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Importance of Sunlight in Daily life----from Indian prospective

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Reference to Sunlight in the book " The Extra Sensory Potentials of Mind"



I was scanning through a free online book titled "The extrasensory potentials of the mind" by Sri Ram Sharma Acharya



and came across the following text which I thought you may like it.


From page 11 and 12 of the book:


----The material based science has been able to study only the gross structure of the human body. Integration of the

physics based life sciences with metaphysics would explain the existence and functions of the subliminal body. This

would also unfold the secrets of how the energy currents immanent in the cosmos generate or strengthen the elements

of the gross body and endow its subliminal counterpart with intellectual trenchancy and enlightened wisdom.

The gross as well as the subtle body of the sun has been given special mention in the Indian scriptures in the context

of human life. The vigor of the body and illumination of the intellect, both are said to have direct linkage with this

cosmic source. The gross effects of the sun and its vital role in the maintenance of life on the earth are well known

to us. Significant observations are also made in the laboratories on these effects. If a sapling receives proper water

supply and fertilizers but no sunlight, it certainly dies in few days…

If sunlight is allowed to reach it partially and indirectly (after filtering or refraction through a colored glass for

instance,) it might survive and grow into a tree, but it won’t blossom with its natural flowers and fruits…. These

kinds of observations on several crops of pulses, vegetables and fruits have revealed that the receptions and absorption

of natural sunlight is essential for the health constituents and taste of the eatables (natural products). These results

make us rethink about the ancient scientific hypothesis that taste and vitality of elements have roots in the planetary

and cosmic effects. Further, as is also successfully practised by the yogis, one might attract the desired elements

from the subliminal domains of the corresponding cosmic centers using the subtle force of his mind.

The shastrik literature sometimes refers the vital energy (prana) of sun by a name “gau”. It is said that this gau is

essential for the strength and energy in every element in the physical manifestation of the world. Thus, the human

body, being the gigantic ensemble of the gamut of these elements, could be justifiably referred as ‘generated’ or

‘constituted by’ the sun…. Its movements, internal processing, nothing could survive without the energy ( prana)

received from the sun.

Sublimation or ignition of different substances emits different colors (or shades) of light energy. These might appear

to be white or light yellow to the naked eyes in general. However, the dispersion of these through a prism would

decompose the spectra of constituent colors. Optical studies reveal that every element emits its unique spectrum of

light. For instance, the spectrum of sodium shows bright yellow and that of potassium shows red. The spectrum of

calcium disperses red-red, orange-yellow, green-green colors…. The study of spectrum enables identification of the

substances or recognition of the constituents of a new substance. This intimate relation of a substance with the light

spectra explains how a material component of the human body could be described as ‘made up of’ or ‘generated by’

the sun and the moon, etc.

Now we look at the optical properties of matter and their scientific analysis from a different angle. The coexistence

of light and inflammation is well known. This is a common observation of how light could be generated from

ignition or sublimation of any substance. In ordinary state as well, every element emits light radiation though at a

subtle frequency. Recent scientific theories approve the possibility of conversion of light particles into atoms and

molecules of gross (material) elements. This cyclic relation (of mutual generation and conversion) of light-energy

and matter accounts for a unified existence of the physical (perceivable) and subliminal constituents of the human


The subtle energy of light is thus supposed to be indwelling in every element of gross matter (Pruthvi Tatva)present

in our body. However, since light is not constituted of gross matter and its dispersed components have distinct

nature, it is regarded as being generated by the energy waves from the cosmic ensemble. The currents of subliminal

eternal force (of the flow of prana) immanent in these is referred in the Upanishads as the flow of the spark of divine

powers. Its ‘transmission’ from different " Nakshtras"(planets and stars, as the word-meaning) is referred there to

imply that the nature of light is different from that of the earthy elements (Pruthvi Tatva)Also the word " Nakshtra" has

a wider meaning in these scriptures. As the detailed deliberations of the Upanishads highlight, this world corresponds

to the cosmic centers or domains of dense superposition of subliminal (conscious) energy waves.

The flesh, blood and bones in our body are generated from the pruthvi Tatva and Jala Tatva by different chemical reactions

of the material elements. But, the vital energy, intellect, desire, knowledge, and mental inspirations, emotional

currents, etc are subliminal in nature. These might influence the hormonal secretions and bioelectrical and biochemical

reactions in the body but can not originate from matter or by any such reactions. These are described in the Upanishads

as constituted of the " Akasha Tatva". The " Prakasha Tatva" (light) is referred as a manifestation of the " Akash Tatva" in energy

form. All activity and creativity in living beings become possible because of this " Prakash Tatva" which is indwelling

in the cosmos with enormous varieties of natural manifestation (e.g. different kinds of energy waves). Dissipation of

this subliminal light from the body, in the event of death, eventually converts the gross body into an inert piece of

matter that disintegrates by the natural process of biodegradation.

It is said that what we eat that also contributes to the development of our mind. Here again, it may be noted that, it

is not the material substance of the food, rather its nature, the type of the "Prakash Tatva" absorbed in it that influences

our mental tendencies. The ‘nuclei’ of the constituent elements of food are therefore regarded (in the rhetoric style

of presentation of the scriptures) as the ‘atoms’ radiated or energized by some " Nakshtra" in the cosmos. These induce

specific effects in the gross and the subtle components of the human being. These kinds of subliminal effects are

mentioned in the Upanishads as – “the glow of moon existing in the mind…”, etc. The gross effects of sunlight and

moonlight on the quality of vegetables and food grains etc, and the effect of the latter on one’s physical and mental

health are studied in the modern laboratories too.

As science proceeds further in deciphering the complexity of the gigantic network of the nerves and the brain

functions, the knowledge of the influence of other divine (cosmic) powers would also become more transparent.

Whatever is known or studied so far about the brain and the endocrine system, supports the intrinsic vision of reality

elucidated in the Indian Philosophy.


Hope you enjoy it..



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