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My dear Govindram,


You wrote:


If you merge that means void. Are you an idoit?



I know this is between you and the person that calls himself Om Namah Sivayya, but I want to offer a comment or two. Actually, three.


(a) In the material world, merging does not result in void. For example, when sugar merges with water, both retain their separate identities, but sugar molecules take their positions between H2O molecules. The same thing is true of solid solutions like steel (Carbon in Steel). No one, including even you, my good scholarly and brilliant man, knows what happens in the spiritual world.


(b) Calling another person an 'idiot' because you think you know something about a totally unknown world and the other does not agree with your opinion, does not speak well for your intelligence and brilliance. Somehow you seem to have specialized in calling people 'idiot'. You called me an idiot when I opined that Krishna aged and you KNOW that He stopped aging at 26! I loved it, though.


© None of the three schools - Advaita, Dvaita and Vishistaadvaita - believe that after merging, one becomes 'void'.


Hope you are not offended, my good buddy.



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Govindram, in his infinite wisdom said:


[Maybe Krishna can tell you in Gita, He says He has a planet which we can goto. Theres one clue for you!]


What planet, Govindram? And does it not strike you that when you say a planet, it means this "Iha" or Apara Samsara or creation that we live in? Good Lord, man, are you telling me what the Christians have always said? That Krishna will create a separate 'home' for you and you will go live there for ever?


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You don't even read Gita. You've been exposed.


This Hindu formum is for esp for people who believe in Gita.


Krishna says in Gita He has planet. You take one side [sectarian]. You like to hear only what YOU want. Karma, Jnana. You don't even look at Bhakti. I feel I am talking to some dog, you keep barking. But no substance. Please don't profess to know Gita. Your basically lowest of low. At least most Hindus here, except Krishna and Gita. You on the other hand like to Blashpheme Krishna at every oppertunity. So I can only conclude you are actually an athiest.


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My good friend Govindram wrote:


[i feel I am talking to some dog, you keep barking]


Do you often talk to dogs, my dear chap? That is interesting information. If I sound like a dog to you, dear Govindram, do you know what YOU sound like?


[Your basically lowest of low. At least most Hindus here, except Krishna and Gita]


Your opinions, my good fellow, thankfully are never based on facts so I will never take offense at the first sentence. But what do you mean by the second sentence? 'At least most Hindus here, except Krishna and Gita'? What do you mean?

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Jai Ganesh



(to come to a Hindu forum and see arguments over semantics like this are occuring in a tradition that I thought was relatively pure of such empty stupidity.)


Sad indeed,it is not very nice example of a Hindu,fortunately he does not represent the Hindu, as a matter of fact he has denied being a Hindu.

and before some body goes off the handle, no i do not claim to represent the Hindu either.



Jai Shree Krishna

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2 questions


Was Krishna a Hindu?


Actually thats only one question, but I know you will make two out of it, I couldn't care less if people think I am Hindu or not. All I care about is what people are actually telling others. Nobody became God consciouss by saying they are a Hindu, or Christian, or Muslim. What kind of nonsence is this? Its only a bodily designation. You meant to give up this Body for higher spiritual life. I delcare from this day forth anybody wishes to blast hare krishna as being non-hindus. PROVIDE PROOF FROM Vedas. If not shut up.

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you are not a Hindu... these things are just labels. But I see the arguments you guys having as being silly, and the way you're arguing as being negative and unhelpful to all...


"If you merge that means void. Are you an idoit?"


How is this helpful? Is this really a step on the path you've chosen?

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Jai Ganesh



(2 questions)


you even do not know how many questions or points you are making.



(Was Krishna a Hindu?)


What short of question is this? Is God limited in any sense?

I can tell you this for a fact, over the centuries this so called Hindus have worshiped Him in one form or another at the cost of their blood, kept the tradition going against all the odds, it is those outsiders who spilled our blood identify Krishna as Hindu God, even today they come to convert us, so please do not insult our intelligence The knower of Brahman can not limit the lord.



(Actually thats only one question, but I know you will make two out of it, I couldn't care less if people think I am Hindu or not.)


That is quite evident from your post.



(All I care about is what people are actually telling others. Nobody became God consciouss by saying they are a Hindu, or Christian, or Muslim. What kind of nonsence is this? Its only a bodily designation.You meant to give up this Body for higher spiritual life.)



Why should you care at all.

Change the record please, ask anyone who practice dharma he knows he is not this body, but he also know that he is tied to this body and it is up to him to go forward or backward exhausting his Karma.

but you know all about it dont you? you have no body identity, you seems to be in spritual realm and happily calling names like idiot and dogs and frankly i would not like to come where you are.




( I delcare from this day forth anybody wishes to blast hare krishna as being non-hindus. PROVIDE PROOF FROM Vedas. If not shut up. )



Wow the lord has spoken, my dear sir why dont you ask Hare Krishna people if they want to be known as Hindus


By shuting people up you do not win an argument, in fact you loose even before you start.


Jai Shree Krishna

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