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Why Advaita is wrong

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"I'll confess firstly that I'm a Christian, and secondly that the idea of not debating, thinking or enquiring is my basic complaint of Hinduism."


Dan, while I agree that there are many 'misled' Hindu's, the issue of nonbelievers posing as real followers exists everywhere, in any religion. Ive met in the entirety of my life, perhaps a total of 10 - 15 'true' christians. that too, only because i go to church and live in a western country. ive met much less true hindu followers. however hindu belief is deeply philosophical, and deeply spiritual, as well as having clear sanctions on what a persons behaviour and actions should be. there is much to understand. there are over 100 ancient texts as compared to the one bible and the few dead sea scrolls. as a result, those of us who are less spiritually inclined dont research as much, and understand even less. church goers have the benefit of a preacher to discuss and talk about issues, whereas the temples do not have educators.


i would guess that the statement arjuna made was of the general populance, those who swallow the belief without thinking about it. in hinduism, we are allowed free thought, and hinduism is expansive enough to make room for anyones belief. it is the attitude: the 'christ is the one true god and the others are false' which is limiting to christianity. then there is the 'must believe' attitude which is detrimental because it reduces a persons free thought. free thought is then considered the mark of a person with less capacity to be a pure christian. it has a ripple effect on everything else the christian believes. the christian person going to church will only swallow the christian pill and doesnt understand any concept other than a christian one. they are put into a state whereby they accept everything they are told. there is something about 'churchianity' that causes them to lose their logic, which is replaced by only faith. christians believe faith is logic. hindu's believe faith requires logic. mostly it is the highly personal concept of god christians have, which means two things. firstly it gives them a reason to leave all struggles to god instead of transcending them. secondly it takes advantage of the concept of Christ dying for their salvation. if he has died, the Christians struggle should be to maintain the purity he has been given. instead, it's being misused, and Christians still sin because they are given the leway to. i would say there is a difference in christianity, compared to 'churchianity'.


the 'churchians' swallow everything they are told, dont question, and are totally narrowminded. it is the same idiocy displayed by the churchians that is displayed by the vaishnavas and the shaivites when they compare who is the 'greater god'.

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