Really - everyone should understand that it is a collective responsibility - to see that there is a fair and lasting peace.


However - the way people becoming more conditioned now - means that people do not care to speak out about what is wrong and unfair - nor are people inclined to do any background study in these issues - nope - the thoughs are -"just let me have sense gratification - forget everything and let me give pleasures to my senses".


Shall people ever start to take a healthy interest in all this?


When will people accept that this abnormal course must be interrupted - do they have any idea how close to a real hell on earth 'we all' are?


What is the problem - there are two personality diseases spreading rampant at this time - selfishness and immaturity.


Your Servant,



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"...This age of Kali will certainly be full of all activities of Kali, but this does not mean that the leaders of society, the executive heads, the learned and intelligent men, or above all the devotees of the Lord should sit down tightly and become callous to the reactions of the age of Kali. In the rainy season certainly there will be profuse rainfalls, but that does not mean that men should not take means to protect themselves from the rains..." [srimad Bhagavatam 1.17.28, Purport]

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